Fear of the Forgotten Past

Fear of the Forgotten Past

A Poem by Broken Molecules

you're right 
I am afraid 
I'm scared of 
opening up these forgotten scars
burning down my walls
built so high 
never let in or out
walls guarding something 
something so mysterious 
its identity, foreign
foreign to even me 
you're right 
I am afraid 
I'm scared of 
his search party
within my mind 
the fire in his hands 
burning down my walls
built so high 
guarding the lost memories 
of once was 
or of here and now 
you're right 
I am afraid
I'm scared of 
his dark lair
the chair he wants 
to sit me in 
while I speak words
the words that become his keys
keys that allow him to find a way in 
you're right 
I am afraid 
I'm afraid 
I'm scared of 
him unlocking the metal gates
opening them up so wide 
that sunlight shines through 
bringing along clarity 
clarity upon something 
something I'm terrified to find 
So you're right 
I am afraid 
I'm scared of 

© 2016 Broken Molecules

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Added on September 15, 2016
Last Updated on September 15, 2016
Tags: afraid, fear, scared, help


Broken Molecules
Broken Molecules

Los Angeles, CA

22 Female Poet Queer Los Angeles, CA more..

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A Poem by Broken Molecules