Strawberry Nights

Strawberry Nights

A Story by Lost?

The crisp fall air swirled around me. As it danced it threw my long, wavy hair into my face and gently tickled my fingers and nose. The dark night sky draped like a heavy, familiar blanket over my shoulders and the black waves rolled onto the beach behind the boardwalk bench we sat on.

          It was perfect. Just us and strawberry ice cream. The wind blew another gust of cool air toward us and a shiver went down my spine.

          “Callie, are you cold? We can go if you are.” He must have felt me shiver.

          “I’m fine.” I said as I took another lick of my ice cream. The cold sorbet trickled down my throat and set off another shiver.

          “Callie you’re cold. Let’s go.” He stood up and gave me his hand.

          “Please. I’m fine, really. We haven’t been here very long, can’t we stay just a while longer?” I grasped my cone with both hands and pleaded to stay with my eyes. He starred at me a moment, then pulled one arm out of his jacket, by the time I realized what he was doing he already had the other arm out.

          “Braeden! Put your jacket on! I’m fine.

          He handed me the jacket. “Please. You’re cold. I can’t have you cold.” He sat down and I took the jacket. It was kind of chilly, how could I say no?

          The navy of his stripped sweater appeared darker in the moonlight but it still matched his eyes perfectly. He ran one hand through he tousled chestnut hair and pressed his lips into a thin line fighting a smile. God he looked good.

          He couldn’t hold it; he let out a quite chuckle and took my ice cream so I could pull on the coat. I managed to get one last taste before the strawberry cone was out of my hands. I pulled my arms through the sleeves and left it unzipped. I took a quick whiff of the dark fabric and his sweet smell filled my senses. It was still warm from his body heat and although I’d never admit it, I did feel better.

          I reached for my ice cream but Braeden pulled it slightly away. I looked at him through tightened eyes. I wasn’t in the mood for his silly games. He brushed his warm fingers across my icy cheeks thawing them out as his fingers traced down to my jaw. He placed two fingers under my chin, angled my face to his and pressed his gentle lips to mine. I could feel him smile. He pulled away and I was dazed by his crooked smile. It always got me.

          “Strawberry was a very good choice.”

          He kissed me again and I blushed.

          “Ah, there’s the color.” He handed me back the ice cream. “Warmer?”

          Silence fell between us. He waited.

          I whispered a quite “Yes. Thank-you.”

          He smiled, the left corner of his lips pulling up ever so slightly higher then the right and I melted. We were quite a moment longer, just searching each other’s eyes. I moved closer, tightening the already non-existent space between us. I laid my head against his chest and closed my eyes. This moment was perfect.

If time came to a halt right this second and I was forced to contentiously live in this moment forever, it would be heaven. Our own little heaven.

His warm hand wrapped around mine and the ice cream drifted upwards.

“Hey!” I flicked open my eyes and sat up.

“Hmm?” He asked as he licked his lips.

“My ice cream-”

“Is delicious.” He took another lick.

I sighed and rested my head back on his chest. He took another lick.

“Although, it did taste better with your lip gloss.”

I was glad he couldn’t see my face as the all the red came rushing back to my cheeks again. Without moving I asked, “Do you want the rest?”

“I couldn’t.”

“Yeah, you could. Here.” I passed him the cone and he took it without a word.

The ice cream stall lights winked at me as I settled myself into Braeden’s body. His free arm found my waist and pulled me closer to him. He chuckled silently and I smiled with the movement. I listened to the waves and laughed at the October air. I wouldn’t be cold tonight. Braeden pressed his lips to the top of my head and whispered my name. I took in one last whiff of the jacket, the ice cream, the saltwater and let sleep consume me.

© 2008 Lost?

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Featured Review

this was really good. It's the most realistic piece about a couple i have read on this entire site so far. The interaction between the two characters is simple and real and the dialogue makes it easy to imagine. good job and i think you could add this to the story Forever really easily actually it would fit great.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


I usally tend to shy away from stories,
this is really written well.
I like this, i think you did an amzing story here.
Your writing level to me is really mature for being only 16.
I am impressed.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Awesome job! I enjoyed reading this!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

It was very interesting, I liked how Braeden seems irresistible to Callie, and how she is blissed to be with him. :)
This is a more then worthy fan forum of Twilight.
I love the idea of starting fresh, with someone new, but still living in Twilight's boundaries. :)
Very well written! (:

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

this was really good. It's the most realistic piece about a couple i have read on this entire site so far. The interaction between the two characters is simple and real and the dialogue makes it easy to imagine. good job and i think you could add this to the story Forever really easily actually it would fit great.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I don't usually like love stories because I tend to be embarrassed by them (Blush) but you pulled off a scene between two "lovers" without it being awkward. I really like the title because it definitely goes with the story itself, and, well, I really like strawberry ice cream. :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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Very nice. I love it. Love stories are one of my favorite. =)

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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8 Reviews
Added on October 11, 2008
Last Updated on October 12, 2008




Hey, I'm 17. I live in a small town where the world turns at no particular speed and I'm just along for the ride. more..

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