The Voice of God

The Voice of God

A Poem by Dancing Butterfly

This is a poem of how beautiful God is in his splendour majesty and power.

The Voice of God sounds like, thunderious quaking trumpets! Alarming in the midnight skies. Harken, children listen to Him! All whom inhabit the earth. For our God is awesome, with power and might. At the sound of His voice, all nations tremble, darkness shall flee ,all people, tribes, tongues will bow, confessing He is God in Greatness, Authority, abundant with such Glory and righteousness strong! Majesty is He the Great I am  the one who is and was and is to come! Our Lord brings forth judgment casting down demons to the pit of hell! People the battle belongs to the Lord, the war has already been won! He will protect His own, Crushing those evil entities, which harm His children. Jesus  said come to me,
 I will give you rest. He was cruisified for us on the cross,
as a sacrafice so our Heavenly Father will forgive us of sins. 
If we accept Him into our hearts mind body spirit crying out in repentance, O' Lord Jesus! forgive us! We have commited unrighteousness and vile sin before your throne Cleanse us! O' God from all evil in your midst. Weeping in our sorrows, Adoration unto ye those beautiful heartfelt tears flooding our faces dripping on soft fabric. Laying postrate before you, worshiping Jesus name on High. John 3:16 says: For God so loved the world he gave his one and only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him, may not parish but, have eternal life. 

© 2010 Dancing Butterfly

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I think it was completely understandable and beautiful. :) This is perfect and I think you should keep it in paragraph form is you would like, Dancing Butterfly!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Very true! God is amazing and loving and kind.
I won't point out the mistakes unless you want me too, because this is beautiful just the way it is!
God bless you, Dancing Butterfly!

Posted 8 Years Ago

I loved how it described God as powerful, and showed how bigger than life he is! Good job!

Posted 9 Years Ago

First of all, a poem should not be in a paragraph format. I got about half way through with it and I was a little confused on what you were trying to say. It's really scattered everywhere and doesn't seem organized in my mind.
I do like, however, that when you were talking about the lord that you capitolized Him

Keep working on it

Posted 14 Years Ago

First off befoure i even read this it should not be in paragraph form, you shold learn how to write a poem in a correct format. The traditional way of writing a poem goes by 1-2-3-4 line enter twice and repeat. NOT IN PARAGRAPHS! (Ill continue to read now)

Okay, i got about half way and was completely confused. It was all over the place. A possible redo and make it more understanding and orginized will deffinatly put this poem at the right stance it should be in.

Keep trying.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on January 12, 2010
Last Updated on January 12, 2010
Tags: God, voice, Splendour


Dancing Butterfly
Dancing Butterfly

Elmira, NY

I write poetry, stories. I am learning the piano, music composition song writing music theory and taking vocal lessions. I enjoy music. Animals friends. more..