the real story

the real story

A Screenplay by chaotic katie


snow white






Setting: woods near grandmother’s house


Twist: grandma is bad guy



Little red-  straight to grandma’s house, straight to grandma’s house.

(She stops)

Little red- Oh, what beautiful flowers, grandmother will love these.

(picks flowers)

Wolf- A-CHOO

Little red- ahhhhhhhh!

Wolf- Ahhhhhhhhh

Little red (confused) - wait, why are you screaming and not trying to gobble me up whole?

Wolf- gobble you up? That’s silly, I’m a vegetarian. Plus I’ve never seen a human this close before, I’m not entirely sure you won’t try to gobble me up. (inches closer to her face in curiosity)

Little red- (wolf cowers back) well that’s just silly, I’m just a little girl, I wouldn’t  hurt anyone or anything even if I could.

Wolf (sighs in relief)-well, that’s reassuring.

Little red- oh wolf, you shall come to no harm from me, let’s be the best of friends.

Wolf- wow really, I never had a friend before.

Little red-  Really?

Wolf- yup.

Little red- well now you have your first official friend and I’m honored, (she bows)  come along with me to my grandmother’s house, I’m taking her these goodies.

(they  begin to walk)

Grandmother (entering woods) - that girl is taking way too long I want my goodies, being the sweet crimson that flows through her tiny veins.

(laughs maniacally)

Little red- grandmother, there you are, I hope you were not growing worried.

Grandmother- oh no, dear I simply want my goodies.

Little red- (curious tone) but grandmother, what large pointed teeth you have.

Grandmother- the better to kill you with my dear. (hisses and reveals fangs)

Little red- ahhhh!


Grandmother- come here you little brat!

Wolf (jumping in front of grandmother) stay away from my new friend!

Grandmother- move away or you’ll be my new fur coat.

(cowers in fear)

( stake hits grandmother in heart)

(wolf and little red look behind them confused as snow white emerges from the fog)

Snow white - that’s the last of the vampires in this little town.

Little red- whoa, who are you?

Snow white- I’m snow white the vampire hunter, my wicked stepmother the witch may be gone but all her horrible creations still lived, until now.

Wolf- whoa, talk about family issues, ever tried counseling?


Little red- wait, where’d she go?

Wolf (shrugs)- I dunno

Little red- well, let’s go home, before anymore weird stuff happens

(rustle in bushes)

(wolf hides behind little red)

(huntswoman walks out)

Huntswoman- What has happened to this poor old woman? (points to wolf) YOU! You look quite suspicious.

Wolf-please don’t eat me strange scary lady! (shaky frightened tone)

Little red- this is nonsense! Don’t you see how cowardly he is?

Wolf- gee thanks red.

Little red- what I’m trying to say is that he couldn’t hurt a fly, even if he wanted to.

Wolf- flies! Where! (hides in bushes)

Little red- see.

Huntswoman- it still doesn’t explain the murder of this poor, innocent old woman.

Little red- it was snow white the vampire slayer, my grandmother was turned into a monster by a wicked queen.

Huntswoman- SNOW White! That little brat!

(turns into witch)

Wolf- ahhhh! the bad evil lady!

(wolf cowers behind red again)

Witch- (angrily) where? Where is she? Where is snow white?

(snow white poofs in)

Snow white- here I am!

(she runs towards witch)

Little red- Snow white! No!

(little red turns to try to stop snow white)

Witch- face my wrath fools!

(she stretches her arms outward)

(snow white and little red fall down)



Snow white- a panda? Really?

(witch shrugs)

Wolf- (panicked) where is little red?

(little red crawls out from under cloak as a kitty)

Little red- um?,  Meow?

(witch looks at her in confusion)

Wolf- ( leans down to her) silly little red, you can speak just like snow white can’t you?

Little red- (climbing on wolf’s head and whispers) SHHHHH!

Witch- (to snow) come face your demise you stupid bear girl!

(snow angrily runs towards witch)

Little red- (in wolf’s ear) run!

(wolf runs towards witch)

Snow white- you have nowhere to go, there is a cliff behind you, and we’ve got you surrounded.

Witch- then I’ll just take you down with me!

 ( witch grabs snow)

(snow gasps)

(little red jumps off wolf’s head and attacks witch’s face)


(she falls off the cliff)

(little red is falling too)

Little red- ahhhhhh!

(wolf grabs her by the fur on her back and pulls her in)

Little red- wolf, you saved me, you’re my hero!

(little red hugs wolf)

(little red and snow turn back human)

Snow white- Ding dong, the witch is dead! (spoken with confidence)

Wolf- what?

Snow white- well, we changed back so that means she’s gone.

Wolf- I didn’t change

Little red- but, you’ve always been a wolf, haven’t you?

Wolf- (looking down) oh yeah.

Snow white- I’ve got something that can help.

(she pulls out a bag of white powder)

(snow and wolf look in confusion)

Snow white- don’t worry, it’s safe.

Wolf- and it won’t hurt me?

Snow white- probably not (grabbing some)

Wolf-(panicked) wait! What do you mean probably?

(snow throws the powder on him and he turns into a human boy)

(he examines himself)

Wolf- i-I’ve got human hair, clothes, skin, every "thing, and no more itchy fur.

Little red- that’s because you are human, now you can come stay with me and my family.

Wolf- and you’re sure that nobody else in your family is evil.

Little red- yeah probably not.

Wolf- I still don’t like the sound of that, but okay its better than staying out here alone.

Little red- we shall have all sorts of wonderful adventures together.

Wolf-I’ll  race you!

(He runs)

Little red- it’s on like donkey Kong!

(she chases him offstage)

Snow white- and they’ll, probably live happily ever after

(she poofs)

Wolf-(peeking out from behing curtain) I  still don’t like the sound of that.


The end

© 2012 chaotic katie

Author's Note

chaotic katie
my play for the grimmoire i did mostly by myself anyways exept for what help my boyfriend could offer

My Review

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Wow! Very interesting twist! It really changes the story!

Posted 11 Years Ago

chaotic katie

11 Years Ago

it was a piece i had to write for my drama class we were doing modern grimmoirs and for the play we .. read more

11 Years Ago

NP! Yeah, I hate when my group never cooperates! I like working independently.:)
chaotic katie

11 Years Ago

me too

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1 Review
Added on December 16, 2012
Last Updated on December 16, 2012


chaotic katie
chaotic katie

Canton, OH

Greetings darling writers, allow me to explain a bit about myself. I started writing when I was 13 and fell in love with it. Over the years I have won 2 awards for it. I keep most of my old works pos.. more..
