The one that Got Away

The one that Got Away

A Poem by bookitty

This is a poem from the "Love" chapter of my self published book: Through The Eyes of Boo Kitty


For some reason I can’t let this situation go

I thought maybe I would just pour my heart out in a poem

This is very big for me because I don’t like you seeing me vulnerable baby

Maybe this is what you need to see to restore your faith in me

And your trust

I know I have lost some of it

That’s the change I notice in you

Your heart is of great concern to me

I know you are in a fragile state right now

Being pulled in many directions with no instruction manual

I empathize with you greatly, even though my selfishness gets in the way

I can’t help that I’m human

I can’t help that I need you too

Like I have never needed another

My angel you are my air love

My motivation through each day

Our memories utilized as an emotional bridge for me

To carry me through the tough times

When you are not with me which is too often

In the eye of the storm I meditate on your voice

Your touch

Your lips

How safe I feel in your arms

I imagine all the things I wish you would say to me

One of the ways I use the secret

You taught me this

One of the reasons I love you so much, you push me to be better

My best friend my soul mate, the creator broke the mold

I pray for you everyday, more than my self you know

I dream of you asleep and awake yearning for your presence

Your touch is an elixir that purifies my heart

All I want in this world is to love you

To nurture you

Laugh with you

Help you

Wear your last name

Stand in the gap with your children

Maybe have one of our own

It is these needs that cause me to stray

Try to stay on top of my game because I’m scared too

I don’t want to be hurt loving you

Loosing myself in you

Stepping out on a staircase that I can’t see

Dealing with the possibility that it may be a dead end

That I will have wasted so much time

Because you still have your boxing gloves on

I’m already ko’d at your feet

Waiting to be swept away by your love

It’s true I still take applications sometimes

Even though there is no open position

I just don’t know if you want to be a temp or retire with me

And you still refuse to clarify but now I understand why

Then your hearts desires will be reveled

Your guard will no longer be up

But this is something I thought you already knew

I just did not think you really cared

Because your emotions are so in check

And my heart has been open to you

Since May 17th, I have been yours

I new we were going in opposite directions when we met

I just did not think we would be this far

Then I thought that I could change your mind

But now I could see that this is something that’s just gonna take time

Patience has just never been one of my virtues

Always used to getting what I want

Used to being chased and put on a pedestal

Then I met you and realized that there’s something more

Something bigger, a love that I never knew existed

Deeper than anything I have ever known

I love you more than I ever thought I was capable of

Please always remember this

I wish I could describe more eloquently the song in my heart

It cries out to you in a soft soprano

Because spirit is a feast to my soul and I hunger for you

I just want to be filled with you for the rest of my life

You are the man in whose arms I want to breathe my very last breath

Then when I meet the heavenly father, I’ll thank him for sending you to me

For giving me a prince who loves me with all my faults

As I do you, as God loves us

Unconditional love is one I spoke of greatly

But never experienced it until I met you

Each day that you are in my life is a testimony of that

This is getting long and I know you have things to do

Countries to save, cancer to cure

Barns to build and cows to milk

Righteous to lead out of Sodom and Gomorrah

Please just know that someone looks at you as if you were a prophet

she hangs on your every word

she loves you more than she loves herself

she wrote this for you

as you say baby everything happens for a reason

I know the reason you are in my life

I feel such grace to be worthy of you

I hope one day you will feel this way too

I hope even more one day you will be able to tell me about it

On a beach barefoot in Jamaica

While we are holding hands reciting vows

Admiring how far we have come

When your guard is finally down and you realize you can trust me

Even still right now and till eternity I will be yours

It’s just up to you if you will ever decide to claim me……..

© 2008 bookitty

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So do such a great job of writing from your heart and its a pleasure to read this excellent work of art and your poems are stored in my heart and i think about them everyday and every night because they are so touching to my heart,;]]]]

Posted 16 Years Ago

Wow it must have taken you a long time to type this. I have super typing skills and I still don't take the time to type that much stuff out. I give you props for that =]. I really liked it though, there are many thoughts that you put in there, that show me a visual of what is going on. Great job. You really put yourself into that poem. I may not know you, but I know a good writer when I see one, and I see one. =] Welcome to Writer's Cafe

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 2, 2008
Last Updated on November 8, 2008



Gary, IN

I'm a very passionate person. I'm passionate about everything I do and care about: God, Life, family, love, sex etc. A little about me? I graduated from William A. Wirt High in 2000 and went to the ar.. more..

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