

A Poem by Moth Phoenix

Dedicated to my best friend forever!! I love her to death!! =]


You're the rock I can always lean on,

I'm the shinning star you wish upon.

I'm always here to help you out,

you can always help me when I'm in doubt. 

Together we are stronger than anything,

together we are everything. 

If something ever happened to you,

I don't know what I would do. 

We met back when we were seven,

we'll still be friends when we're in heaven. 

We're always here to make each other laugh,

I'm glad you're my other half. 

I'll be here holding your hand at words end,

and I'll mumble these last words; I love you best friend. 

© 2010 Moth Phoenix

Author's Note

Moth Phoenix
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You are very good with using the emotion love, as well as portraying it in many different ways.

Posted 14 Years Ago

AWW,this is soooo sweet..i certainly think the bond here is very very deep,as was ur poem......yeah,agree about the stanza's thingy,u should divide 'em,but thats upto you.....in all,i great poem about friendship....i would definately wanna read more of your stuff..keep it up:))))))))))

Posted 14 Years Ago

Even tho its not about me i like it cuz it has my name in it lol... but ya i like the poem it sound like you all r like such bestfriends

Posted 14 Years Ago

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this is pretty good. I think you might want to divide the lines up into stanzas to make it flow better, though. good job!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on March 12, 2010
Last Updated on March 13, 2010
Tags: best friends, kaylyn, forever


Moth Phoenix
Moth Phoenix


Hello there stranger! Thanks for checking out my profile. I'm just some girl enjoying life one song at a time. Drop a review if you'd like, or a comment! more..

Phoenix Phoenix

A Poem by Moth Phoenix