Compartment 114
Compartment 114
The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
I guess this is the truth

I guess this is the truth

A Poem by Babieegirl

The poem says it all

I guess it true, 
what they, you know ? 
About sometimes keeping the truth away is better than 
seeing it at all. 
I mean, i can give you my experiences,
but i don't wanna waste your time. 
Just knowing that everything changes 
and every time i realize looking at this s**t 
my anger enrages. 
I'm not saying I'd rather hear the lies 
than hearing the truth, 
cause' there's no doubt I'd want the truth 
than the rumors that I've scooped. 
And heres another truth to tell you 
My writes have been s****y,
as far as i know. 
There not something i'd usually show. 
But that's off topic. 
I Was focusing on the truth. 
the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 
Why did it matter? 
I wasn't even in this drama anymore. 
Maybe it still hurts 
Cause' i needed something to converse.
With all my "friends" I had. 
Though, that wouldn't work. 
They don't care about this stuff. 
And neither should i. 
So let's put the truth behind me. 
Show them all the person you did not keep. 
Keep our parts away from each other. 
Happily ever after. 
With your "One and only" Lover. 

© 2011 Babieegirl

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Author's Note

another off the bat poem. if it is a poem. dedicated to a boy whose game he still plays with his new girl.

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xD Hehee Awesome as usual xD

Posted 13 Years Ago

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I bet 1000 girls can relate to this. The game has always been played and always will be as long as boys exist and girls fall for it.
Nice free form piece

Posted 13 Years Ago

not a bad poem! i love it!

Posted 13 Years Ago

:O i loved this poem, i can actually relate to this poem.. it happened to one of my friends :/ keep up the good work :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on June 1, 2011
Last Updated on June 1, 2011




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1. 1.

A Chapter by Babieegirl