- alive -

- alive -

A Poem by Brenda Woods

500 prompt challenge - #8

i am alive
human, emotional
i will spill my thoughts
onto paper, like ink
light musings
dark blotches
i will write of sunshine and flowers
romance and stars
and i will write of thunderstorms
the darkness in my heart
flaws, fears, weaknesses
i am alive; i am raw

do not think that i will make my words pretty
shy away from maliciousness and deprivation
that i will romanticise violent thoughts
sing calm, melancholy sounds

no, i am alive
and i will scream

© 2016 Brenda Woods

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Added on September 18, 2016
Last Updated on September 18, 2016
Tags: alive, emotional, raw, thoughts


Brenda Woods
Brenda Woods

Auckland, New Zealand

19 year old costume student. I love costumes, cosplay, music and writing. Flute player since 2005, I also play piccolo, guitar and ukulele. Most of my writing tends to be poetry or lyrics/songwriting,.. more..
