Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes

A Poem by cad

The droplet that ran over your shoulder

And down your spine

Left a silver train behind,

The slug of water.


It wasn’t raining -

Was it a tear

Tearing across your skin?

Some symbol of sorrow

Sorrowfully symbolising some

Strange strain on the senses?


Yet I saw no sadness in these eyes,

Nor a gleeful twinkle,

Nor any emotion at all,

Simply a droplet

Sliding down your back.

© 2010 cad

My Review

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Ah, very good. The feeling of not knowing is very poetic by itself. You have pretty much captured it. Well done. Keep writing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

this is very good, and the word play is fun to read,
it really brought the imagery to life, you've done an awsome job here
so emotionally driven :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very beautiful description of usually a physical emotional response. "Sorrowfully symbolizing some, Strange strain on the senses?" Great way to go about a witty summary. Good write =) -Justin

Posted 14 Years Ago

I love the complexity here, and the word symbolism you
used. Your words are so visual, descriptive. Keep up
the good work:)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on April 29, 2010
Last Updated on April 30, 2010
Tags: Tear, Water, Droplet, Back, Shoulder



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