A Story by Countryman47

The story of an amazing occurrence in a small town

This story begins in the small town of Cutter Corners.Located in the Deep South,it had no significant importance to anyone except the folks that lived there.With a population of just slightly over 3000 souls,it was a farming community for the most part.Honest,hard working,God fearing people,where everyone knew everyone else.Truly an unlikely place for an amazing, yet strange story to begin.The story will focus not on the town but one family that lived there,the Wilsons.Bob,a decorated war hero, and his wife Cathy,and 2 children Mandy and Bob Jr.They had a small farm they worked together and made a good living with hard work.

This really begins about 3 years earlier.One summer evening Bob and Cathy were sitting on the front porch with the kids just relaxing after a hard day.All of a sudden,a bright light lite up the farm and passed overhead.The light seemed to hoover about 100 yards out in the corn field,they were frightened,of course not knowing exactly what they were seeing,but curiosity finally overcame Bob,he went inside and got his shotgun,told the family to stay on the porch and headed toward the light.

When Bob came upon the object,he was in awe of what he was seeing,a round,smooth metallic craft about 20 feet in diameter,multi color lights flashing around the object,he could feel the heat from the object and it was making a noise like a cheap washing machine.It was about 6 feet off the ground and seemed to keep trying to rise,yet it couldn't.He hears something behind him,it was Cathy and the kids.He said,I told you to stay put,Lea replied we were worried about you so we followed.

Mandy and Bob Jr kept remarking about how beautiful it was,but Bob kept thinking that whatever was flying this craft might soon appear and he was not at all sure he was ready for such an encounter.All of a sudden the lights went out and it made a terrible noise,a door opened on the bottom of the craft and what looked like, as near as they could describe,glitter covered the ground under neath the craft,some kind of bright sparkling discharge.

The odd noises stopped when the door shut,the craft began to rise,higher and higher then in the blink of an eye it was gone.All that was left was a 20 foot diameter circle of crushed and burned corn and the glitter.Not knowing what to believe about what they had just seen,there was much apprehension as to what to do next.Being curious, Bob knelt down at the outside diameter of the circle and touched the glitter.He fell back in pain,Cathy rushed over to him and the inside of his hand was burnt and blistered.Bob told her and the kids not to touch anything.Cathy took him back to the house and did the best she could to doctor his hand.

Cathy then went into town to get the Doctor.On the way back, Cathy told him what had happened.The Doctor told Cathy,I have known you folks for many years,even brought the kids into the world and I have never known you or Bob to lie,but a burn from a UFO landing,are you sure?Cathy said,I know how crazy it sounds but it is true,every word.Me and the kids saw it too.The Doctor said,well for now the important thing is to see how bad Bob was hurt.

When they got to the house,they went in,Bob was sitting at the kitchen table.The Doctor told Bob,Cathy had told him what had happened,Bob said I am surprised you believe it,I am still not quite sure I do.The Doctor said,Bob I am here to see about your burn,not to judge the story,as strange as it is.Bob said,the proof is in the corn field for all to see.The Doctor removed the make shift bandage from his hand and examined his hand.He said,these are third degree burns,pretty serious and all you did was touch the area?Bob said yes,that is what happened.He treated his hand as best he could and told him to come to the office the next morning.

Bob and the family sat at the kitchen table until well after mid night talking,trying to make rhyme or reason out of the incident.Bob Jr said,might as well face it,we saw a UFO.Bob had never put any stock in UFOs and aliens and things that go bump in the night,but it was after all,the most logical explanation.He told Bob Jr,you may just be right Son,whatever it was it sure didn't look to be anything we know about.I am sure God didn't just pick one place to put life on.He told Cathy,I think its time to call it a night nothing more we can do now,besides I have a headache,Cathy asked him if he needed anything for pain for his hand as the Doctor had left some pills.

He told Cathy,its strange but I have no pain at all.They all went to bed,the next morning Bob got up early and returned to the spot where the craft had landed.The ground was still charred,but the glitter substance had disappeared.Puzzled,Bob returned home to eat and head to the Doctor.He told Cathy what he found,she said this is getting stranger as it goes on.I will let the kids sleep in and go with you to the Doctor,so they headed for town.They parked on Main Street in front of the Doctors office and went in.

Doctor Martin greeted them in the waiting room,he asked Bob how his hand felt,Bob said well, other than a slight headache, I have no pain at all.Doctor Martin said,well there seems to be a lot of credence to your story,seems a lot of others saw the light last night.Bob said,I am glad others saw it too,at least I know it was not just a bad dream.The Doctor said,lets go back to the examining room and take a look at that hand,so Cathy and Bob went in.The Doctor got a pair of scissors off the tray to cut the bandage off,and started removing it.As he took it off,he dropped the scissors and jumped back,Cathy asked whats wrong,whats wrong with Bob?

He said,look Cathy,to her surprise Bobs hand was healed with only a small red circle in the center of his palm.Dr. Martin said,I see it,but I have no explanation as to how this could be,burns like this usually takes months to heal if ever.Cathy said,what should we do,the Doctor said,there is nothing to do,if this was a miracle,just claim it and be Thankful for it.In all the years of practice,I have seen miracle cures that were beyond anything medical science could do.He said,Bob you are indeed a Blessed man.I will do some blood work on you to be sure nothing else is going on.

I should have the results in about a week,I will call,in the meantime go home and call me if anything happens.I will give you something for the headaches that will help.Bob and Cathy got in the car,both still amazed at what happenedBob said,all I can say Honey is,Praise God and Cathy followed with Amen.Bob said,I guess we should go by the Sheriffs office and tell Sherriff Hayes what happened.As they walked in Sheriff Hayes was sitting at his desk,a grizzled old cop,he had been the Sheriff of Meade County for 25 years,a no nonsense,by the book kind of guy.

He looked up and said,Hello Bob and Cathy,finally decide to come in and tell me about the news all over town did you?Bob said,we came in as soon as we could.Sherriff Hayes said,tell me all you know about last night.Bob and Cathy went on to tell him about the craft,the glitter and his miraculos healing of his hand.Sheriff Hayes sat back in his chair,took his glasses off looked at Bob and said,what do you really think you saw?Bob replied,I am still not sure,all I can say is it was something I had never seen before.Sherriff Hayes said,think it was a UFO?Bob said,for lack of any other explanation,yes,ours or from somewhere else I don't know.Sheriff Hayes asked,is the landing site still visible,Bob said yes,but the glitter is gone.This is what burnt my hand.

Sheriff Hayes said, I have had several reports of lights in the sky last night,I will call the University and get a geologist to come out with me in the next few days to investigate the site,thanks for coming by.Bob and Cathy got in the car and headed back home,still with many more questions than answers to this occurance.Things,more or less,got back to the normal routine for a while.The Sheriff came out and investigated the scene and they took soil samples,Sherriff Hayes told Bob that the radiation in the circle was much higher than the surrounding soil and he told Bob he would call or come out when the samples were tested and he got the results.He advised to stay away from the spot until they knew it was safe.

Bob and the family took his advice and stayed clear of the area.Dr. Martin called a few days later and told Bob all the blood work was normal,Bob was relieved to hear the news,he asked if the headaches were still a problem,Bob said yes but not as often or as bad.Then the Doctor told him to continue to take the pills he had given them and let him know if the headaches got worse,Bob said he would and thanked him for what he had done to help.It was now late August in the South,this had been an especially hot,oppressive summer with little rain.The crops in the field were dying for lack of moisture.

One afternoon Bob and Cathy were sitting on the front porch swing,Bob turned to Cathy and said,if there is no rain and soon we stand to lose all the crops and the labor we have put in,I am worried,this is the worst year we have ever had,and with the kids going off to college next month,we need the money.Cathy said,I read a while back that the City Counsel was trying to make arrangements to get overhead irragation systems to help the farmers make a crop this year.Bob told her he had read the same thing,but there was not enough money to get them now.

Cathy picked up the newspaper and read that the meeting would be this afternoon to try and find a solution.Bob said,I wish we could be there but it is closed to the public and no answer would be given for days.Cathy told Bob,we will do what has always got us by in bad times,just pray,Bob smiles and said you always seem to know the right answer and he shut his eyes to rest as his headache was back again,he noticed a slight tingling in his right hand on the small red circle the burn had left behind,all of a sudden he was in the Counsel room,he could see and hear everything going on.The Counsel had managed to get a Federal grant to fund the irrigation project and would go ahead as planned.Startled,he opened his eyes and was still in the swing with Cathy.

Cathy asked what was wrong?You look as though you have seen a ghost.Bob said,Honey,I am not at all sure,but I was just in the Counsel room,like a fly on the wall so to speak,I saw and heard all that went on,they found the funding and we will get the help we need.Cathy said,how is that possible?Town is over 20 miles away and you never left the front porch.Bob said,I know it sounds strange,but when I closed my eyes to ease the headache,the red circle in my hand tingled and I was there,I would not ever lie to you,you know that.Cathy said,you have never lied to me and I believe you,maybe it was just a wishful premonition,anyway we will know for sure when the results are made public,I sure hope you are right and the biggest part of the crop can be saved.

A few days later,Cathy picked up the paper and there on the front page,the irrigation system had been funded by grant,and would start arriving in a matter of days.She said Bob,praise the Lord,it was exactly as you said,I am so happy.Bob said,it was a Blessing for all of us,I knew it had to be real and as I had seen it.Bob told Cathy,over the past few days I have had a couple of other incidents where I was somewhere else and it all begins the same way,headache,tingling in my palm,I see it then I am back.Like yesterday,I was thinking about the fence on the back of our property and was wondering if it was still in good repair so the cattle could not get out as I had not checked it in a while,then headache,tingling and there I was,it was fine.To be sure I road out this morning to be sure and it was as I had seen it.

I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach,that whatever this new ability is,it has something to do with the craft we saw,and whatever this is in the palm of my hand.I was never bad to have headaches and sure could never see things before this happened.Cathy said,that makes an awful lot of sense it has to be the reason,I can find no other.Bob told her,I have noticed other changes also,I can read a book not by reading but just by flipping through the pages and I remember every word,I understand things I should not be able to understand,my intellect is increasing and it should not be I never finished High School because I joined the Military.For the first time in my life I am truly scared I had not told you because I didn't want to worry you.With that,Bob broke down and cried,a man who had been through war and knew what fear really was,Cathy gently held him and said,you will always be the man I married and love,no matter what may come I will be beside you and together we will make it through.Bob held her and kissed her and said I love you so much.

Bob and Cathy agreed to tell no one,except the kids,about what was happening.One Saturday Cathy and the kids went to town to buy groceries and Bob stayed behind as he had chores to be taken care of.Bob was in the barn sharping a plow blade,when all of a sudden the barn lite up in a blinding light,when Bob had managed to re foucus his sight he saw 3 beings standing before him,all 3 were very tall and all with long white hair and blue eyes.Being a bit shaken,he asked who they were and where they came from,somehow he knew they meant no harm to him.The being in the middle began to speak telepathically,Do not fear we are here in peace,we are the Pledons,we come from a star system many light years from your own.It was one of our probes you encountered in your field.

We need your help,Bob answered by thought,what help can I be to you,you are far advanced to us.We belong to the United Planets Federation,many others like our self are a part of it.We watch over other planets that are not yet ready to belong because they are not advanced enough and still war like.Like all,there is good and bad in other planets,we do our best to control the bad and protect other planets from invasion and take over.However,there is an eminent threat to Earth from a race called The Reptoids.They were never much of a threat until now as they have developed weapons we cannot combat.They have always been war like,they kill the inhabitants and strip the planet of all useful resources leavivg it unable to ever again sustain any life.This is the fate of Earth unless we can stop them.

We calculate that in 3 of your Earth years they will be advanced enough to carry out an invasion.So time is short.Bob was visibly shaken by what he was told,that Earth could become extinct in 3 years.The Pledon spoke again,when you came across our probe,you were scanned and we found that your past experience in war and bravery would be well suited to help us defeat the Reptoids.What you will be asked to do is dangerous but could make the difference in life or death of your planet.The implant in your palm,we put there for a reason,it cannot be removed by any of your technology.

We are aware that this is something you will need to think about for a while,and if you decide not to do it,the implant will simply disappear and all will be normal for you again.We will appear to your world leaders and tell them what we have told you,we will not appear to you again here,but you will be visited by your Air Force intelligence in about a week for your decision,they will explain what must be done.We ask for your help,then another blinding light and they were gone.Bob just sat down on a bale of hay and put his head in his hands.He though,I am well aquainted with conventional war,but not inner stellar war.Seems others would be better suited for this mission,but they choose me and left me little choice in my decision.

Bob heard Cathy blow the horn,so he went and helped take the groceries in the house.Bob sat at the table while Cathy and the kids put the groceries up,when they were done he told them all to sit down,he had something to tell them.He then told them in detail about his encounter with the aliens and what he was asked to do.Cathy said,if nothing else that explains how we are come to where we are now.Bob said,Cathy do you remember the other night I told you about the moon beam shining on my hand and you said there was no moon out tonight,Cathy said yes,Bob said,that must have been them healing my hand.Bob Jr asked what are you going to do Dad?Cathy said,I can answer that for you son,he is going to go,I know him.

Bob said, I dont doubt at all that what I was told was true,I love you all and if there is even the slightest chance I can save you and others,I have no choice.Mandy said,Daddy don't go,we love you and want you with us.Bob Jr said,Sister you have to understand,he will go because he loves us and this Country and you know Dad when his mind is made up.there is no changing it.All we can do is pray for him.Bob and Cathy made love that night almost as though it would be the last time.

The next morning Bob went out on the front porch,Cathy was sitting in the swing with tears in her eyes.Bob sat down beside her,put his arm around her,and asked why the tears.Cathy said,I know what you are going to do may be a mission of life or death,for you,for us all.I just cant imagine life without you here.Bob kissed her gently on the cheek and said,I know,in my heart,I will return to you,if I don't go our fate is pretty much sealed.They seem to think I can make a difference,they sat in the swing for the next few hours, nothing spoken, just holding each other.

A few days later,they were sitting at the table eating supper and heard a car outside.Bob looked out the window and saw a black car and 2 Air Force officers got out and headed to the door.Cathy asked who it was Bob said,looks like the fly boys are here.There was a knock at the door and Bob answered it,the officers introduced themselves as Col.Kelly and Col. Adams,Bob said,we have been expecting you,please come in.They all retired to the living room to talk.Col.Kelly asked Bob,are you sure you want the children here,Bob said yes they have a right to know what is ahead.Col.Kelly said,we know the Pledons appeared to you and told you in general about the mission ahead.They also told us about the special abilities they have given you.

They feel you are the right choice for this mission,and after checking your military record for bravery,we can understand why they choose you.
You will be asked to use the remote viewing ability you now have,to go abord the Reptoid mother ship and find and relay the logistics of their weapons systems,we know the Reptoids didn't create the weapons,we figure they either stole it or bought it from rogue systems.They also have the ability to detect when an id is used to spy.An id is the presence of a remote viewer being used.The Pledons and others have sent ids to spy and all have been caught and destroyed,we hope that since the chemical make up and DNA of a Earth being is so different from the other planets it will not be detected by scans.

This is where the danger lies,if you are caught or detected you will also be destroyed,you simply wont exist any longer.We dont know how this works,but it has been proven it does.There is no guarantee you will succeed,but if we don't somehow,learn about the weapons and how to combat them not only Earth, but many others will fall prey to the Reptoids.Col.Adams said,Up until now,the Federation has been at peace for over a thousand years and managed to stop uprising using the weapons they have,so no time has been spent on new weapon development.About a year ago,Federation crafts went up against the Reptoid mother ship,after the Reptoids looted and stripped a planet in the Zeda system.30 Federation ships were completely annihilated with one blast from this new weapon.

So you see,if we dont learn about what we are fighting,there will be no stopping them.Earth and its resources are a prime first target for them, we figure it will take 2 years to equip all their ships with this weapon,so time is short.Bob,Cathy and the kids were completely silent as they listened to what was said.Bob said,after listening to you it seems my fate is either win or lose no in between,also the fate of countless others.Col.Kelly replied,Bob,that pretty much sums it up.Bob said,we have talked about this between us,if I dont try in 2 or 3 years we know what will happen,Earth wont exist any longer,so yes, I will try,Cathy and Mandy broke down in tears,but Bob Jr just smiled.he was so proud of his Dad.Col.Kelly said,Bob you are aware that this is not mandatory and you are willing to help of your own free will,is this right?Bob said,yes it is.

Col.Adams said,Bob your country is proud of you,for willing to sacrifice yourself for this mission.I have a declaration signed by the President which states,as of this date Master Sergeant Bob Wilson,U.S. Army, is promoted to the rank of Major in the United States Air Force,with all rights and privileges there of. Signed this date by Benjamin Morton,President of the United States of America.You are ordered back to active duty for the duration of this mission.Col.Adams said,there is a post script that reads,Thank You from all Americans.

Col.Kelly said,we know that it will take a week or so to put all in order before you go,so we will return in 10m days to pick you up.If it will add any comfort,Cathy will receive a check each month,that should more than take care of her,the kids and the farm until you return and the raise from Sergeant to Major in your retirement pension will make it easier on all of you when this is done.Col.Kelly said,well Major Wilson any other questions need to be answered before we go?Bob said,no none I can think of for now,with that they left.After Cathy composed herself,she asked,what will I tell everyone when the ask where you are?

Bob said,just tell them the truth,that I have been called back to military service for a top secret mission.With all our friends and neighbors to check on you,you will be OK while I am gone.George and Fred,two hired hands that had been with the family for years,know how to run things on the farm.They can get the irrigation system set up and bring the crops in when it is time.Bob said,Major Wilson,that sounds good dont it,they both just laughed.They spent the next days getting all the business in order waiting for the return of the Air Force to pick him up.

Bob and Cathy and the kids spent the days just enjoying each other,then one afternoon a black car pulled up and 2 military police Airmen got out and came to the door.Bob opened the door and invited them in.The Airman asked,are you Major Wilson?Bob said yes I am.The Airman said,we have orders to pick you up and take you to your duty station Sir.Bob was taken aback a bit, being called Sir was new to an old sergeant.The other Airman had a box,he said,Sir here is your uniform if you wish to put it on before we go.Cathy said,put it on Bob,so he went into the bedroom and changed,it was a perfect fit.Gold Oak leafs on his shoulders and service ribbons.He walked out and tears came to Cathy's eyes,she said,Bob,you are so handsome in your uniform,Mandy was in tears but Bob Jr just saluted him and smiled.Pride just swelling in him

The Airman asked,Sir are you ready?Bob said,just a minute,he hugged and kissed Cathy and the kids and told them he loved them,then said I am ready.Bob said he would call as soon as he could.They went and got in the car,the time had come to try to change the fate of Earth.Bob waved as they left and Cathy and the kids all were waving.Bob said a silent prayer and asked that would return safely to his family.
As they were driving along,Bob asked the Airman exactly where they were headed.The Airman replied,Sir,we are going to a secure location in Alabama,from there you will be taken to your final Duty station.Bob spent the rest of the trip reading a stack of papers,briefing him on what was ahead.His thoughts were with Cathy and the kids,he missed them already,but he knew that if somehow, through Gods grace, he didn't accomplish his mission,Earth and all life,including his family,would die.
They had been riding on a road with nothing but woods about the past hour,no signs of civilization to be seen.Bob asked,how much further,the Airman replied we are almost there Sir.They turned off onto a hard pack gravel road,about two miles up the road it became a smooth paved road,Bob noticed a sign that said,Military Installation proceed no farther.He also noticed ground sensors and cameras.He  thought to himself,they did a good job of hiding this place.The road ended, oddly enough,at the foot of a sheer mountain.The Airman got on his radio to report their arrival,A hugh door suddenly opened,not visible from the outside, in the side of the mountain and they proceeded in.They came to a guard shack and showed their papers and were allowed to proceed.The door closed behind them.
The entire complex had been carved out of sheer rock,it was amazing.The driver pulled over and said,you see that door there Sir,Bob said yes,the Airman said type in 636765 in the keypad and it will open,Col.Adams will be waiting on you inside.Bob thought,it would be a comfort to see someone he had already met.The Airman told Bob,,just take your briefcase,your bags will be put in your quarters Sir.Bob said,Thank You and got out.He keyed in the code on the keypad and the door opened.Bob was in awe at what he saw,hundreds of personnel,sitting at control panels watching overhead screens,Bob thought,it must be for detecting a nuclear strike from other countries.
From out of no where Col.Adams was standing there,he shook Bobs hand and said,glad to see you again.Bob said,good to see you again Sir,a familiar face is comforting right about now.Col.Adams said,lets go in my office and talk,Bob said,Yes Sir.They went in and Bob sat down.Col.Adams said,Bob what do you make of what you have seen so far?Bob said,Sir I really dont know,it looks to be a watch for nuclear strikes to me.Col.Adams said,you are not entirely wrong,but for now we are watching something more important,our sensors go far out in space and we are watching for Reptoid attacks on other planets and their progress for an Earth strike.Since last we spoke they have attacked and stripped 9 planets.
The Federation has mounted no counter attacks as they know they are no match for the Reptoid weapons.That is why your mission is so very important.In the morning we will go to your duty station and begin preparations for what you are here for.Col.Adams said,we wont go into any detail for now,I know you are tired and a bit confused,I will call a car to take you to your quarters for the night.Please confine yourself to your quarters and dont go outside,there can be no leaks on your purpose here.Order what you want to eat it will be brought to your room,there is also a secure line you can call home,be careful in what you  say.I will pick you up outside your quarters at 0700.Bob said,it has been a long day for sure and I am tired.I will remember what you told me Sir.
Bob was taken to his quarters,an armed guard was posted outside his room.When he went in,he looked around,it was no 5 star hotel,but comfortable.He found a menu on the table and ordered his supper.Steak and all the trimmings,Bob figured what the heck,the Air Force is paying for it why not enjoy.He took a shower and laid down on the bed waiting for his food.His meal was delivered and he thoroughly every bite of it.He then called Cathy,he told her there was no much he could tell her right now,other than what she already knew.He told her he had been advised not to talk for now because of security reasons,but he was safe and would call again when he could.He told her he loved and missed her and the kids and would be home soon he hoped,she told him she loved him and to be careful.Bob hung up and called it a night.
Part2  soon

© 2016 Countryman47

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Added on June 27, 2016
Last Updated on July 3, 2016
Tags: Sy-Fy-aliens, war