

A Poem by abby2011

What upsets me about myself
is that i run away from love,
and curse it when it evades me (see mummys boy)
I've loved Pete for years
in this tiny, micro-managed department that is my heart
I'm his temporary w***e
I pretend that I don't care
when his familiar hands trace my curves
I close my eyes and hide the smile
when i smell his unique scents
the base of his neck
behind his ear
My lips defeat intention -
(he knows i'm happy)
teeth revealed - lips curled at the edges of my mouth
i put my head down to his chest
he kisses my head
familiar lips
we make a thick kiss
lazy love insights phenomenal passion
heat insights sweat
i shake with anxiety, hunger
needing you
wanting you
wanting to be a part of you
while I am missing
like a rocket we're gone
and inside i explode
into you i'm gone
a piece of me returns
and it pains you to let me go
because right now,
im your w***e
we weren't always this way
once you had to have me 
my insights
my insecurities
my insides and my outsides
hugged me
interrupted me;
and my defeat about the world
became engagement
so selfless still
but no-one appreciates you
i hope you see me
but it hurts you to know im still yours?
what to do with it?
i kiss you as i leave
close the door confused
empty yet full
we start the day anew
ill see you again, sooner or later
but lets not get old like this
love find me
love find you
with or without you
we need to be engaged
my heart is a mystery
and though we are history
im finding it hard to stop reminiscing 
and wondering where we went wrong
ah - that's right.
i cheated

© 2010 abby2011

Author's Note

another purge

My Review

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Every man who reads this should hang their head in shame! I am! So well written! I watched your heart breaking by fragments while reading this. Another man up to the old weak tricks, feigns love to reap sex! Causing havoc in so doing!!! Super, chastening, poem!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I rarely ever read poems that I can relate to so well,
It reminds me of someone I used to know, and it just ripped me apart all over again, Beautiful work!
ps. I've rewritten Sterile, I don't think I'm holding back what you want to hear now ;P xo

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I like your style, direct , open , real

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

holy crap! i love this! inventive, new... such strong personality. great lines.

i especially liked, "we make a thick kiss". that just was so.... grawr.

this is all the right kinds of fucked up. the internal confusion, the struggle, the seduction, the regret, the self loathing, the rejoicing, the familiar intimacy and the thrill and loss of cheating. the way love and attraction cast many shadows.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Every man who reads this should hang their head in shame! I am! So well written! I watched your heart breaking by fragments while reading this. Another man up to the old weak tricks, feigns love to reap sex! Causing havoc in so doing!!! Super, chastening, poem!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I can a lot of feelings here, right or wrong we con not change the past only move forward to make amends.
Excellent write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on December 31, 2010
Last Updated on December 31, 2010



Newcastle, Cooks Hill, Australia

I believe in the power of good intentions. I believe that love and faith conquers bad energy and negativity. I believe that life is a journey which is there to be travelled. I can't sit still and.. more..


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