little dead riding hood

little dead riding hood

A Story by chaotic katie

one of the peices for the grimmoire submission



The story you’ve been told about the little girl in the red cloak, I can tell you now that it was all completely wrong. I am the one they call little red riding hood. But I am now referred to as little dead riding hood. A zombie? No just undead and hungry for revenge. I’m sure by now you are picturing an innocent little child however that is not the case. I was eighteen when they killed me. Who are they you ask? The wolves. No, not big furry growling creatures with blood stained teeth that you would never want to encounter alone. No, the animals are much kinder than the wolves I speak of. They are government hired hunters to kill the poor, they are monsters, murderers, and they think they can do no wrong. They have a list of the poor families. They target them, going down the line in alphabetical order. They kill off the men of the house first, knowing that with them gone, the family would crumble like pastries. They killed my father and my older brother Zachary while they were hunting.  they killed my mother and grandmother while I was at the market with my sister Joanna, who was but five years of age. We came home only to see our mother and grandmother lying dead and bleeding on the cold floor of our cabin, fear and terror permanently staining their faces. My first instinct was to grab Joanna and run into the woods for safety, and so I ran and ran Joanna at my hip. I realized this was  a mistake after seeing my father and Zachary motionless on the forest floor. Deep crimson staining the perfect white snow that surrounded them with sin. All of the sudden a hand tore Joanna from me. It was them! They tore her from me took her away. I could not imagine what horrible sins they forced upon her. It took four  to kill me and I screamed but sadly help came too late to keep me alive. With the corner of my eye, I seen him and with my dying breath I uttered his name, Lucas. He had it worst of all his father was a wolf, Lucas didn’t even consider him a father and he hated himself for his  existence, the cold crimson flowing through his veins. His mother was considered a traitor, even after the wolf left them. She hung herself the night of my family’s demise. Taking one last look at him, realizing that I was unwillingly killing my best friend. No not a physical wound, seeing me lie there helplessly tore him up inside. I knew I shouldn’t have screamed for help, maybe he wouldn’t be the way he was when I woke mysteriously . I found him hanging on the branch of the tree beside me. I knelt down and I tried to cry but no tears would come. I ran to the edge of the water and gazed down at my reflection. I look the same, death made my eyes perhaps a bit darker, as if I were wearing lots of eyeliner and my skin just a shade paler but though my reflection lacked it, I knew I was a monster. I walked back to the spot of my demise where Lucas still hung. There were dead wolves on the snow. I took their weapons and went off to the town. I freed all of the citizens of the tyranny that loomed over them. Before I disappeared from them again, I looked into the eyes of an innocent young child she starred at me refusing to take my blood stained hand. It was true I was still a monster no matter what. I fled to the woods and tears began to fall from my eyes as I smeared the blood on the snow. Snow, I could feel it, cold in my hands. I ran to the water’s edge once again. I had become human again. I was once again Adina Fields. I felt weak and tired, knowing I was fading back to my demise, I curled up in the snow and waited, waited to see mother, father, grandmother, Zachary and Joanna all waiting. Would they think bad thoughts of me for the sins I have created or praise me as a hero for freeing the village of tyranny. I didn’t care anymore, more than ever at that moment all I wanted was to be home. I seen the iridescence unfolding in front of me and felt myself fade into unconsciousness.


© 2012 chaotic katie

Author's Note

chaotic katie
sucky? good? feedback?

My Review

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Wow. From the way it was said, AWESOME! I also have a written book based on Little Red Riding Hood, too. ^^ This was an awesome story and a real twist on the original. Love it!

Posted 11 Years Ago

chaotic katie

11 Years Ago

thank you i'm glad you enjoyed it. I love being creative with stories especially when it comes to re.. read more

11 Years Ago

I know. Really makes the whole story interesting when a new twist hits it. :)
chaotic katie

11 Years Ago

exactly :)
thank you, glad you enjoyed it.

Posted 11 Years Ago

An interesting take on an age old story. I enjoyed reading it :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on December 16, 2012
Last Updated on December 16, 2012


chaotic katie
chaotic katie

Canton, OH

Greetings darling writers, allow me to explain a bit about myself. I started writing when I was 13 and fell in love with it. Over the years I have won 2 awards for it. I keep most of my old works pos.. more..
