One Less Light

One Less Light

A Poem by Con Campbell

A poem about loss. A lot of things affect us in a lot of ways.


One Less Light


Things we have, but can't keep,

Things we want, but can't find.

In a different light, we weep,

Were we always this blind?


Not taken before your time,

But pushed too far to stay.

What kept you from that climb?

Heartbreak, so many kneel and pray.


A flicker in a sky of stars,

An icon and a beacon of light.

An imperative in the memoirs

Of people that shine just as bright.


What is north without a compass?

Guidance comes in so many forms.

Loss makes life feel superfluous

In a world where this is the norm.


Twice in a year, a domino effect

That takes more than it needs to.

How can we know who to protect

When even giants can slip through?


We look around, asking, "who next?",

Hope for the best, expect the worst.

In the meantime, pay your respects.

At peace, inner evil is reversed.


"Why is everything so heavy?

If I just let go, I'd be set free."

True, don't forget, pay your levy

Learn from it, this is our plea.






© 2018 Con Campbell

My Review

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Had a lot of feeling and captivating description but just would have been a little bit better if it wasnt so scattered and more of a constant flow

Posted 6 Years Ago

thanks for entering my other competition, wonderful poem love the first and last verses especially, good luck

Posted 6 Years Ago

thanks for entering this into my happy or saddest time or both competition. as the reviewer below wrote yes i agree this is honestly about life, daily life grind of working, loving, feeding, buying , losing , winning,gaining, worrying, loving, grief,everything that life throws at our hearts and body and soul, well done

Posted 6 Years Ago

You are describing life itself with all the uncertainties and anxieties of merely 'being'. Luckily there are good bits in between which makes life worth living. You've done a good job here Con because this is how many of us feel much of the time.

Posted 6 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on June 8, 2018
Last Updated on June 8, 2018
Tags: mourning, sadness, suicide, suffering, anxiety, poetry, heartbreak, music, depression, loss


Con Campbell
Con Campbell

Hull, Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Hi, I'm Connor. I'm an English Master's & English & Philosophy Honours degree graduate from Hull, England. I don't write nearly as much as I want to or aspire to, but hey, what's here is a sample of.. more..
