

A Story by Bryan_Himmel

Short Story I wrote last Hallow's Eve.


          Stacy screamed until she felt a slight ripping and her voice dropped an octave, yet still she screamed as a copper taste overrode her gustatory sense. The light blood that coated the back of her throat as she went hoarse told her numbing mind that she had ripped her vocal cords horribly, yet in her shocked state she still tried to scream as nothing came out. She began to suffocate and finally had to breathe; it was like breathing in a fistful of knives.
        This was never supposed to happen; it was all a prank that is all it ever was. Just a dumb idea to put matt on edge, There was no way this thing could be real, everyone knew séance’s weren’t real everyone except matt which had been the point. Now James lay dead on the floor the blood pooling around him had spread to under Stacy’s feet. His lifeless eyes gazed up at her accusingly, like this was her fault! She didn’t want to pull the prank she had only wanted to go get high, maybe have some drinks as well.
          James and Kyle had gotten the great idea to invite matt out for a night on the town, get him hammered and her job had been to just distract him in her slightly revealing clothes and occasional pretty winks. Was never a hard thing to accomplish all she had to do was give a few winks some intense stares; with her looks she could have any guy distracted but matt would be the easiest.
              after hitting the local pub and bar James and Kyle revealed their big surprise for matt, they were going to take him to a séance and pay for him. Poor matt between the booze and Stacy’s breast never saw the harassing and joking that would ensue around campus that was to come. They stumbled down the sidewalk of downtown till they saw a lit up store sign of the all seeing eye in a palm, upon walking inside they saw skulls, shrunken heads, prayer beads, candles, books, scrolls, sacrificial daggers, mini altars, and a elderly gypsy woman behind the counter who looked half dead.
             Madame Estelle was her name. Kyle took the lead and with an attempted serious face stood tall doing his best to appear sober asked how much for a séance?  Slowly the old hag raised her head bells jingling in a solemn haunting manner and she displayed a yellow jagged tooth gap ridden smile to the four of them. “why child, for you only fifty dollars, take it or leave it I have beauty sleep to attend to if you don’t want the fare to speak to the spirits.” Kyle slammed his fist into his pocket digging around for money finding nothing but a condom and some spare change, then the drunken cloud lifted for a second and he reached into his back pocket for his wallet fishing in it for the cash. He located two twenties and turned to James, “got a ten broski?” “to speak to the dead Kyle of course I do man!” a sly smile crept across both of their faces but luckily matt was focused on Stacey and her story, or more realistically probably her breast that were pushing at the boundary of her low cut top as she leaned on the counter cattycorner from him.

The gypsy stood up from her stool and disappeared from view behind the counter, and came shuffling around the side. My god a gypsy and a midget thought Stacy the poor woman, and with that hideous smile no wonder she was alone. She led them into a circular room with a table in the middle candles at specific points in the room created a hexagram. There was salt lines connecting the candles and the salt appeared bloody, this con artist was pushing the envelope with theatrics. She motioned them to all take their seats around the table and lay her hands to rest on its top. “Anyone in specific you wish to contact child, or just out for the thrill?”
      “Just here for a thrill Madame, no specifics just want to see a conjuring.”
“then a thrill you shall all have especially you sweetie.” Her piercing stare made Stacey shift uncomfortably while she questioned herself what she meant by her especially. She joined hands and Kyle grew a boyish smirk as he glanced at matt, “are you ready Mattie?” “Don’t call me Mattie, Kyle. Yes I’m ready.” And the gypsy lowered her head, bells jingling solemnly again as she began to chant. “safna I kringum gamla anda og vitni andlat peirra.”  The candles blew snuffed out one at a time as if an entity was putting their hands over the flame. “eg kalla a big til ad undanbagur dom a gudlostunar” A gust picked up in a clockwise direction and the salt on the floor began to give way slowly. “eg kalla big pukinn ad koma og veislu a pessum fjorum til hungry er sated” The gypsy’s head came up the bells jingling merrily for the first time Stacy had heard, and her eyes shot open. Blood glistened in the corner of her eyes and carnal terror clutched at Stacy’s heart. A cold dread sank into the pit of her stomach; the gypsy let go of her and James hand let out a feral howl as she dug her nails into the tabletop dragging them towards her, leaving a bloody path in her wake.
         Darkness shrouded the tabletop and claws began to appear in the middle of the table causing Stacey to jerk away from the table with a gasp, matt jumped back with a yelp and tugged her further from the table. James sat in shock for a second and as the legs began to from jumped back sending his chair crashing across the room. Kyle sat at the table grinning ear to ear, clapping like a moron. As the torso began to appear the gypsy smiled her horrible smile and began to disappear her last words resonating through the room “enjoy your thrills child; and you enjoy your hunt bol kazar.”

Stacey felt a tug on her arm and slowly turned her head and saw matt frantically pointing at a door wide open with stairs leading down; James was already in the door way heading down. She turned and saw Kyle still sitting there grinning and rambling about special effects being amazing here. The daemon stood over six feet and had hellish looking horns sprouting from his head and spikes all over his arms. The hands were still appearing as they shot towards Kyle. He squealed with delight as the hands got closer and then with a sickening tear and suck they plunged into his stomach; his squeal turned to a high pitch scream of pain and terror at once. She felt her stomach tighten as she was pulled towards the staircase. The creatures back went taught for a second and then the muscles began to relax as a bone rending rip echoed through the room and Kyle was ripped in half.

Blood sprayed across the room but most importantly her face; in one of his hands lay Kyle’s still frantically beating heart and the daemon lifted it to his maw and bit into it like a apple; blood racing down its face and neck. She turned her head and threw up all down the back of matt’s legs and the front of hers; matt didn’t even flinch he just continued dragging her through the door and down the steps. Yet with each step further from that thing, a colder dread sank into her. At the bottom of the stairs was James white with terror and sweat on his brow. He looked at them with an edginess usually reserved for wild animals backed into a corner.

 Matt looked between them and it must of sunk in that he would have to be in charge. “Okay we need to try and find a way out of here either through this basement or back up and through the front of the store.” “I am not going back near that thing, whatever the hell it is!” shrieked James. Stacey slapped him, maybe too hard in her own hysteria and his eyes cut through her with pure hatred. “We can’t argue we need to move and now, it killed Kyle…it f*****g killed Kyle...” and sobs began to choke her up. Matt; bless his soul, put his arm around her and tried to comfort her; god how naive was he? For the third time she felt like s**t for how she had played him, he was such a nice guy. He dropped his arm from around him and she felt coldness seep into her instantly; he opened the only door in the basement and they peered down the darkness ahead. “Looks like the only way to go from here then.”  And into the maw of darkness he led them; back straight and rigid radiating self-control.



Stacey’s hair on her neck stood up; instilling terror into her even deeper; it also made her slightly embarrassed which in turn put her in a foul mood. I am not a child, I won’t be dumb like Kyle and I won’t be a b***h like James; I’m better than this, she told herself. Then there was a fleeting feeling across her leg and she let out a shriek and jerked closer to matt; James whirled around staring her down like she should drop dead on the spot. “It’s a rat Stacey, get over yourself, and control your mouth before you bring that thing down here to us.”  He stepped forward with his hand raised to slap her and matt stepped in between them; for the first time she realized matt was a fairly big guy for a geek. He grabbed James arm and stared him down. “You hit her and it will be a race between me and the daemon on who kills you.” James actually backed down and then a sly smile spread on his face. “How cute he takes up for you, poor naïve b*****d, she isn’t into you; just was distracting you so we could make fun of you for believing in this s**t.” Matt’s face contorted in a face of surprise and irritation and he whirled around on his heels and disappeared into the depths of the hall leading deep into the abyss of the basement. Stacey, tears streaming down her face ruining her mascara she ran off after matt,

James sighed and mumbled an apology as he went after her, after him. Stacey was frozen mid stride as a bone rending sound echoed down the hall accompanied by a deep chortle. And matt’s head rolled between Stacey’s legs, blood trailing in its wake. The drunken part of James’s mind thought at least the poor shmuck finally saw up her skirt. There was a blinding blackness and Stacey turned around mouth gaping finger pointing behind James; and then she screamed and ran towards matt’s body in the darkness. James felt a presence and bolted feeling a searing pain in his back like a white hot knife was raked through his flesh. He felt his inner thighs grow warmer in time with his back and his clouded mind slowly put together the pieces; I just pissed myself, great. He caught up with Stacey and snatched her down another flight of stairs behind him. A demonic roar ripped through the basement and the walls seemed to yell with the beast.

She was running without looking back; after getting pulled down the other hallway James had shoved her in front of him and she had refused to look back. How did it get down the stairs and past them, why did matt have to die with her feeling like she betrayed him; why was she always the w***e? She was so furious with herself and James. But the fact that James had pushed her in front she wasn’t sure if it was a thoughtful act or self-preservation in case the daemon ended up in front of them again.



And she turned the corner to the left…..dead end! She froze inches from the wall and looked up, down, left, right and the carnal instincts took over. She cried hard and screamed, she frantically clawed at the wall; the brick tore her finger nails off and bloody streaks painted the wall it was almost like finger paint in a morbid sense. James pulled up short at the corner his face white in terror, “we’re trapped!” she moaned helplessly, “there is nowhere to go and its behind us…..James I don’t want to die.” “Stacey look at me, you are not going to die everything will be…” blood sprayed from his lips across her face and she blinked, stunned. A claw emerged from James’s throat and his body convulsed as he gasped, helplessness was all his eyes read and he was lifted off the ground. He gurgled on his own blood, suffocating and his eyes went from a fear-stricken to peaceful look in seconds and then his body dropped to the floor.

Stacy screamed until she felt a slight ripping and her voice dropped an octave, yet still she screamed as a copper taste overrode her gustatory sense. The light blood that coated the back of her throat as she went hoarse told her numbing mind that she had ripped her vocal cords horribly, yet in her shocked state she still tried to scream as nothing came out. She began to suffocate and finally had to breathe; it was like breathing in a fistful of knives.

        This was never supposed to happen; it was all a prank that is all it ever was. Just a dumb idea to put matt on edge…

The gypsy sat at the circular table in the middle of that circular room and cackled. They were trapped in a mini hell and bol kazar would continue to repeat his killing of them until he was sated and as for Stacey she would be saved last to only die once her hell would be to watch them die over and over never realizing it was happening again. How dare she think the gypsy was a hideous monster, foolish b***h she should of considered the truth, besides everyone knows gypsy’s can read minds.

© 2013 Bryan_Himmel

Author's Note

Chanting is Icelandic
1)gather around old spirits and watch their demise.
2)I call upon you to dispense judgement to the blasphemous.
3) I summon you daemon to come and feast upon these four until your hunger is sated.

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Added on May 20, 2013
Last Updated on May 23, 2013
Tags: horror, supernatural, fiction, short, witchcraft, demon




I dabble in poetry, lyrics, and the occasional story. Have been writing on and off for a few years now, I am a bit of an self-turned introvert due to things that have occurred thus far in life. My wr.. more..
