Dear You

Dear You

A Story by Celina Ulliel

letter from the bereaved

Dear you,
It's been a while since we last swayed our hips and held each others' hands. The memory's still vivid like it just happened yesterday.We danced and twirled under the star studded sky as if we were floating in thin air. The world seemed to stop, and it was beautiful. It was just you and me in that flowery meadow. 
That was the last time you looked into my eyes and told me how you felt about me. You held my hand so tightly, and you hugged me like you never wanted to let go of me. I felt so comfortable, so protected.  I didn't want it to end. We could've lived together that way forever. If only fate allowed us...
Who would've known those words you said that night were the last I'll ever hear from your lips? Those sweet nothings, those plans we had. Who would've known that was the last dance we'll ever have? 
All I could do now is reminisce and think of what could've been-- what could've been if destiny was kind to you. If it let you live a little more. If it gave you the chance to enjoy life a little bit more. If it didn't let that disease get in the way of your happy life. If only.
Forever could've been possible, then.


© 2010 Celina Ulliel

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I thought this was beautifully written. Moving and very well thought out. A very beautiful piece

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 19, 2010
Last Updated on April 19, 2010


Celina Ulliel
Celina Ulliel


They say the human mind is limitless and knows no boundaries. I'm here to prove that. more..

First First

A Poem by Celina Ulliel