Journal Entry 3

Journal Entry 3

A Story by bre

I'm in a list making kind of mood man.

·      My birthday was wed, October 24th I’m 21 hookers.

·      I’m currently chilling freshly showered.

·      I’ve got wine glass with some fruity s**t

·      I’ve got cheez-its

·      I’ve got my period for the second time in 21 years.

·      He’s barley spoken to me all day and I’m feeling wronged

·      He’s probably playing some f*****g video game

·      Birthday dinner is tomorrow at 6

·      He’s meeting my family, word

·      F**k

·      I’m scared people will look at him and say

·      He’s the best she could do…

·      But he loves me

·      And his video games

·      Periods make me emotional

·      So do half full wine glasses

© 2012 bre

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Added on October 27, 2012
Last Updated on October 27, 2012
Tags: list, men, boys, hate, periods, bloody, cheez-it, wine, alcohol, video games, love, birthday, mine, journal, emotional



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