

A Poem by Kayla W.

i wrote this poem a few days ago. i was super depessed and i did end up cutting myself but i'm trying my best to get through this. i just feel like no one cares......


As my tears fall

They burn the cuts on my wrist


Yeah, you heard me right

But you probably don’t care

You don’t shed tears

And your wrists are bare


But I know that you see it

And I know you ignore it

You pretend that I’m ok

And walk away and say, f**k it


I can’t make you love me

I can’t make you be my friend

But I want you to remember

My blood is on your hands

© 2010 Kayla W.

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Very dark, with such emotion and honesty. Flows very well. Great poem and I hope you can work through that, life is really rough.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is an excellent poem. It brings up such dark emotions, anger and hurt are all over it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow this is really dark. It really feels like you are attacking the reader and that makes it very real. An excellent evoking poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on August 21, 2010
Last Updated on August 21, 2010


Kayla W.
Kayla W.

Nashville, TN

HI everyone! My name is kayla. I like to write stories based on homosexuality even though i'm a girl. I don't think it really matters, but it's just a stereotype. My age is a secret because, people ac.. more..

I love You I love You

A Poem by Kayla W.