Dreams can come true

Dreams can come true

A Story by B.J

I remember my Mum talking to us about the first time she went bush with our Dad and the tales of life in the Bush


Dreams can come true



At first the wind pursued the girl from the bush, as it did her mother before her. She’s milking in the rain and the dark. A shed made of bark and poles, bent by the wind and leaking fast. Lanterns light the way across the yard where all her years have been, dreading through slush and mud, as her mother did before her. She looks back in the dark towards the home roof, the hut fire bellows up through the chimney.


Daybreak peaks through the sky, reflecting across the horizon. Haunting the very scène of a hut made from timber and bark. She feels a shiver down her spine as the hour drags on,

‘I must finish and get the milk in for the men’ she says


Like her mother before her she wore threadbare dress made of sack cloth. The girl from the bush of yesteryear had her dreams. Her dream was to leave the bush, the isolation.


Breakfast was always quiet and a dark cloud was always hanging over the hut. Faces were always lowered, not looking, not speaking, short words. Words were always muttered as though there was a curse on the place. She thought of her mother, thin and drawn from a life in the bush.


With breakfast over and the men gone, it was time for the separator; the work was hard for this frail girl from the bush. Her heart is sick for light and love, in the city. Her dreams of a face so sweet, hair so soft never leave her. The mind of all the people she’s likely to meet.

At night she reads, by a lamp, falling asleep from exhaustion. Dreaming of cities by the sea, of different men from those she knows. Shiny beaches, broad bright stream of fresh flowing water. Theatres and city shows she only had dreams of seeing.


A little rest was all she needed, a little light in her day, a little light for one. A girl from yesteryear needed her dreams to get her through the day. But, after all the paths we travel, some are not as glorious as they may seem. If it will help your heart to know the girl from the bush carried her dream to the city. Meeting different men from those she knew, picnics by the river, walking by the seaside. Experiencing theatre and city shows. Life was finally exciting for the girl from the bush and yesteryear


© 2014 B.J

Author's Note

Some pioneer never saw a city during their life time. It was a dream then sometimes it did come true

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I like the subject...your writing is unique, deep and stylish!

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the review I was worried, thinking to much about my writing..
A. Amos

9 Years Ago

Don't worry too much, you're most welcome!

9 Years Ago


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1 Review
Added on September 16, 2014
Last Updated on September 17, 2014



South Australia, Rural, Australia

I live in rural South Australia, among the best wine district in the state. I enjoy dabbling with words, seeing what I can create. I appreciate creative reviews. more..

Friendship Friendship

A Poem by B.J