Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

A Poem by Tate Morgan

Daughter Aris and I

When you tuck your children in at night.

 Remember they are wealth beyond measure.

    No man on his dying bed ever said. "I wish I had

 worked more. Spent more time at the office. 

Made more money. Or stole from my friends."

    What they say is "I am sorry. Sorry for the

 weakness that drove my selfish life." Is their

 anything they wouldn't give for another day

, another minute, with those they have neglected?

So take the gifts that you have earned

then turn out surcease from despair

To reap the pearls others have learned

echoing childhood calls "be fair"

With pride deposed and passions slain

we hope, aspire and then on trust

Beneath vaulted skies we attain

to master life before we're dust


© 2024 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
As a man I can say from a lifetime of experience. Nothing humbles you like a child. Consider the lives around you first. Always think of your own comforts last. This is the wisdom of the ages. The key to happiness and being remembered fondly by all.

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I wonder how much weight is felt on a deathbed when the realization hit hard.
Especially this line has spoken to me for a long even after the read---

'...To reap the pearls others have learned
echoing childhood calls "be fair"...'

The poem is beautiful! I'm reading your words after a long, TM as I took a break from wc. That old magic is felt once again. Thank you

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tate Morgan

3 Months Ago

Thank you I think about this more often now that I have a few more days ahead than I did behind


One must learn from others how to treasure life, each minute , each day….. we do learn the niceties from the young and innocent….. we must die, knowing that we have been satisfied with our lives and have been kind to others, appreciate people, ….hold those sweet memories, with hope: “ master life before dust”……excellent write!
Warmly, B

Posted 1 Day Ago

Tate Morgan

7 Hours Ago

Thank you, Betty. I appreciate that.
Excellent and thoughtful words, Tate. I enjoyed the read very much. Richest blessings to you and yours! :)

Posted 2 Weeks Ago

Tate Morgan

2 Weeks Ago

Thank you Jerry
Jerry Ables

2 Weeks Ago

:) You're very welcome, Tate! :)
I am a five time grandfather. I miss the noise in the house now. The grandchildren do visit almost daily. We learn too late. Children grow like weeds. Powerful and worthwhile poetry shared Tate. I hope you and the family are doing well and enjoying the days of Summer.

Posted 1 Month Ago

Tate Morgan

1 Month Ago

Thank you coyote. The little ones they are just precious. I was drugged into adulthood kicking and s.. read more
Coyote Poetry

3 Weeks Ago

I enjoyed this one Tate and you are welcome.
Beautiful draft to learn and grow. A life lesson for all.

Posted 2 Months Ago

Tate Morgan

2 Months Ago

Thanks Msharma i appreciate you stopping by. The old cafe is still around here and there
Hello Tate,
It has been a very long time. I hope you and your family are well.
This a beautiful poem with a beautiful reminder of how precious our time is with our children because they grow up so quickly and then they leave.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Tate Morgan

3 Months Ago

Thank you Naida Poor is the man who doesn’t remember his childhood.
And then we move on to grandchildren who keep us young an on our toes ... a lovely place to be.

A good thought Tate

Posted 3 Months Ago

Tate Morgan

3 Months Ago

I can live with that. Children are a lot of fun
Is life's despair ever at a coda, other than death? All rivers run to the sea. Troubles widen like rivers born of tiny streams. But the innocence of youth does not contemplate mortality or morality. All is pure and immortal in the eyes of children and such are the moments and memories made in love. I enjoyed the read, my friend. Bless, F.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Tate Morgan

3 Months Ago

Thank Fabian children give us almost all of the joys. We truly feel in life.
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I wonder how much weight is felt on a deathbed when the realization hit hard.
Especially this line has spoken to me for a long even after the read---

'...To reap the pearls others have learned
echoing childhood calls "be fair"...'

The poem is beautiful! I'm reading your words after a long, TM as I took a break from wc. That old magic is felt once again. Thank you

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tate Morgan

3 Months Ago

Thank you I think about this more often now that I have a few more days ahead than I did behind
Lovely poem Ted. Reminder to us all, that from regret wisdom emerges, if we are open to admitting our failings.


Posted 3 Months Ago

Tate Morgan

3 Months Ago

We certainly all have them. They are the very thing that leads to wisdom. I thank you for that comme.. read more
Sadly wisdom comes with age. You are right, on our death beds it will be the relationships we have had with our loved ones which will count. Nothing else is of significance. We can’t take our money with us. Children are the future. They certainly are our everything. Nothing better than investing time with them. Had a holiday recently with two of my grandchildren and a great grandchild. Now that was precious, the time spent with them making memories. A delight to read you again Tate. All good wishes.


Posted 3 Months Ago

Tate Morgan

3 Months Ago

I was drugged into adulthood, kicking, and screaming. I’ll be drug into the grave the same way. Yo.. read more
Chris Shaw

3 Months Ago

Let that inner child out:)
Tate Morgan

3 Months Ago

Yeah I will

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10 Reviews
Added on April 11, 2024
Last Updated on April 12, 2024
Tags: Poetry


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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A Poem by Tate Morgan

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