A Poem by An owl on the moon

A Christmas collab from last year with 15 writers from around the globe. May the people of the world seek true peace this year�




In frosted glass I stare serene at city scenes on plastic snow

And listen to a song so sweet, a tune of peace to all the world

The haunting pace of voices past begins to steal my lilting mind

As alabaster rivers tremble in the quiet, frozen facade of time


Is this the window here? Show me, yes, yes, that's it

Yes, I feel it, let me touch the glass, feel it, yes

O you're right! I feel December's touch reach in

Will you read your poem again...your words be my eyes?


I open this window of love here in the Far East Bengal bay

And this dull night suddenly turned bright as a shining day

This world became one nation, full of elation and serenity

I wish this Christmas will bring to this World a lot of prosperity


A north wind blows and cold white snow lies upon barren ground

As I gaze silently, I recall memories of gaiety and good cheer

December's full moon sits proud on his throne wearing his merry crown

Enchanting hearts in all parts of the world, windows shine crystal clear


Through these windows shine the reflections of my vision

A vision of never-ending peace; a bittersweet song of time

Frosted joviality descending with the gentle snowflakes

Ecstatic temper gliding in the chilly air


Oh how the wind brushes my cheeks with its arctic grace

And snow so crisp beneath my feet, I need you to embrace

Embrace the snowflakes of today and last winter's cheer

Start gliding through the icy patches of the forthcoming year


Colours from view show Christmas time

Warm cosy fires supping warm mulled wine

Laughter on faces as giving is warm, and families together happy not torn

The day where streets stand still, with just stockings to fill


The subtle chill air breathes a silent kiss upon my tender cheek

Washing away perennial iniquities on a whisper of this soulful day

Sounds of the season dance an elegant waltz of reminiscence

Spiriting silent memories across the canvas of my winter’s mind


I continue to look through that window of promise as the snow around me swirled

My thoughts are filled with hopes of peace, big enough for the entire world

The type of peace that everyone would want give and share

A peace that begged us to live, to take more breaths of air


Here I sit, cradled in warmth, my brother close next to me

We talk about gifts, and this and that, and sip our tea

This day, this special day, it not only about gifts

But our time together is the true thing I never forget


Raised expectant faces look to frost-framed, starry skies

Heavens mighty panoply enfolds us, as our seeking eyes

Gaze in awe with those of Shepherds, Wise Ones, Kings

While, through celestial windows, the Choir of Heaven sings


From this empty land of deserts baked by unrelenting sun

This land to which all peoples of the world in peace have come

To huddle at the margin close to water's cooling solace

Drought and wind-swept fire is another summer's promise


No matter what you feels now, no matter who's your God

Close your eyes and whisper for peace and love, oh Lord

Moslems, Hindus, Christians, Jews, open your hearts, no fears

Pray harder, every nation, for peace and love, not tears


Opening my heart to a season of change, that of a spiritual joy, a gift of love

A calling to all, shadows a journey for all, following the brightest star of all

I close my eyes; I pray we look outside the same window with open hearts

Following the spiritual navigation of love, flowing out into the night


The windows of the world are draped with Mankind’s dreams

Stitched with respectful tolerance and hemmed with hope

We’ve woven unity, dear café friends, with love of words

Let’s set an everlasting candle on the sill until our meaning’s heard...

© 2009 An owl on the moon

Author's Note

An owl on the moon
In the interest of peace on earth, this poem is a collaboration of poets from around the world in the following order (four lines each): CRAIG (US), Orlando Furiosa (UK), Bhavya Kaushik (India), Fran Marie (US), Charl�ne (Canada), Viktorsha (Russia/US), Gema (UK), Seriana (US), Aurelia Mirella (Italy), Daiku Maryu (Poland), JohnL (UK), Ocean Wave (Australia), Yossi (Israel), Arthur Henn (US), Emma (UK).

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Featured Review

oh this is really so great..i feel so happy seeing all this gathering of beautiful people..wonderful poets of the cafe ..singing together for peace..what a wonderful thing..its like a dream..God how happy i am to see this.. i just wish everyone here in the cafe share with would tell how many great hearts are here with us sharing the same wonderful dream of peace and happiness..

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


This is an amazing piece!!
I mean unbelieveably great!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

oh this is really so great..i feel so happy seeing all this gathering of beautiful people..wonderful poets of the cafe ..singing together for peace..what a wonderful thing..its like a dream..God how happy i am to see this.. i just wish everyone here in the cafe share with would tell how many great hearts are here with us sharing the same wonderful dream of peace and happiness..

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Amazing how the world of poets here at the Caf� can come together from all four corners of the globe, a gift bestowed upon the poet's heart to paint a canvas of love.

"Windows of the World"

What a gift of a soulful collaboration, a group effort of true hearts to share their souls.
Thank you all for such a divine gift of warmth and love.

Thank you Craig,


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This turned out to be a wonderful collaboration and I thank you

and Emma for asking me to express my views and participate in

such a spirited and inspirational write~ Merry Christmas and peace

on earth~Fran Marie

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I absolutely LOVE what you have done here, my brother. Just LOVE it.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bless you all for that wonderful poem, WHICH IS WONDERFUL! both the idea and what it turn into, for long time I feel that the Cafe is a beautiful place for so many sensitive souls that found that sweet place on the net to share their thoughts, hopes , wishes and more, The love spread all over the Cafe is the same love that I find in that beautiful project.

Thank you so much for asking me to share my wishes and hopes for peace all over the world, a great honor!

Since I am the only poet that shared on this, that live in the middle east, it was important for me to send a message for peace for all the families here in my area and all over the globs, if we all just forget about the past, leave the hate behind and pray for a better place and future to our children... Amen

Bless you Emma, Bless you Craig

Merry Chrisms and Happy new year Yossi

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I am really honoured to have been chosen to collaborate in this beautiful chef d'oeuvre, and I do not regret it one bit. What a splendid job we have done!
I give you my endless thanks for this opportunity. What we have weaved together is something more than mere words tied together in a poem; they are a message with strong emotion that hopefully will touch the reader deeply. It sure did touch me.
A collaboration like this one shows that there is peace and love that can be found through the war and hate- even on Internet! To the contrary of what many believe, Internet is not always a place to find 'unapropriate' things. I have to agree with Emma; people that think that way should read our collaboration. I hope this can be the beginning of a new era; one where peace can be found easily.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

My dearest Craig...

I can't thank you enough for letting me share this experience with you and all these other writers.

By working together, we have made something truely beautiful.

La pace per sempre,
-Aurelia ♥

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

What a glorious collaboration that exemplifies just what Christmas should be about, well what we should do all year long... be able to see things from others perspectives before judging, if so we would all see we are not that different.

Standing ovation for the entire cast of this poetic production.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Craig, it's been such a pleasure to work alongside you on 'Windows of the World'

Being with you and our friends has been a fantastic experience; if people think that online friendships mean very little, they should read our collaboration!

This is what believing is all about.

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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30 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on December 12, 2008
Last Updated on December 18, 2009


An owl on the moon
An owl on the moon

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