My Heart of Ice

My Heart of Ice

A Poem by ★ Aeryn Harmonica Truckfinn ★

The result of a broken heart...


It is cold,
My heart of ice.

It feels with the emotion
Of a lifeless stone,
Burns with the intensity
Of an Arctic night.
My heart of ice.

Twisted in your hands,
Tortured with your cruelty,
Until it is unrecognizable,
Then left in the cold to suffer.
My heart of ice.

With time the wounds heal,
Leaving it scarred and hardened,
It freezes over and is stronger,
Yet could still shatter at any moment.
My heart of ice.

It sympathizes with the empathy
Of a breathless statue,
Loves with the passion,
Of a motionless corpse.
My heart of ice.

It is callous,
My heart of ice.

© 2010 ★ Aeryn Harmonica Truckfinn ★

Author's Note

★ Aeryn Harmonica Truckfinn ★
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Very nice word choice. Perhaps try to vary the metaphors since your point about your heart being of ice is repeated heavily with the word, "freeze", which makes it sound monotonous. Try juxtaposing it with its opposite, namely expand on "burns with intensity": venture into using more intense colours to shock the reader. However, I love the minimalist aesthetic in the structure and the white space between the stanzas add to the lonely, isolated and empty feeling of the narrator.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Great words you picked I like this heaps go on mate :')

Posted 7 Years Ago

Very nice ..Enjoyed reading this well done :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

Heart of ice? wow, that's deep. Nice writing!

Posted 8 Years Ago

honestly speaking i love it it touched my heart amazingly written keep it up!! :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

i love this, it truely touched me...big ups to you

Posted 11 Years Ago

wow such an emotional read. nicely presented

Posted 11 Years Ago

I love this piece you show some great skill here 'burns with the intensity of the arctic night' is an amazing idea and image. What you capture so perfectly is the strength and weakness of the ice which in turn is the strength and weakness of the person, so true because there are always good and bad days. A really fantastic poem!

Posted 11 Years Ago

I like your analogies - "emotion of a lifeless stone, intensity of an Arctic night, empathy of a breathless statue, passion of a motionless corpse"....this is brilliant work!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

i can feel the's so sad..full of emotions..i liked it when you started the poem as >>>it is cold...and ended it with>>>my heart of ice.

it's really nice.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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12 Reviews
Added on January 1, 2010
Last Updated on July 13, 2010
Tags: Broken heart, ice, heart, bitter, sad, cruel, heartless, poem, metaphors


★ Aeryn Harmonica Truckfinn ★
★ Aeryn Harmonica Truckfinn ★

Smalltown, WI

Hey, I'm Erin, if you didn't notice. ^.^ Thank you for looking at my page and more importantly, my writing. I have always loved to write, mainly stories, but I think poetry is alright too. =]] I haven.. more..


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