Compartment 114
Compartment 114
The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
The Blood of Poets...

The Blood of Poets...

A Poem by An owl on the moon

I dedicate this to all those friends I have found on this site; all who write and create worlds with their words. Now, who are your favorite poets?































The fuel of rebellion, the flames of reformation,

The Poet brings fire into the dark corridors.

Yours are the soft words painted in a baby’s book,

And the etchings on the stones of the fallen…


Set to music in great cathedrals or sung to children at night,

The utterance of the Poet calms and refreshes the soul.

Where ancient civilizations crumble and decay,

Your speeches live on, inspiring the weak and the faint…


How the Poet captures all creation revealing sacred and profane,

Common soil and golden streets, you satisfy like food and wine.

You bring love like water to the desert and raise the sun from its slumber;

For no joy is so profound and no pain so deep that you cannot describe…


Kings rise and fall, the bones of armies lie scattered in dust,

But your words remain, like the wind they caress the earth.

You are Byron and Blake, Frost,  Dickinson, and Whitman…

Your voice is Neruda and Milton, Giovanni and Alexander…


The blood of the Poet is poured out like water for the thirsty,

Etched on the pages of history, making passion burn hotter,



© 2011 An owl on the moon

Author's Note

An owl on the moon
“Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash.” ~ Leonard Cohen

“I've written some poetry I don't understand myself.” ~ Carl Sandburg

“Ink runs from the corners of my mouth… There is no happiness like mine… I have been eating poetry.” ~ Mark Strand

“Poets are masters of us ordinary men, in knowledge of the mind, because they drink at streams which we have not yet made accessible to science.” ~ Sigmund Freud

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Craig....absolutely an awesome tribute to the creative, prolific nature of a poet, of which I am so very humbled to be considered! Leonard Cohen is a wonderful poet, song writer, performer, and on and on....I have many favorites but, "I Am Your Man" has become a special write for me! There are just so many others! Carl Sandburg's quote is that which I can readily relate to. Omar Kayyam, Shelley, Blake, oh my so many to mention!!
It is wonderful to be a member of a community such as Writer's Cafe where I am able to become friends with so many others with like interests, and talents!!

Thank you for your tribute!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I agree, this is a great tribute to poets and writing in general, like all the other art forms poetry is used all the time and is an essential part of our complex society. Also thanks for adding it to the group 'Poems about Poetry'

Posted 11 Years Ago

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amazing, i agree..
to me
poems are bits of pieces of ourselves hidden/shown in words.
poems are windows of the soul of every poets.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Cheers to the poets!! Awesome writing :)
Without poets, I feel sure the world would suffer, for, who would call a flower anything but simply a flower, and who would dissect life and all its intricacies into fine lines on a page? :) They just see things in a special way.
i love this...

Posted 13 Years Ago

nice tribute i love it Poet and writer on here that is a great Friend of mine and that has Inspired me Tate Morgan He's a Amazing writter i have took off all my Poems and writing on here delated them i am working having my work Published going after that dream and i hope that, this Beautiful Gift God pours through me The Lords words help others alot of it has some is Religious and them are very beautiful i don't do them Churchy poems and ones of love children poems just all kinds but i Enjoyed reading this first time in a long time on here been so busy with family time with the lord and Writting and geting some ready and will use my own illistrations i have a good friend helping me but many on here have helped and Inspired me just as God does but the one that has the most is Tate Morgan he is a Great man i am honored to call him friend. god bless lily

Posted 13 Years Ago

Somewhat i'm feeling good about myself after reading your poem and quotes. Thanks for writing this, dear Craig.

Posted 13 Years Ago

"The blood of the Poet is poured out like water for the thirsty,

Etched on the pages of history"

LOVE LOVE LOVE this line!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Such beauty of what the numerous Poets do here that you have put into words...Well written!

Posted 13 Years Ago

One word Craig.. WOW!!!! Just WOW!!!!!!

Mags xxx

Posted 13 Years Ago

I have no words to say…
That much beautiful….excellent…
Kudos to the poet you are….

Posted 13 Years Ago

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53 Reviews
Shelved in 6 Libraries
Added on January 13, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2011


An owl on the moon
An owl on the moon

2024 is here... May we make it so much more heaven than hell... Wishing all peace on earth... Together, maybe we go the distance... The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet t.. more..
