No more new poems here at least for awhile

No more new poems here at least for awhile

A Poem by daninstockholm

sad but good news,, we'll see


After the wonderful encouragement from so many of you here, I’ve decided to pursue getting my poems published this year. It means that I will be sending out my new work, or at least the best of it, to publishers with the hopes that something might actually come of it.

Unfortunately, most publishers don’t accept work that has been published already, including here online, It seems that I can’t send out what I’ve already posted and also I can’t post any work that i plan to try to publish, since they won’t accept it. To me it seems they’re lagging behind the times, but such is copyright law, very very complicated.

If any of you know of a publisher with different rules, please do let me know!

I WILL still be around here, with my other page and giving you praise or critique as needed, so you’re not rid of me quite yet, not completely.

thank you so much for your support and understanding in this.

Peace and love to you all.

© 2016 daninstockholm

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That's great! Can't wait to see you in stores :) Good luck!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Best of luck to you!!!!!!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Best of luck! You will get there

Posted 8 Years Ago

best wishes and best of luck XX

Posted 8 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on May 2, 2016
Last Updated on May 2, 2016



Stockholm, Sweden

Time gives us moments made up of empty canvasses. How will you use yours? Happily married male, American born but now happy to be living in Stockholm, loves to learn and experience new things new p.. more..
