Comings and Goings

Comings and Goings

A Poem by Clyde Grauke

The leaves were beginning to
turn and fall
when I got up in the
middle of the night
and seeing the body
of the old man who
stood alone in the bathroom
I was thinking that
I would be around
only so much longer,
and of the unexpected continuity
of things I have made or touched
being passed along
to my kids, then to their kids, then to their kids
came to mind

and that people come and go
and generations come and go
and eras come and go
and countries come and go
and cultures come and go
and planets come and go
and suns come and go
and galaxies come and go
and universes come and go
and Lords of universes come and go

and the Absolute Un-manifest sat in silence
as I returned to my bed
and I snuggled into the comfort of my covers,
enjoying the coolness of the pillow
and resting in my slow and easy breathing
I drifted into sleep,
while I rested in the knowledge that
my essence and the essence of
the Absolute Un-manifest
are the same.

© 2016 Clyde Grauke

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Nothing on this earth is infinite. We come, we create and we leave behind a legacy, objects, words, and images as proof of our existence. I like the beginning in which you say "The leaves were beginning to
turn and fall." It is an unconscious statement of emotional transparency.

The Absolute Un-manifest I would gather is a play on words for The Manifest Absolute. I have not studied it in detail so I won't assume any comparisons.

Old age is a lonely journey of watching your body make decisions without your consent. I like the way you've written this poem and the tone.

Great job.

Posted 8 Years Ago

I wish the images we attach to writings came in more like I like. Besides clicking on the thumbnail, it can be seen in its better context here: . The image is a terra cotta sculpture I made back in the 70's that I still have on my bookshelf in my study.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 31, 2016
Last Updated on March 31, 2016


Clyde Grauke
Clyde Grauke

Garland, TX

I am a digital artist and writer. I write poetry and flash nonfiction short stories. I am retired. more..
