My lover.

My lover.

A Poem by lexiilunatic

my eyes are dry from all the tears that have come from them.
my body is cold from all the loving and warmth i felt is gone.
my heart is in pieces wishing the person who contains it would fix it.
my spirit is evil from the hatred i feel for myself.
my mind is undecisive for i am lost nd dont know wat will happen anymore.

all together is one with anger hatred disappointment nd hoping.
anger for everything i have done wrong.
hatred for myself.
disappointment that i cant seem to do anything right.
hoping that one day everything will be ok,

that my eyes that were once dry will be wet with tears of joy.
that my body will be comforted nd warm nd filled with affection.
that my heart that is with my lover will be put together thanks to him.
that my spirit will be good and free of all the anger.
that my mind will be filled with thoughts of happiness,the future with the one i love.

© 2008 lexiilunatic

Author's Note

grammar again. lol.

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Very lovely. I always enjoy reading your work because I can relate. You really have writing potential. Keep it up :) send me some reviews when you write more. Would love to hear from ya

Posted 15 Years Ago

I forgot you had this one!! I like it of course. I like how you relate the first and last stanza. Good job lexii!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on October 14, 2008



Hello there. My name is lexii. You can call me lexii lunatic. Im 15 years old, and i have many talents. One of them i think is writing. But thats my personal opinion. I am not a normal person i must .. more..
