A Poem by Father Mojo

there are two songs in my nursery trillogy . . ."Cinderella Blue" is the second; this one is the first.


me and sleeping beauty, we have an understanding –
i don’t wake her up and she pretends she’s happy . . .
and i guess what’s really bugging me
is what i think is real, she knows is just a dream.



everyday day, i’m searching for a warning
of the arrival of her prince charming.
and i am afraid that it’s plain to see
that there’s nothing but a dwarf inside of me.
but me and sleeping beauty, we have an understanding –
i don’t wake her up and she pretends she’s happy . . .
and i guess what’s really bugging me
is what i think is real, she knows is just a dream.


now, eating poison apples really ain’t bad;
sometimes it was the most fun we’ve ever had . . .
even this too will offer some perks –
as you are busy snoring, i whistle while i work.
and me and sleeping beauty, we have an understanding –
i don’t wake her up and she pretends she’s happy . . .
and i guess what’s really bugging me
is what i think is real, she knows is just a dream.


chicken-little said to me: “the sky’s about to fall!”
but for some reason it don’t bother me at all.
portents of doom don’t make me run and hide
as long as sleeping beauty is asleeping by my side.
and me and sleeping beauty, we have an understanding –
i don’t wake her up and she pretends she’s happy . . .
and i guess what’s really bugging me
is what i think is real, she knows is just a dream.


i saw humpty dumpty perched once more upon his wall;
i spoke to him about the reason for his fall.
most people try to tell me that gravity’s to blame
but his love for sleeping beauty is the reason why he’s lame.
and me and sleeping beauty, we have an understanding –
i don’t wake her up and she pretends she’s happy . . .
and i guess what’s really bugging me
is what i think is real, she knows is just a dream.


me and sleeping beauty, we have understanding –
i don’t wake her up and she pretends that she’s happy . . .
and i guess what’s really bugging me
is that she’s wide awake and I’m the one asleep.

© 2008 Father Mojo

Author's Note

Father Mojo
the song was first written with the first three stanzas. when i played it for a friend, he informed me that all of the images were from snow white and not sleeping beauty. so i had to claim poetic lisence (which is the artistic way of say "i screwed up" and write the additional two stanzas--which, quite frankly, are better anyway.

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Added on February 16, 2008


Father Mojo
Father Mojo

Carneys Point, NJ

"I gave food to the poor and they called me a saint; I asked why the poor have no food and they called me a communist. --- Dom Helder Camara" more..


A Poem by Father Mojo