Only That Death Must Come

Only That Death Must Come

A Poem by Blue

A cigarette lights in darkness

and despair

A glass of juice and vodka

vodka vodka

Like a bird flying against wind

try as I might

always give in

The sorrow of my soul

express its self

in hazardous way

The need to let loose, to fly

builds up in me

as I die

Will I ever be free?

to soar

above my needs?

Will I ever be free?

to laugh

uncaring glee?

This is not mine to keep

I know this

even in my sleep

My dreams are cursed

No sanctuary

No freedom

All I have are my cigarettes

dark cancer

in my lungs

All I have is my vodka

hot veins

no flow

All I have is my sorrow

and doubt

A care of which I scream

and pout

A faulty sadness

a raging madness

I weep for my salvation

I laugh for my damnation

I seek my life's worth

I seek the glistening eye

If feelings must be felt

I reject what must

and succumb to what is

May death come swift

or slow

it matters not

Only that death must come

to those who have not

© 2012 Blue

Author's Note

Still fairly new to poetry, please leave some feedback.

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A little confused on the format but very good wording

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 24, 2012
Last Updated on April 24, 2012
Tags: only, that, death, must, come, cigarette, vodka, sorrow, depression



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