Patience is a virtue

Patience is a virtue

A Story by crazylady

Erotic short story about a couples secret hideaway

Looking around the airport Stephen checked his watch for the sixth time in five minutes. Where was she, what had delayed her. A year of planning and arranging had gone into this trip. It was to be special, first time they had ever spent more than a day or night in each others company he just wanted it to be perfect.
The arrivals board told the story, the plane had landed thirty minutes ago, she should be here. Had she missed the flight? Changed her mind? What or why was stopping her from being here at that moment. An airport load speaker announcement peeled through the arrivals lounge capturing his attention.
"Would a Mr Stephen Porter awaiting the arrival of a Miss Alexandra Gravers from the 12:18 flight from London's Heathrow please make his way to security desk one"
His heart instantly sank, palms became sweaty and mind went into overdrive. What an earth was happening here. He moved towards the desk as fast as his now quaking legs could take him and made himself known to the clerk.
"Miss Alexandra was taken ill on the flight, although she has been treated and made a recovery we didn't want to release her without a chaperone, if you would please follow this way sir we will escort you to her."
Relief washed over him. Followed by a sense of dread. Alex was here and safe but what was wrong with her? Deftly following the steward he was led into a small room. Alex was sat up in a chair looking slightly pale but still her stunning and beautiful self. Rushing forwards, forgetting his location Stephen wrapped her in a warm embrace. Holding her just slightly too tight and slightly too long but needing to.
"Stephen, I'm so pleased to see you. I'm sorry to cause all this trouble. My insulin was in my jacket pocket, I must have left it at Heathrow. I tried to maintain my levels but couldn't with airplane food"
"Don't fret Alex, I will take care of you, priority one, lets get you out of here and on our way to the cabin. I knew I should have taken the same flight as you"
"No Stephen, you had business to take care if, I understand that. No harm done"
Guiding her gently back through the airport with her luggage, he led her towards the exit. An icy blast of arctic air stunned them both as they left the building. Alex shuddered and Stephen pulled her in close to him, wrapping his arm tightly around her while guiding her to the waiting jeep. Unlocking the doors he lifted her with ease into the passenger seat. To tired cold and drained to argued, Alex sat back in the seat and relaxed. Throwing the suitcase into the rear Stephen climbed in beside her. Placed a reassuring hand on her knee and smiled deeply and intently at her, she smiled back.
Despite all the hitches and issues they had faced. They were finally here, finally together. Stephen started the engine, turned the heaters on full and carefully manoeuvred the jeep out of the icy car park of the airport and onto the main roads. A sigh of relief and contentment as he glanced over toward Alex as her eyes gently closed in exhaustion. Staying quiet in order to let her doze Stephen silently congratulated himself on his forward planning.
That morning before he'd left for the airport, he'd placed a stew on low in the oven and extra wood onto the open fire to keep it burning. Put champagne in the cooler and got everything prepared for the evening ahead. This weekend was to be special, the cabin was to become their sanctuary. No phones, laptops, TVs or technology. Just the two of them undisturbed.
Snow began to fall slowly at first, then heavier. Stephen was forced to slow the vehicle and switch on the wipers. The sound of the motor so loud to his ears. He glanced over to Alex just as she began to stir. Eyes blurry from her slumber.
"Stephen, I'm so sorry. How rude of me to fall asleep"
"Hush. Don't be silly. You were bound to be exhausted after the flight and everything. The cabins only about 2 miles away. Won't be long now and we will be there. Just relax and enjoy the scenery. We have the whole weekend together"
Staring out the window Alex was amazed at the sheer beauty of her surroundings. Snow capped mountains in the distance and down in the valley an enormous lake. Frozen by the extreme weather. Scattered around the lake various log cabins. Each slightly different but all awesome.
"See that one there with the boat on the jetti" Stephen pointed to the distance.
"That's where we are heading, that's ours"
"It's stunning. I can't believe it's finally happening, that we are really here"
"I know. Who would have thought it. All those years of just chatting. Clandestine meetings. An hour grabbed here and there. Now it's finally just us."
He reached over placing his hand onto her knee. Alex placed hers over the top.
"I know Stephen. I can't believe it either. It's going to be an amazing weekend. I'm sure of that"
Rounding the corner they approached the cabin and descended onto the drive. Stephen killed the engine. Turned to Alex, cupped her beautiful face in his hands and gently pressed his lips to hers. Such a delicate yet intimate kiss. Electricity shot through them both.
"Come on, lets get you indoors"
Opening his door and stepping around he opened the door for Alex. Her footing slipping on the ice and forcing her forward. Before either could maintain balance Stephen was flat on his back in a heap of snow with Alex laid on top of him. Watching her laugh animatedly warmed his heart. He again sought out her lips for a kiss. This one deeper fueled by a passion. A need. His tongue delving deeper into her mouth as she responded rapidly. He could feel a swelling in his trousers as her warmth penetrated into his body. Needing to regain control, he out stretched his hand. Grabbed a ball of snow and pushed it down her top. Squealing in shock instantly Alex was on her feet gathering snow to launch at him. Piles and piles of ice cold snow was mounded on top of him as he listened to her laughter. It soon cured his growing erection.
Rising from the snow mound he chased her down. Grabbing her tight and holding her close. The coldness from his snow covered body penetrating deep inside her. Feeling her shudder he pulled back. Grasping her hand.
"Come on Alex let me show you inside."
Stepping inside the beauty and warmth hit hard. The open fire burning brightly and the scent of delicious food and burning embers filled her senses. Stephen stepped forward and stoked the fire. Placing a few more longs on to burn then move round to the stove. Checking on and stirring something in the oven. Then returning to her side.
"Come on, there's something I want to show you" Clasping her hand he lead he up the spiral stairway into an enormous guilted bathroom. In the corner was a double sized jacuzzi spa bath. Fluffy towels and robes were warming ready. Stepping forward and turning on the taps, pouring in some oils, Stephen turned.
"Lets get you out of those cold wet clothes and warmed up a little shall we" winking at her.
"If your up for it that is?" Slipping out of her outer layer Caz chimed
"I'm game if you are"
The tub full of bubbles and steaming hot water Stephen activated the jacuzzi jets. Unsure weather Caz was serious or not. Glancing back in her direction he could see she was. Stood there in a black lace Gstring and matching bra she was unaware of him watching as she unfastened her watch. Her body was a spectre of beauty. Pale white flesh against the blackness of the underwear. N*****s could just be glimpsed hard and erect through the delicate fabric. A fullness to those beautiful breasts that led down to a trim waist but voluptuous hips.
"Oi, what you staring at" Caz tossed her jumper in his direction. "Ain't nothing you haven't seen before" She was right to, but he would always marvel at the sight of her. She moved stealthily towards him. Wrapping her arms around him. Only to grasp his jumper and attempt to pull it over his head. While he took over removing his arms Caz made light work of his button and zipper. Having his trousers down before he even got out the jumper.
Laughing they both removed the last of their clothes and stepped into the enormous bath. The lavish bubbles engulfed them both. Jets of hot water pulsating and massaging their naked bodies. Stephen took Caz into his arms. Hands gently caressing her back. Down to her bottom whilst he left a trail of soft sweet kisses along her neck line. His arousal instant. He had dreamt of this moment so many times. Could feel his hardened c**k Pressing gently into her abdomen . Caz lowered her hand to feel its length. Sliding her hand around the shaft and then cupping his balls before sliding her hand back up to the tip. It hardened more at her touch. Gently she rubbed the tip over her engorged c**t. Stimulating them both together. The feeling of his thick c**k rubbing her c**t with the torrents of water gushing through them was electrifying.
Stephens hands now on her breast stimulating her n*****s. His tongue deep in her mouth. Battling for dominance with hers. There need for each other so great. Caz raised gently. Lowering herself down onto his hard c**k. Slowly inch by inch she allowed his c**k inside. His body shuddering at the feel of her tight p***y engulfing his shaft. Gripping him tight. Her breasts now above the water beginning to sway and bounce as she gently began riding his c**k. He slid his hands round. Cupping her buttocks. Gently pulling them apart as the speed and tempo built. Breasts now bobbing in his face. N*****s brushing against his cheeks and lips. Ecstasy was ruling their bodies. Thrusting deep to match her motion penetration deepened. Pressing her G spot with his c**k Stephen gently probed her arse with his finger. Gently sliding it in. Caz squealed euphorically as the climax hit. Tightening and clenching around his shaft. Feeling him thicken and harden as his own twitching and convulsing began. Spurting hot creamy cum deep into her depths as her p***y spasmed around his length. Her nails dug into the soft flesh of his arms as she gripped tighter to him. Grasping her tight Stephen pulled her in close as the final throws of their mutual orgasm rocked their bodies. Her breasts pressed tightly to his chest. N*****s touching his. He could feel her heart pounding with his. Breathless and sated they held each other.
The water gushing around them. Neither wanting to break the moment. Stephen, first to move grabbed one of the fluffy towels as he stepped out.
"Come on sexy, lets get you fed before you go all hypo on me" Arms outstretched he lifted Caz from the tub. Gently wrapping her in the soft towel. Pulling her close to his wet naked body he kissed her again gently. Deepening the kiss. Caz opened the towel, wrapping it around them both. Feeling his hot damp naked flesh pressed up tight against hers.
Dropping to her knees she rolled her tongue gently around the tip of his c**k. It responded instantly to the heat of her mouth. Lapping her tongue round and around before devouring his now hard c**k deep into her mouth. Gripping his buttocks as she thrust his c**k deeper into her throat. Groans of pleasure emitted from him. Restraint impossible he gasped her head. Forcing himself as deep as he could as his cum exploded deep in her mouth. His body quivering as she took every last drop. Sucking him clean. Then raising to her feet, her n*****s rubbing against him as she did. She met his mouth for another deep fervour filled embrace. Tasting himself on her lips. Lifting her off her feet Caz squealed.
"Put me down"
"Never. I intend to keep hold of you forever your mine and you know it" Stephen chuckled as he placed her gently back on the floor.
Collecting two robes to wrap themselves in.
"Come on, lets go eat" Seizing her hand he led her back down the stairs. The fire still burning warming the room. Grabbing champagne from the cooler and popping its cork he poured them both a glass. Caz stood staring into the fire. Flames dancing together as the wood crackled. Sliding up behind her nuzzling the nape of her neck. She smelt and tasted divine.
"It's amazing. Your amazing. I can't quite take it all in" she uttered. Trembling slightly as she spoke. Urging her down they sat together on the lavish hearth rug. Her head nestled against his chest.
"Believe it my love. This place is ours. Our escape from reality. A secret haven for just the two of us" his hands slowly massaging her shoulders slid lower inside the robe. Caressing each breast. Feeling the softness of her skin. Brushing against the hardness of her n*****s. Sighs of pure pleasure escaped her lips as he strategically moved to the side. Her body now lying flat on the rug. Untying the robe he exposed her pure naked beauty. The flames from the fire basking her in a warm glow. His hands exploring ever inch of her. Trails of hot kisses followed. From the tip of her full breasts down over the abdomen. Lower to the top of her thighs. His scorching lips against the lips of her p***y. His tongue searching. Finding her c**t then rolling around and around it's protruding bud. Writhing against him he slid two fingers deep inside. She felt so wet. Like silk as she clenched tightly around his fingers. He wanted to make her cum. To look into her eyes as the moment of ecstasy rose inside her. Positioning himself at her thighs he slowly but dominantly pushed his hardened c**k in place where his fingers had been. Watching intently as he began to move deeper and deeper. Thrusting harder as her pleasure mounted. Rubbing her c**t with his thumb at the same time Caz's eyes flew open. He was looking down on her. Eyes meeting and locking as the intensity grew stronger. Feeling her pulsating walls against his c**k as her thick creamy cum began to flow over his c**k he could hold back no more. Once again he erupted deep inside her. Her screams of pleasure. Calling his name as she stared so intently into his eyes. This was the moment they had both waited so long for.
Collapsing spent and exhausted beside her Stephen cradled Caz into his arms. Holding her tight.
"I mean it Caz I will never let you go. This might only be a weekend, but it's our weekend and it's just the beginning for us. I promise there will be a lifetime for you and I to share. The best things come to those who wait"

© 2013 crazylady

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Added on March 8, 2013
Last Updated on March 10, 2013
Tags: sex, bath, cock, pussy, orgasm, snow, lust, love, romance



lincolnshire, United Kingdom

Married full time carer to my disabled husband and mum to 4 daughters. Always loved reading and now having a go at writing. Appreciate any feedback positive or negative. Mixed genres let me know what .. more..

Night bus 69 Night bus 69

A Story by crazylady