A walk in the Woods

A walk in the Woods

A Story by Imara

A man has a big decision to make, and takes a walk through his childhood questions the basis of right and wrong.


He walked into the woods, the same woods that he was born and raised in. The whole world was at his fingertips, he would be able to more than provide for his family. Move his mother away from these woods that kept her away from her grandchildren, give his kids everything they wanted, send him and his wife on their second honeymoon. All he had to do was chop down the woods.

He walked past the steam where he would splash and spray his mother and friends with the cold water. He knew his mother would miss these woods if he were to cut them down. They were her home. Born and raised. Passing he touched the trees he climbed when he was little. It wasn’t a matter of what he knew, she told him that if these woods died that she would die with them.But with the money he could easily provide for her medically.

Why was doing the right thing so hard, and yet so easy. All he had to do was sign or not sign, all the power was in his hands. Stand by his principles and by his mom, and let them chop down the woods when his family no longer owned the land. Or get the money to buy his land ten times over. It would be so simple to do the right thing, leave the forbidden fruit alone, but in his heart he wanted to sell the land but in his head he knew to keep it. Why, he thought, is it so hard to do. I could do it so easily, it’s not hard so then why am I even thinking about it.

Walking down the same paths he had as a child but now as a man, the man stopped and thought. Then took one last look around, apparently having made up his made up his mind. With a tear down his cheek, whether to the loss of money or his home we do not know, but he did make a choice.

Why must man take time to think about what to do even when the choice of what is right to them is clear? When making that right choice is so easy, why is it made so hard? Can we blame the devil and his silver tongue or maybe mans own indecisiveness and selfish wants? And in the end even if we find an answer, would it change mans inner turmoil over what is really the right thing to do and in his best interest?

© 2013 Imara

Author's Note

Do you like it? What are your thoughts? I left out what choice he made because I don't know myself. What choice do you think he made?

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yes its an indecisiveness but not selfishess that leads man to thinking for some options where the one is like mandatory and hard to change though emotions give a fight to opt for the second one, but very few are able to win over that fight and follow their heart's will.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thanks. I find that very true and I'm glad to know that idea shone through.


Quite nice

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

yes its an indecisiveness but not selfishess that leads man to thinking for some options where the one is like mandatory and hard to change though emotions give a fight to opt for the second one, but very few are able to win over that fight and follow their heart's will.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thanks. I find that very true and I'm glad to know that idea shone through.

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2 Reviews
Added on March 27, 2013
Last Updated on March 27, 2013
Tags: woods, man, nature, family, decision, right, wrong, morals



Cranston, RI

My Name is Imara, if you couldn't already tell, I'm currently in High school and completly unsure what to do with my life. I've been to a few places in America, which I try to incorporate into my writ.. more..

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