The legend of the coachman from Cobb and Co..

The legend of the coachman from Cobb and Co..

A Poem by B.J

Australian history

The outback lays quiet
Across many pains
Coach wheels created trails
Of station here and there, waited
Day by day and night after night
A lonely station on  a plain, or in a gully
Or just over the next hill
A lantern signaled the coachman, that he was near

Stations, once they were hurried, always
Chatter flowing about in the air
Hustle and bustle, meals to prepare
Passengers to feed
Old stations now stand desolate
But the is a story to be told
Of a station here and there

Lonely buildings, falling down
Empty stables, empty yards
Once busy with fresh horses
Now, dried up bridles hang lonely
Unused for decades
Wooden wagon wheels stand warped
This wheel carried a coach with passengers

A fireplace stands lonely
Where a blackened cook pot
Held meals a plenty
Bottles aged in the outback sun
Brown daisies as they are called

Old nails lay beside a rusty horseshoe
All holding secrets, legends of the days of Cobb and Co.

The legend

In the cold dark of night and the icy winds blowing.
A coachman holds the horses tight, and coach is running
Hooves of horses thundering throughout the night
Wheels roaring in the wind, all echo
This driver is in a hurry, to reach the next station

A glow of lights appear over the rise, town is near
At the top of the hill, a crack of the reigns
They almost fly down the hill, into town
"Woo" he pull tight on the harness
They are there

A slab building, friendly, the publican's welcome
A familiar station, for a familiar coachman
A journey's end for some, they'll stay the night
And leave in the morning, with the sun high in the morning sky

He will journey through dusty outback trails, he's covered many times
Driving his coach over deep rutted trail many have created before him
He has created history, his legend will grow
A legend that made Cob and Co.

© 2014 B.J

Author's Note

This is a story/poem many countries will understand

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Added on January 23, 2014
Last Updated on January 23, 2014



South Australia, Rural, Australia

I live in rural South Australia, among the best wine district in the state. I enjoy dabbling with words, seeing what I can create. I appreciate creative reviews. more..

Friendship Friendship

A Poem by B.J