Mistakes Learned

Mistakes Learned

A Poem by creativekat

You tell me.


I left him all alone and lost

I made promises , broke promises

Hurt not one but two hearts

Now i sit in this cold dark corner that i

once called home

left to fight a never ending battle

between faith and hate

There i am hoping to have something left to live for

Praying it comes before its to late

You said you loved me now these words i hate

I made a mistake and endured the consequences

But have not yet learned from my mistake

As the day turns dark and the night grows cold

i sit in the corner i once called home

I have nothing left to pray for

And now know no one will come

I so galently slid the cold sharp savior deep

untill the gush of warm red covered my hands

Now no one has to come , the hate has already won.

© 2010 creativekat

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The agony in this work scares me, so you're writing is really effective. I have friends with problems like the person in your poem....you really accurately captured it.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Its dark and filled with agony....but its really good! Dark poems like this attract me, being 14 doesn't matter, you can still feel. Well done, keep writing (:

Posted 13 Years Ago

It's dark and filled with agony..
You say you are fourteen and it's very deep stuff for a 14yr old. But age never matters for great poem. Please keep writing, I see a great writer in you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on August 4, 2010
Last Updated on August 5, 2010
Tags: promises, faith, hate, consequences, mistake, savior, pray



not comfortable telling, NC

I am 18 years, each day i am alive i learn to love each day i have here even more.I wake up each day looking for something to improve .I want to be something much bigger than myself.The people in.. more..
