

A Poem by night/light

Permenants nothing. For Lou Anne.


First came the miracle

a curious encounter

a swirling tenure

caving in all the walls

crashing through me

was me

so influx was I

lost and found

by her empty stare

her voice is a harp

and shes adorned in

an assortment of stars

and plucked off wings

a crown of torn up hearts

and other broken things

suddenly all stolen by

the nervous light


that stole me


the shimmering tremble within

passion eyes burning with glory;

at attention seeking stimulation

now a fire that does not cease

forever young and powerful

the will for; desire 

weeps in tiny quakes

as soft lips touch

in asphyxiating lust


excitement signals

calm another shiver

we have known no fear

we wished to be delivered


for now we are touching

for we are born sinners

bound still

to grace! us deserving no more, no less

the present slowly beginning to unravel

all the spaces clasped tightly together

suddenly loose, losing all given meaning

so we can see the wholeness of lost value


Oh, spiraling down seems never-ending  

we waltz towards freedom


seducing the clothes from seperation


all the obstacles becoming forgotten

paths that we knew, and find again

that comings now only to be passing


these unpredictable waves of raw motion

the vulnerability our only reliant way home  

so we can get this grand feeling to remain

as we elegantly spark and explode


silent, incomplete, unconditional

a ripple throughout the vast ocean

that you and I have created tonight

a moment to allow this welcome pleasure

once aknowledged it is swept away, by

the tides of our perfect treasure








© 2012 night/light

Author's Note

Please give me insights, opinions, critical thinking, ideas, comments, love

Not my best.. so no need to attack my word choices or anything of the like. If you are just looking to be a nuissance, you will not be acknowledged.

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Not your best?

I'm sorry, but please excuse my lack of oxygen to the brain as I lose consciousness.
This .. Ugh!
You took me for a ride, and I enjoyed every word I encountered.


"the shimmering tremble within
passion eyes burning with glory;
at attention seeking stimulation
now a fire that does not cease
forever young and powerful
the will for; desire
weeps in tiny quakes
as soft lips touch
in asphyxiating lust"

Awesome write!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Not your best?

I'm sorry, but please excuse my lack of oxygen to the brain as I lose consciousness.
This .. Ugh!
You took me for a ride, and I enjoyed every word I encountered.


"the shimmering tremble within
passion eyes burning with glory;
at attention seeking stimulation
now a fire that does not cease
forever young and powerful
the will for; desire
weeps in tiny quakes
as soft lips touch
in asphyxiating lust"

Awesome write!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on May 9, 2012
Last Updated on May 9, 2012
Tags: first, post, space, lust, unity, waves, temptation, nature, erotic, feedback, fall, from, grace, poetry, night/light, light, night, dark, love, life, death




My thoughts are carefully carved out of lead. As they all crash down upon my head. more..

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A Story by night/light

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A Poem by night/light