The Script

The Script

A Stage Play by Gloria

Just something I wrote

The Script                                                                                                   Sept 23 2014
The time of my birth, in 1456, in a time when being betrothed was a good thing and I  was betrothed to the best possible choice, the man I already loved! Keanna Borrow was skilled in combat, he had the best education his father’s money could buy and his family was one of the wealthiest in the England along with mine. He was incredibly handsome and best of all he was sweet and gentle with a passion for music and animals usually one would not know such things about their betrothed but I grew up with him and silently wished for many years now that he would one day be mine . My name is Sanna Tossus and here is my story.
When I turned 16, my mother came to wake me up.  She had big news and she wanted to make sure I was ready.   When I was up, I spent over an hour getting the right dress and the right hair and the right shoes (my mother’s words) I was finally ready to go to breakfast with my family. We always had a wonderful breakfast feast on each of our birthdays and today was my and Theroy is, my twin brother, who was already downstairs at his place at the great dining table.  Two chairs from my father’s left William, my eldest brother, sat in the first place,my place was between him and Theroy as always. When I got to the table, I was enveloped in one of Theroys’ huge bear hugs that always took the breath out of me.  Then it was William’s turn but something was wrong he was quiet and looked at me with open disdain. What had I done to anger him? But within a second it was gone.  He was good at that hiding things.  He had always loved acting and he was quite good at it, yet I still I knew, when something was wrong, but he obviously did not want to talk about it with everyone so I kept my words to myself.
Theroy: “Good Morning Beautiful Sanna it is wonderful that you are here with us, now the sun will shine the way it always does out of jealousy of your golden hair and brilliant smile !”
Theroy never failed to make me laugh and because of that I love him dearly but he was always up to mischief.
Sanna: “Aha Theroy you are a scoundrel and a liar, you wear many hats!”
Theroy:  “Is it a lie if I believe it true dear sister? You speak some truth I do wear many hats I wear the hat of a scholar, the hat of a handsome man and the helm of a skilled knight! And oh so many more you should see my Wardrobe!”
As Theroy spoke he made grand gestures and danced around laughing at his exaggerations of course he is smart and handsome but he is also quite silly and more than clumsy.
Edward : “Son, Enough foolishness sit and let sweet Sanna sit as well today is a big day for you both and your mother and I have big news for the pair of you and I’m sure you will be quite pleased.”

Theroy with his large smile and Sanna with her equally large smile both sat and awaited this grand news.

Their mother sat with a slight smile she couldn't quite hide

Edward:” Lord Borrow And myself have come to an agreement that my wonderful children and his own would make handsome families and have made the decision Theroy and Mauriette are to be wed in no more than 6 weeks And that day my most precious darling Sanna will be wed to Keannan, and William my boy you are to be wed to Abigail a fine match if I do say.”

I could not believe my ears, in a few short weeks I will be married to the man I have always wanted a future with. I wonder if he is as delighted as I am? Oh I do pray so it is. Not as though I am a bad match, but I come from a long line of wealthy men and women. If I am to believe what I have been told, then I am a very beautiful girl with long locks of wavy gold curls that my best friend adores. My best friend is Mauriette, and  I will be wed to my best friends brother, Theroy, and we are to be sisters! As I have always wanted she will be a fine sister.  With Abigail marrying William,  I will have two sisters! Oh this is wonderful!  Could I be more blessed?

Sanna:”Father, do the others know of this?”

Edward: “Yes my dear they have been told of our plan and will be here within the hour each of you will be given a chance to speak with one another while Lady and Lord Borrow, your mother and myself catch-up.”

While I thought about how happy I was, I looked around at my brothers. Theroy looked happy enough but, when I looked at William’s face, my breath caught in my throat as he had the look of despair clearly written on his face. When he looked back at me his face transformed in to that of pure rage.  I was taken aback and quickly looked to Theroy again who had watched the exchange and gave me a smile that conveyed his confusion along with concern. William had always been hard to reach and simply abrasive, although he never showed our parents this side of him. I guess he was worried if he acted this way they would love him less because he always wanted to prove himself worthy of the Tossus name even if it wasn't truly his . Although he is not of my blood line this has never bothered me as he is my brother and I do love him dearly , even in his hostility.

William: “Father, could I be excused for just a moment?”

Edward: “Of course William, is there something that has distressed you?”

William: “No father I would just like a moment to think.”

Silvia: “Hurry back dear you wouldn't want to miss the reunion.”

William: “Of course Silvia, I will be but a moment.”


William turned to me with a glare fixed on his face and in a pleasant voice said

William:” Sanna? What is it? “

Sanna:”I was just wondering if I could have a moment with you if it isn’t to 

William: “Of course, would you walk with me?”

Sanna:” I would be delighted.”

William: “Good.”

As I stood and walked toward the doors with my brother, I couldn't help but wonder why after so many times I have asked this of him he would now agree? When the doors closed behind us and we were out of the servants range of hearing I turned to him.

Sanna: “William what has bothered you so ? Why have you been giving me these horrible looks all morning? It is my birthday why are you so angry?”

William:  “Why does the fact of your birth have to rule my emotions?  Can I not feel what I feel why does it have to be about you?”

Sanna: “That is not what I meant.”

William: “Then why say it!?”

Sanna:”I was just concerned about you it gives me no happiness to see my brother so distraught .”

William: “Then it is good that Theroy is always happy is it not. He is your only brother.”

Sanna: “Why do you say such things?  You are my brother as well as Theroy I care for you both the same.”

William: “I am not your brother. I am the boy your father brought home from some god forsaken place.”

Sanna: “I have never seen you as just that boy. You have always been my brother. Have I not treated you as such? “

William: “You don’t have to treat me as such. I can see it when you look at me!”

Sanna: “What are you talking about?”

William: ”You have always hated me for having what you have, when I don’t deserve it .”

Sanna: “It sounds more like you think that.”

William: “No. I have done everything father has ever asked and I love him, as I would if I were his own blood. I do deserve all that has been given to me.”

Sanna:  “I agree. You have been a wonderful son, worthy of all of the praise father has given you.”

Why would William think such things. I turned and walked away, but before I could get back to the dining room William had me by the arms so tight I’m sure there will be bruises.

William: “You will not say a word of this to father and mother!”

Sanna: “Why would I belittle you to father and mother when you obviously think so little of yourself already?”

I turned and with a little tug got my arms free and went to the others quickly.

Theory : “Ah what brilliance that comes from such a little source.”

Sanna: “Little? Am I not a woman that is to be wed in 6 short weeks?”

Theroy: “And am I not a man who is to be wed in those same short weeks?”

Sanna: “You are dear brother,  although I would not yet call you a man for you have a boyish charm you cannot shake.”

Theory: “That is a compliment within an insult, although I do choose to keep that compliment in mind.”

After much more of this bantering, Paul one of the servants, came in and announced the arrival of the Borrows.

Paul: “Lord Borrow and  Lady Catharine have arrived, with them are Lady Mauriette, Lady Abigail and Sir Keanna Borrow.”

Silvia: “Wonderful! Let’s get all of this out of here and cleaned up. Paul ask Mary and Anna Beth to come and do their assigned duties.”

Edward:” Calm my love, be calm. I know you are excited but please stop bouncing.”

Silvia: “I am calm Edward. I just want everything to go well.”

Edward: “Everything will go well and if it doesn’t then it won’t matter. I have known Lord Borrow for many many years he is not a pretentious man.”

Enters the Borrow family

Tomas Borrow: “Edward! It’s been too long my friend. All this letter writing has crippled my hand, it’s good to see your face.”

Edward: “Ah I know, Tomas it is good to see you also, and Lady Borrow a pleasure as always you look well.”

Catharine (Lady Borrow): “The pleasure is mine Lord Tossus and thank you, you look quite well also.”

Edward : “Keannan, it is good to have you and your lovely sisters here especially today.”

Keannan:” I agree it is a wonderful day to be here, Lady Tossus a pleasure, Theroy look at you, Happy birthday! William you look well, it is good to see you . Sanna, to my delight I have be given the news of our engagement would you like to walk with me ?”

William : “It is good to see you Keannan. When you are done with that  please come find me I would like to catch up properly.”

Keannan :”Yes yes, of course.” Keannan said dismissively.

Keannan walked over to Sanna and took her hand and began to walk away before then left Sanna gave a small bow.

Sanna: “Lord Borrow. Lady Borrow.”

And with that they left.   They began talking and laughing and as they walked to the courtyard it didn’t seem like long before they realized that time had escaped them for the sun was already over head they had been having a wonderful time  . When Sanna looked back to the house she saw William coming toward them she was a little disappointed that their time together had been cut  short  .

William : “Keannan! Where have you been? I have been waiting in the dining room for you to come by so we could catch up. It has been hours, what is so interesting out here surely not Sanna.  Have you not grown bored of her yet?”

Keannan : “Your sister, of course not, I was just reacquainting myself, after all she is to be my wife in little less than 2 months.”

Sanna: “Where is Abigail? Should you not spend time getting to know her as well?”

William : “She is with her parents. I have spoken to her for a while but she doesn't seem to have the same interest as me. She is sweet and kind .”

Sanna : “Do you not enjoy her company? “

William: “Of course I do!”

Sanna: “Then why are you not with her? Why are you here interrupting Keannan and myself?”

William : “You are not the only one who would like to catch up with old friends! I have known him longer than you.”

Sanna: “This may be true but I am the only one who is marrying him , why must you always be in his presence! You have always made yourself present when he is here even when we were children. You act as though you are his wife!”

William : “Shut your mouth how dare you speak to me like that! “

Keannan : “What gives you the right to speak to her like that she is you sister not your slave and you will treat her with the respect that her name demands!”

William : “Did you not hear what she said to me?! “

Keannan:” I do not care for this childish tantrum you are throwing when you are done then find us and we will all act like the adults we are.”

Keannan grabs Sanna’s arm and walks away from William. William stares disbelievingly at the two walking away.  He stays away from the house for the rest of the day and comes home when it is getting dark while dinner is being prepared . After looking through the house he finds Sanna walking to the dining room

William : ”Sanna will you walk with me for a moment I would like to apologize.”

Sanna: “Of course I would also like to apologize.”

After going outside William continues to walk to the barn  then past and a little farther 

Sanna: “William, if we continue to walk then we will be late for di-“

William : “Enough Talking! You need to tell father that you don't want to be betrothed to Keannan and make sure you don't end up with him.”

Sanna: “Why on earth would I do that ? Keannan is perfect for me.”

William : “No he isn't! Why does everyone say that ? You are all wrong for him! He needs someone who cares about him and who wants to be with him and to make him happy.   You can't! The only one you care about is yourself or  you would do what I say.”

Sanna: “I Can! I can make him happy and I will! How could you say that I have been in love with him for years this is all I ever wanted!”

William : “LIAR!”

He screamed as he lunged for her.
Sanna was terrified she had never seen William like his before and when she saw him reach for her she turned and tried to run but he crashed down on her.

William : “You will never loved him the way I do, never ! You only love yourself! Now promise you will do as I have said.”

Sanna: “No I won't and you can’t make me!”

William brought his hand to her neck and twisted with a sickening Crack

William: “You did this, you did!”

William sat in silence for a while then in a whisper he said

William:” You can never have him … never …but neither can I.”

William got up from the ground where his sister lay dead.  He walked into the barn where he found some rope and brought a horse to the biggest tree in the courtyard and made a noose.  He tied the other end of the rope to the horse put the noose around his neck and smacked the horse to make it run. The horse whinnied and ran and the whisper of Williams last words hung in the air.

William:  “You can never have him, never … but Neither can I.”

© 2015 Gloria

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Added on December 9, 2015
Last Updated on December 10, 2015




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