MEDICINE TODAY: Confessions of a Field Medic...

MEDICINE TODAY: Confessions of a Field Medic...

A Poem by The Archangel Gabriel

See below...

I feel it
Really, I do
Putting doctors to shame
More experimental medicine, and
More medicine you need to know
So, you caught "a frag,"
A piece of metal, and
It landed in your belly, 
A fragment?
You think you are bleeding to death?
I guess with that fragment you will bleed to death
Here, take 2.5 morphine pills (music: like nobody else), or
You could also take 2.5 big methadones
And, I am listening as well
Word.  I have an answer for you:
Take propanolol to lower the blood pressure
It will work very soon
You have a choice, basically,
Do you want to just hope you live with that limp dick medicine,
Or, can I get my survival knife red hot to cauterize the wound and disinfect it?
I can do this in my house
It's that voom! (sign: YES)
Emergency medicine, anybody?
It works, and it hurts
I can also suggest the meloxicam and naproxen if you don't want to be "happy" with "happy drugs."
I guess this works, or I know?
You decide!

© 2016 The Archangel Gabriel

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Added on August 18, 2016
Last Updated on August 18, 2016


The Archangel Gabriel
The Archangel Gabriel

Heavensgate, TX

My Contributions: A Summary Statement THE PAST I am changing around my area substantially. I am going to concentrate on love, flowers, and cute animals for a while for content... EDITOR'S NO.. more..


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