If you give a woman a bible...

If you give a woman a bible...

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

If you give a woman a bible…

She is going to ask for a bible study.

When you give her the bible study, she will probably ask for prayer for her friends and family.

When she’s finished, she may ask for an anointed napkin to bring them as well.

Then she will probably ask for the church van to start picking her family up for church.

When church begins, she will probably want to meet the pastor and all the saints.

She will start feeling the presence of the Lord and might even start weeping and repenting.

She might even get carried away and start speaking in tongues all over the church house.

She may even end up rolling in the floor praising the Lord.

When she is done, she will probably want to go tell all her friends about what has happened.

You will have to organize an outreach team to go and help explain to her community what your church is all about.

She will be right up in the middle of that outreach team testifying and telling her story of deliverance.

She will probably ask you to help her invite them all to watch her get baptized.

So you will create invite cards to mail out to the whole block and she will ask to post before and after pictures of her life on the multimedia screens to show how far God has brought her.

When she looks at the pictures, she will get so excited she will start dancing and shouting all over again.

She will ask for some bible studies so she can go teach them on her own.

She will fill a pew or two with guests on the day of her baptism.

After she is baptized in Jesus name, she will want to see the baptism certificate and show it to all her loved ones she brought with her and maybe even hang it on her living room wall.

 Everyone around her is curious about her change and wants to know more …which means she will need a lot of other good women around her guiding her and helping her teach those bible studies she is setting up.

Looking at the woman with her new bible will remind her loved ones that they are hungry and thirsty for something this world cannot provide. 

So, they will ask for a bible study and chances are if they ask for a bible study they are going to want a bible to go with it.

© 2017 Laura E. Aranda

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Added on June 16, 2017
Last Updated on June 16, 2017
Tags: bible, woman, prayer, church family, growth


Laura E. Aranda
Laura E. Aranda


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