

A Poem by Belinda Rice

Juat alittle something I have gone through with people...


Karma she is my best friend,

She helps me when I know my friends are not friends,

People indore drama on there self,

But always in life blames everyone else,


I am sick of people cause the pain,

That Karma is in your path on this very day,

People say I dont like the drama,

But you started it so here comes Karma,


You will get what you deserve,

God dont like ugly so you have alot of nerve,

If its drama you want in your life,

Keep it to your self so we wont have to fight,


I am sick of you being happy,

when you make others sad,

Why cant the drama stop,

so everyone can be glad,


Karma is my best friend,

So now you have hurd,

Dont mess with Gods children,

He will give you what you deserve,


Go ahead and do what you do,

I will no longer indore drama from you,

You can hate on my husband as long as you want,

But you will get whats comming and its going to hurt,


So if you want peace leave us alone,

Stop your dumb drama bullshit,

Cause you will be the one to hurt,

You will come begging for help on day,

But no one will be around,

We will all just be standing there looking at the ground,

Cause for our eyes only can see the drama standing around thee.







© 2008 Belinda Rice

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I really felt this poem was directed towards someone or something.I may be wrong i don't know.your poem is very true I like it a lot.there is a lot of people who thrive on hurting others or making them mad.When ever some thing is said thats mean i blow it and think later down the road there life is gonna be miserable i believe.When I was younger my dad told me never to hate no one if I did'nt like the way others was, in prayer put forth your love to them,it seems weird but I've done it a lot in my life and i notice some people change for the better later.I have'nt heard from you in a long time I just want to know are you doing ok?I hope so your a good person do not ever forget that.

Posted 15 Years Ago

I agree, I'm sick with all the violence in all the world, and I love Karma!

Posted 15 Years Ago

Some people have nothing better to do then to talk smack about others. I do believe that what goes around comes around and you can only run so far from yourself before karma gets you. Like the Beatles said "Instant Karma's gonna get you". Step on a rake and get hit in the face . Instant Karma ? I think so !Good solid write .

Posted 15 Years Ago

Ahhhh what a spectacular rant... when all someone does is bring you down with there small time bull s**t and low self esteem you cut them loose before they drag you down. Last stanza was awesome for you are right those who burn there bridges end up alone on an island. BRAVO my friend.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on June 10, 2008
Last Updated on June 10, 2008


Belinda Rice
Belinda Rice

Onancock, VA

Hi My name is Belinda I'm 33almost 37 year's old and a single mom who love to write...I have three wonderful daughter's and I have a wonder handsome lil boy that I take care of each and everyday..My c.. more..


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