Above the Dead, EP 2.2 "Piece of S**t"

Above the Dead, EP 2.2 "Piece of S**t"

A Screenplay by Mike Decker

Season 2, Episode 2



Season 2, Episode 2  (52 pages)

"Piece of S**t"







Hang in there, All-Star. Something tells me

you'll get back on that ball field, someday.







POV through the side passenger mirror, of Eli, Scott, Rhett, and Amy…

Cut to DJ watching them through mirror, then smiling over at his mom (Jane), driving the vehicle. She smiles back at him, placing hand on his shoulder, so happy to have him safe...




EXT. HOUSE (small town neighborhood) �" NIGHT


An elderly couple sitting on front porch (with lantern), with young girl (Renee, 11), as headlights shine over them. Jane parking car, as her and DJ climb out, looking up at the porch.



What's wrong? Why are you outside?



Their father is inside.


Jane looks across the street, where an old van with plenty of small dents, is parked. She turns just in time, to see her ex-husband (Don), coming out the door, onto porch, obviously drunk...



It's dark in there! Heeeyy, There's my beautiful

ex-wife, and baby boy, DJ. It's like a happy freaking

family reunion up here!


DJ quick to reach his sister, and lead her past his dad, into the house. Don tries to embrace his ex-wife, who dodges her way out of it. He stumbles a bit, as Jane helps her parents back inside, and closes/locks door. It doesn't take long for him to begin pounding on it. It also doesn't take DJ long, to open door, and without hesitation, knock his dad directly in the face, as he falls back, and down the steps.



Been wanting to do that ever since I can possibly



DJ glances over at several army soldiers (with flashlights) walking by, who witnessed the entire thing. An army jeep is driving a half block up, and heading down the street. DJ looks back at the soldiers, who now stop at the gate. You can't really see their faces, but one of them sounds familiar.



What's the problem here, son?




No problem, sir. He's just...


DJ's grandfather and mother coming out.



This is my home, sir, and this man is my ex-son-in-law.

He is not welcome here, but trying to force his way in.



Is that true, Ma'am?



It is. He's a drunk, and always has been. He's hurt

us enough.


Familiar voice guy, gives his men a look, who then go to grab Don, and bring him to familiar voice guy...



Life in the city goes to hell, and you just figure you'll

take advantage of your ex-in-laws, eh? (staring in his

face) My unit and I will be here throughout this ordeal.

I see or hear of you bothering these respectable

people, and I won't be so nice the second time around.


Giving his men a look, as they push Don away, and let him go. He stumbles toward his van.



Thank you, sir.



No problem, friend.



So, you guys are here to help? How worried should

we be?


Familiar voice guy steps into the yard, getting in a little closer to them.



Well, I won't sugarcoat it for you. This virus seems like

the worst one we've ever seen, at least the side effects

of it. A lot of paranoia out there, too. But I'm confident

we're all in the right place to be, far from the city, and

those who are sick...


He takes another step closer, into the light, revealing his face.



Well, you folks have a nice night. I'm Colonel Ballard.

Anything I can do for you, just ask.


Colonel Ballard smiles, and turns around...






Shots of all the chaos in the city, on day 1 of the “zombie” apocalypse, followed by bumper-to-bumper traffic on the highways, and tons of angry/nervous people honking or trying to pull off the road. Shot of Mt. Hood, followed by shots of a huge tree house overlooking a lake, which dissolves into the Columbia River, and traveling down it, through a huge forest fire, before reaching the Bonneville Dam. POV continues down the river, past the Glen Jackson bridge, flowing by tons of houseboats where the dead are falling into the river, chasing after whoever is drifting by…


POV of the Willamette River as it goes under the St. Johns bridge, and up into the hills of Portland. It travels over them, into the Beaverton area, crossing over the top of the Nike World Headquarters, and keeps traveling over farmlands, and into the coast range, finding the Glenwood Market, and a large camp with log walls, across the creek and behind the store…


POV speeds over the Tillamook Forest, Highway 26, and a bunch of other lands, before coming to the Columbia River, traveling west, under the Megler bridge, and into the ocean. It continues along the shoreline, past Astoria, the Haystack Rock of Cannon Beach, coming to a pair of jetties, and following through the channel between them. POV continues up into the nearby hills, finding a large camp, protected by a large log wall…


POV travels back down to the shoreline, and over a huge hotel, with a shot of the Twin Rocks in the ocean. POV travels by the bay of Tillamook, and along Highway 6, back into the coast range, until leaving the road, back into the Tillamook Forest, until coming to a very large compound, hidden away by all the brush and mountain-side, as opening credits roll…


DISSOLVE TO: (present time)




DJ and Eli grunting, as Scott's body falls into hole. POV from hole, as DJ and Eli begin shoveling dirt into hole...


DJ, Eli, and Sam all standing in front of Scott's grave, looking down at it. DJ looks to Eli...



They must be so proud of you. Proud, Eli. Not

at all disappointed... Proud...


Dissolve to DJ and Eli drying their hands and faces, after having washed up. Eli then goes to table, finding some food to munch on. Sam sits on her bed, munching with Renee...



I still can't believe everything you guys have been

through, and in just two weeks. (looking at Eli)

Feels like months since I last saw you, yet that

half-day we spent together, felt like at least a week.



Feels like I've known Eli my entire life, and life

before, feels like a dream.



Your family and that compound you keep mentioning,

sounds like a dream. And I know you want to wait for

them, and the supplies to survive here until then, is not

really an issue, but with all the trouble you've already

had, and all that I've been through… I just don't think

it's safe to stay here and longer.



Tell her about your idea...



We've got enough gas, to use your dad's car to

get there, we just don't know how clear the roads

are going to be. If your family had trouble getting

here, and now getting back here, it's possible they

gave up on the quickest routes, and came around

the mountain, or some other long way, and

probably ran into major problems those ways, too.

We have to do something different. So, we take

the quickest route to the Columbia. From there we

drive as far as we can, or get stuck, and then kayak

our way to the city, if we have too. You've got one

here, and between here and wherever we get,

we're sure to find one more.



What do we do once we get to the city?



We can hit the mouth of the Willamette River, and

soon after that we can kayak right into UPS's

backyard. I've been working there since I graduated.

They have trucks there, gassed up and ready to go.

We can use back roads to reach Forest Grove. No

idea what to expect from there, but we'll freaking

hike the rest of the way, if we have to.



Sam not looking thrilled...



What? Forest Grove is not all that far, from

where you say this compound is.



We can't stay here forever, Sam...



What if we leave and they show up?



That's why I agree that staying for at least a

couple more days, is the right play. But, we

have to be ready to split, on a moment's

notice, if anyone dangerous shows up... It's

the new way of the world...


Dissolve to DJ and Eli destroying the cabin door, more than it already was, and leaving it wide open and halfway off the hinges. Eli begins breaking whatever windows are still intact...



Anything we can do, to make it not look like

the safe place for people to survive.




DJ, Eli, Sam, and Renee all dragging dead huffs and soldiers, dumping them in the parking lot area, where a ton of them already are...

DJ and Renee arrive at another body. DJ in shock as he takes notice of who it is.



Oh my God.





Sam and Eli rushing over to him.



I know this man...


POV Colonel Ballard's lifeless body, with a shot to the head...






He was a Colonel, and in charge of the outfit that

took over my grandparent’s neighborhood. (looking

at Sam and Eli) This is the guy who threatened you?


Sam walks over to the Colonel, looking down at his body, then simply spitting on it, flipping it off, turning, and walking away...



Let me guess...that's what Zane would have

done? (Eli helping DJ pick up the Colonel) I

can't wait to meet that guy.


Dissolve Eli helping DJ pull a flat tire off of Fish's car, and placing on the spare...

Dissolve to DJ filling up Fish's car with gas/then driving it into the woods (kayak tied down, on top), and parking in a safe hidden location...

Dissolve to DJ, Eli, Sam, and Renee all carving sticks into spears...

Dissolve to DJ, Eli, Sam and Renee, all working on filling backpacks with everything they need, in case they have to leave in a hurry...


Dissolve to Eli, wide-eyed and focused with his bat, as he moves in on a huff. He breaks it's arm with the bat, then begins walking backwards, leading it out of the woods, and toward the cabin/parking area...

Dissolve to Eli, now in parking area, as DJ comes up behind the huff, placing rope around its neck, and leading it toward a tree...

Dissolve to DJ and Eli, giving it their all, as they use the rope to raise the huff, halfway up the tree, and tie it down. POV falls back, revealing the tree and hanging huff, right where cars would roll in and park. DJ and all the others, stand back and look at it...



Yeah, who's going to mess with us, now?




INT. TREE HOUSE (boys room) - NIGHT


Everyone asleep...headlights come through the trees. Sam rises and runs to window. DJ and Eli wake, rise and come to window. They all watch as the car stops, once their headlights shine on the huff in the tree...they then peel away, and quickly disappear...

Sam disappointedly goes back to her bed. DJ looks at Eli...



I still can't believe the huff in the tree was her idea...



I can't believe you're already calling them huffs.


They walk back to their beds. Renee continues to sleep like a log...






DJ enters kitchen, going straight for a certain cabinet. He reaches far back inside, behind some random items, pulling out a bottle of liquor.


He takes a nice-sized swig. He then pours some into a glass, places bottle back, closes cabinet, and leaves kitchen, while taking another swig...






Two huffs walking around in the pit, as DJ and Eli stand above, looking at them, and then at each other...

Dissolve to afternoon, with DJ, Eli, Sam, and Renee in the parking area, standing back and looking, as now 3 different huffs hang from trees...



Zane would be proud...




INT. TREE HOUSE (boys room) - DAY


Sam and Renee sitting together in a bed, looking at a photo album. Bailey is in Renee's lap.



I know, I take a lot of pictures of my dad and Zane,

together. My Uncle Leo is jealous of how close they

are. I love him, but he scares me…



My dad used to scare me...


Sam just looking at Renee...






He drank beer, a lot...


Sam just looking at her, waiting for more...

But Renee didn't say anymore...






Sound of some kind of motor coming on, from outside, as DJ, his mom, and grandparents all go to look out window...



You have to be kidding me...


Their POV of a neighbor in his yard, mowing the grass...




Guess he wants to have the best lawn of the apocalypse?


Cut to Colonel Ballard and some of his men laughing, at the guy mowing his lawn...

Dissolve to DJ and the family on the porch, at night, with a lantern. The neighborhood is very dark.

Most other neighbors are also on their porches, or in their yards, some even in the street. They all seem to be watching/waiting for something.


Suddenly, the electricity comes back on, as the neighborhood lights up. Everyone begins to cheer or applaud. Some are even dancing in the street. Some soldiers walk into the street, quickly receiving handshakes and high-fives, and as more soldiers enter the area, the people begin to chant...



USA! USA!! USA!!! USA!!!! USA!!!!!


DISSOLVE TO: (day 3)


EXT. RANDOM DRIVEWAY (with basketball rim) - DAY


Two nice-looking young ladies, smiling/flirting, as several soldiers go by. One of the girls (Emily, 20ish) and a certain soldier (Lamar, 20ish), share eye contact, followed with a smile. The other girl (Heather, 20ish) is watching DJ, across the street in his yard, carrying fire wood. She keeps watching him, as she begins speaking to Emily.



I know you prefer a man in uniform, but that guy

across the street is more intriguing than any of

these soldiers.



Who the hell needs intriguing, when the world is

starting over? I myself feel safer with a guy who's

packing…(looking at Heather) Hunters are sexy,

right now.


Day dissolves to night, with same two girls, now shooting baskets, with DJ. Emily looks over, as Lamar and a couple other soldiers walk by.



(talking to the soldiers)

You can see we don't have enough for a real game

here, can't you?




What, restoring your power wasn't enough? Now

you want to distract us from keeping you safe,

with basketball?



(flirtatious smile)

Even heroes get breaks from saving the world.


Dissolve to Lamar playing, as he drives the ball to the hoop, and goes up for a shot, which is blocked by DJ! Bystanders react/cheer.




What the hell is going on, here?


Lamar stops and instantly stands at attention, while saluting the Colonel.



Sir! Just killing time by shooting some hoops, until

I go back on duty, Sir!



(looking at the girls)

Showing off for these beautiful young ladies, is

more like it.



Yes, Sir!



Oh, and a smartass too, I see.



Yes, Sir! Only when I think you'll let me get away

with it, Sir!


Emily and Heather cracking up.



Only problem though, Private, is that you can't impress

the girl, when you let a civilian block your s**t, like that. 


DJ smiling and bystanders laughing. The Colonel removes his army jacket, and placing out hands for DJ to toss him the ball, which he does. Colonel Ballard checks it back to DJ, who again tosses it back to the Colonel.



(talking to Lamar)

You can stand at ease, after I score this basket.


Everyone else eagerly watching, as Ballard dribbles the ball in play, and doesn't take long, making his move to the basket. DJ does his best to defend him, but was overpowered, as Ballard makes the shot, with some applause. Ballard looking from the smiling girls to Lamar.



And that, Private, is how it's done! (walking away) If

colonels got breaks, I'd sit her and school you all day.


A woman bystander quietly speaks to her husband, as Ballard is leaving the scene.



Looks more like he's the one showing off...


Dissolve to Lamar (sweaty) on porch with Emily. DJ (sweaty) with Heather, in driveway.



I should get going. Need a shower.



Do you want to come back over, after?



You have anything to drink?




You bet your a*s, we do.



Give me an hour or so. After my kid sister crashes,

I'll be over.



So that's your little sister I've seen you with over

there, taking such good care of?



Renee, yeah. This has all been hard on her...

or easy...I can't really tell.



(with laugh)

What do you mean?



She has high-functioning autism, and major

anxiety. I'm not sure how much she realizes is

going on, so far. The anxiety is no problem

around family, but unless they find a cure for

whatever's happening, it's giving me anxiety

thinking about how things might become for

her.  (looking at her) Hence my need for that

drink, I mentioned. (smiling)




I got you…


Dissolve to Emily’s living room, as DJ finishes off his drink, with a glance over at Lamar/Emily, making out on the couch. Heather comes in from kitchen, handing DJ another drink.



Playing basketball really made you thirsty, I guess.


DJ happily grabs the drink, with a smile. Heather sits down next to him, taking notice as he stares toward Lamar and Emily. Heather suddenly disappointed...



You didn't get the girl of your choice, did you?



Huh? No, it's not that, it's...


DJ another quick look directly at Lamar. Heather looks from DJ, to Lamar, and back to DJ, while putting it together...



Oh my God...it's not that you didn't get the girl

of your choice…


DJ nodding, as Heather smiles with disbelief...



How did you sneak past my gaydar? I would have

never guessed! I usually see that kind of thing a

mile away.



It's rare that people ever see it, in me. Even other

guys, which sucks. 



I take it you must be the man in your relationships,

because you were all man out there on the court.

I bet you could have even scored on that colonel

guy, if given the opportunity.



Now when you say "scored on him", you mean a

basket, right?


Heather staring at him with a dirty smile…



Okay, now you appear a bit on the gay side.


Both of them laughing...



So...what's it like...out there playing basketball

with Lamar's body all up against yours?


DJ just stares at her, forming his own dirty smile, as she begins cracking up...






Sam sitting near her dad's grave, looking out at the lake, with the occasional tear rolling down her cheek...

DJ eventually sits next to her...in silence...



I know what you're going to say. I think I even

agree with it.


Sam goes silent a moment, before bawling and sobbing out her next words...



I just don't understand why they didn't come back.

They were so close, they were right here, all they

had to do...


Sam weeping as DJ puts an arm around her...



I'm sorry. I'm sorry for crying again.



Don't be ridiculous.



I just keep thinking Eli was right. They must be dead.


Sam trying not to cry again.



When did Eli say that?



The day before you got here.



Well, I'm guessing that was just frustration. (motioning

toward the damaged hummer) They didn't even have

room for you, after losing one of their hummers.

Someone also could have gotten hurt. (Sam closing eyes,

at the thought) If they were forced to head back, that

could take them just as long as it took them to get here.



But then we should wait.



Supplies are running low. We have to save some

for the journey, and you know winter weather up

here is like, and could strike at any time.


Sam crying...



One more week, please...



Three more days, Sam... That's the best I can do.


DJ rises and pats her shoulder, as he walks away. Sam continues to stare at lake, as more tears fall.

DJ rounds corner of brush, a tear of his own, falling from his face...


Day dissolves to evening, with close-up of Uno cards, panning back to DJ, Eli, and Renee all playing, on the tree house deck. DJ keeps taking peeks down toward gravesite area. His POV of Sam in a chair, with a blanket, and Bailey in her lap. With her dad's grave to her back, she sits there, staring toward the driveway...



Is she mad?



I don't think so... Probably just worried about

the same thing as me…



Which is?



That we leave…and they show up…


Evening dissolves to night, and a close-up of a journal, as someone writes "Dear Zane", panning back to Sam, on deck with lantern. She writes, yawns, and takes a look out toward driveway…


Voice-over of her reading the letter.



It kills me to imagine you making it back here, seeing                    

my dad's grave, and finding this letter…instead of me...


Dissolve to morning, with Sam in her bed, writing, as voice-over continues.



It breaks my heart, to think about the reasons

preventing you from already being here. I can't

lose you, Zane. Just thinking about seeing you,

prevents the pain from taking over me...


Dissolve to afternoon, with Sam at gravesite, writing and looking up, and over toward driveway.



My friend, Eli, had his pain takeover. But then his

friend DJ, showed up, and now Eli has found his

way. Just like the thought of you, my moms, and

our family, did for me. I don't ever want to see him

like that, again, and even more so, never want to

feel that way, again. Yet, leaving this place, before

you return, is doing exactly that...


Dissolve to Sam on dock, writing, panning back to Renee, next to her, and DJ/Eli fishing.



I guess writing this letter helps. I plan to write

about everything that has happened, since day

one. I hate the idea of reliving it, but want to

do it now…so that I never have to again...


Sam closes her eyes, flashing to the memory of her dad rising as a huff, and her running to the tree. Of Fish biting into Merry’s flesh, and roaming below the tree house. She flashes Bailey first entering her lap, and hugging Scott...

Shots of her writing into her journal, as she continues to flash to the surreal events of the past week, including the huffs attacking them from the lake, and being stalked by Tina and her brothers. She flashes to Greg arriving, and killing Michael, along with Tina’s death…

More shots of her writing away, and then back to her flashing to Greg in the pit, teaching her how to kill huffs. Flashes of her killing huffs, with proud smiles at Amy. She flashes to Greg falling to his death, and the sound of Amy’s suicide in the girls room…

Tears fall from her face, as she continues to write…

She flashes to Eli contemplating suicide, with the gun in his hands, and then to him going “bat” crazy, on all the huffs from the pit, killing them by the dozens, bore flashes of them both digging graves, and placing bodies inside…

A smile on her face, while writing in her journal, as she then flashes to DJ arriving…


Dissolve to evening, with close-up of fish frying in a pan over a fire, panning back to DJ, Eli, and Renee, close to fire. Sam is there, writing.



And now you know everything...other than my shame.

Shame for the thoughts I had, that night... The longest

night of my life. It was you, who saved me that night,

and ended those thoughts. So, I need you (getting

choked up) not to be dead, Zane! I need you to find

this letter, and to know, and tell everyone else,

especially my moms, that I'll never quit, and I’m going

to try and make my way home, to you…To be continued.


Sam looks up, developing a tear.



I will see you again, someday. I will see you all...


Dissolve to moments later, with Sam in tree house, slowly creeping into "girls room". She briefly looks at all the blood stains, before going straight over to her old bed (all her bedding gone). She begins opening/sliding a "secret" compartment that was built into her bed.

She places her journal inside, closes, and quickly retreats from the abandoned room…




INT. TREE HOUSE (boys room) - NIGHT


DJ and Eli playing cards (with single lantern). Renee is sleeping. DJ peeks out onto deck, where Sam is wrapped in a blanket, with Bailey in her lap (no lantern, plenty of moonlight). She stares toward driveway...


Cut to brush, where a man with a gun comes out, walking quietly toward cabin. A second man comes out doing the same. Now, both a third and fourth man (also with guns) come out, quietly toward cabin. One more man also comes from brush, with a gun and a giant hunting spear. Five men now quietly walking toward cabin.


Sam is petting Bailey, as she comes to notice the men below. She quickly/quietly rises, while keeping a hold of Bailey. She carries him into boys room, quickly placing him in the carrier, and just as quickly hushes both DJ and Eli. She grabs the lantern, and places in corner behind some boxes (shielding light from men below). Without word, DJ rushes to the window, followed by Eli...


Cut to the men, arriving near cabin, as they all begin to lower their weapons...



It's vacant.


Guy with spear quietly whistles from near driveway, as they all turn and head over. Man with spear, shines light on huff, tied up in tree. All the guys quickly raise their guns, and look all around. Spear guy shines light over the other two huffs, the pile of bodies, the camper and car with gunshot holes, and the broken-down hummer...



What the hell kind of fun was had here?!


Leader and other men begin spreading out, looking all around...



Over there.


He shines his light on the tree house, as they all turn to look, before slowly approaching. One of them smiles, and speaks loud enough for people in tree house to hear him.



I don't mind bunking with the kind of people

responsible for whatever the hell has gone on,

down here.


Shining his light on the tree house, as they arrive near some brush, and enter inside. They carefully make their way toward tree house, by using the brush as cover.


As they get closer, they can hear the grunting of a huff. They shine lights until they find the pit. They come out of brush, looking down inside, where a single huff looks back up at them. The leader looks from the huff to the tree house, all around the area, and back at the tree house. Then he looks at his people, but before he can speak, the sound of a car starting, is heard, a ways from where they are. The leader again looks at the tree house.


Cut to DJ, in Fish's car, driving through the woodsy grassy area, next to Eli, with both Sam and Renee in the back. Sam has tears running down her face. DJ drives car onto a road, and begins speeding away...






Close-up hand knocking on door, panning back as Heather opens door to DJ, standing on front porch.  Heather looks stressed.






Hey, DJ.



I was just wondering if you wanted to have a

drink, and chat.



Sure...come on in.



(entering inside)

Are you okay?



I don't know...worried, I guess. Emily fell pretty hard

for Lamar, but can't even reach him now. Saw him for

a second yesterday, but all he had time for, was to say

he can't talk, and doesn't have off time, anymore.


Heather stops and looks right at DJ.



I think this is it. This is the end. I don't think things

are going to get better.



I’m kind of thinking the same thing. Reason I

thought a drink sounded good.


Heather begins making him a drink...



The last thing Lamar said before he left yesterday

morning, was that the city is a death zone, and

that more and more people are making their way

up the mountain. Some of them sick, or bitten. 

(handing him the drink) Bitten (shaking head)...like

I said, this is the end.


Heather toasting him, as they both drink...

Suddenly, they both jump, as Emily comes tearing through the room, toward front door. They follow, as she goes out and watches Colonel Ballard walking by, with many other soldiers, including Lamar, who looks at Emily, shaking his head, with a worrisome expression, which becomes her own…



(speaking to DJ)

The Colonel likes you, ask him what's happening.


DJ takes a few steps outward.



(speaking into radio)

Private Adams, come in...


DJ freezes, as the Colonel slams his radio down, shattering into pieces.



Christ! Men are dropping like flies, and I don't have

a clue, in hell, who in the hell I'm even taking

orders from, anymore!


DJ turns and walks back toward the girls, who watch as the soldiers go on, before edging their way back inside, and closing door...


Dissolve to a little later, with DJ opening door and somewhat stumbling out onto Heather's porch. He closes door, and begins walking across street. He can hear Colonel Ballard, yelling. It's too far away to make out, but sounds like he's chewing out one of his soldiers. DJ looks back, and continues toward his place...


Dissolve to the following evening, on the same street DJ was just walking on, now empty with the growing sound of panic, a few blocks away. Now, the sound of a truck crashing through the fenced guard wall. DJ comes out his door, watching as several soldiers go running down the street, as well as a couple jeeps, speeding toward the crash scene. DJ watches Heather come out her door, followed by Emily, who has been crying, and quickly goes back inside...


Dissolve to the following night, with DJ sitting alone on his porch. Colonel Ballard is walking by with a few soldiers. DJ rises and walks to the gate, where they are walking by.





The Colonel stops and signals the men to go on without him. He walks over to DJ...



I know what you want to know and the answer is no,

we're not winning, and we can't win. As bad as you

may think it is, out there...it's a hundred times worse.

I've seen children suffering in ways I've never seen,

and I've been overseas... I've seen a lot. What's

happening out there...is a world where the weak are

doomed, and the strong remain to fight, for its

survival... Good luck, son.


The colonel shakes his head and walks away, as DJ stands there watching...






Soldiers breaking down door, cautiously/aggressively entering house...

Dissolve to a little later, at the same house, where Colonel Ballard walks inside, while listening to his radio.



(over radio)

Second level secure (laughing in background),

guys are having some fun.


Cut to Colonel Ballard entering upstairs bedroom (baby room), where soldiers are laughing and surrounding a crib. Inside a 1-year-old huff is walking/crawling around, trying to catch a hamster...


The Colonel watches, as one of his men grab a second hamster, from a cage, and place into the crib. The baby keeps missing, but gets plenty of cheers after finally smothering and biting into one of the two hamsters.

The Colonel shakes his head, and leaves the room...


He walks down the steps, while flashing to other tragic events he's witnessed, over the last several days.

He flashes to a fully eaten body of a baby, in its crib...

He flashes to opening a bedroom door, where a 2-year-old is all alone, in only a shirt, with feces all over his lower half.

He flashes to a mother with no shoes, and a baby in her arms, begging for help, she has a bite mark on her arm.

He flashes to a crowd of people, many of them with children or babies. They are all begging for help, as the soldiers drive through/around them.



You're the US Army, you have to help us!



We have children!



I've already lost one child, please help us!



He's been bitten, please help!


The Colonel stops flashing, as he reaches bottom of stairs, and walks out of the house...






DJ driving down highway road. Sam (tear-streaked face) is zoning out window. She turns toward DJ.



Thank you, DJ...






Taking the time to raise the ladder back up. I didn't

want those creeps or anyone else getting up there.



And I don’t think they will. Impressive how well

your family put that thing together.


DJ slowing down, as more and more cars are abandoned on the road. Everyone is looking out and around. DJ eventually has to slow down much more, and begin driving off-road at times, to get around cars. It's dark and creepy…


Renee suddenly screams, as she spots a huff in a car. But it's not a huff, it's a creepy-looking older guy, with a big stick, watching them as they go by.



This is not good...



Yeah, I know. I don't want to get stuck in here,

or swamped by huffs, or...people...  


DJ continues to carefully navigate around all the traffic, even crossing over to the other side of the road, taking advantage of some clearing. He speeds up, until quickly coming into more traffic. It quickly gets bad...



I may have to take that exit...or at least circle

back to it, if we can't get through it all.



How far are we from the river?



Not nearly close enough.



Can you still make it there, if you take that exit?



I'm sure there's a way, I just don't know it, as

well as I do on this road.



Maybe we find a place to sleep, and try this

road during the day?



Yeah...just hope we can find someplace safe...


DJ turning car onto exit...

Dissolve to DJ now driving along a pitch-dark backroad, with nothing but trees on each side...





He begins slowing down.






What's wrong?



One of the tires must be losing air... We already

used the spare...


He turns into a long driveway, leading to a house. He drives toward it, leaving his headlights directly on it, once he stops, and just watches...



What are you doing?



He's trying to see if anyone's inside...


DJ keeps watching, then looks around...



I'm going to try knocking.



It's too dangerous!



I think she's right. I mean huffs, don't really

scare me anymore, but people...


DJ already climbing out of car, leaving it running, with headlights on house. He stands with car door open.



We don't really have a choice, and I don't see

a single vehicle here, so....


DJ closes door, pats the gun planted in his pants, on his backside, and approaches the front porch. He climbs porch steps, and knocks on door. Instantly, a dog begins barking.



S**t! (speaking to anyone who might be inside)

Please don't shoot, or anything! I'm here with

kids. We just need to reach the Columbia River,

but got a flat tire...


The door suddenly swings open, scaring DJ, as an older man (Benny, 55ish) instantly has a shotgun and his dog (German Sheppard), in DJ's face.



There’re almost a dozen other guns aimed at both

you and your "children", so, turning around, getting

back in your car, and the hell off of our property,

would do you well.


DJ begins slowly backing up, toward car...



Do you know if any of your neighbors are gone?

Because we won't make it far on this tire.


The guy says nothing, just watches him. DJ makes it to the car, and gives the man one last look.



I'm sorry to bother you, sir.


He climbs in, begins turning the car around, as Benny gets a look at the kids, inside. He lowers his guns, and comes off the porch, raising his arm, for them to stop. He approaches DJ's window, who begins rowing it down. The man comes to window, looking inside at the kids and their backpacks/duffle bags...



You have any weapons?



We do, sir. (motioning to Sam) Her father died

(motioning to Eli), as did his folks, but they left

us with quite a few weapons, to be honest with

you. We only use them to protect ourselves.

We have some food, too.


Benny staring right at him...



You seem like an honest young man. What about

the other girl?



She's my sister... We lost our mom and grandparents.

We found these guys, after having met Eli, the day this

all began. His family helped me get to mine.


Benny taking a look at the tire, low on air...



Well, go ahead and park right there. You're welcome

to stay the night, for now.






Everyone sitting at a table, with a lantern and candles burning, and their bags piled against the wall. Sam is sticking her fingers through the cat carrier, trying to comfort Bailey, who is nervous of the dog, who keeps sniffing the carrier.



You don't have to worry, Sandy is a cat lover, like

me. You can also open the carrier, so he can come

out, when he's ready. I take care of the outdoor

cats around here, so I have food, and already put

a litter pan out for him.


Sandy tries to make friends with Sam, but Sam shows no interest. Sandy moves on to Renee...



(speaking to Sam)

Not a dog person?


DJ and Eli share a look. Renee bonding just fine with Sandy...



Another sad story, eh? I wish I could tell you I can

relate, but I've been single most of my life, no kids,

moved up here when I retired last summer. I know

it's bad out there, I just haven't seen it with my own

eyes, yet. Other than my car being stolen, and a few

random cars stopping in, now and then.



You will...



So…I take it, the other dozen people you

mentioned, don't exist?



I did have others who planned on coming up here,

but they called, stuck in traffic, and once the

phones stopped working (shrugging)...who knows…



Eli and I were stuck in some of that. It was chaos...



The last the TV said, was that the virus was making

the dead come back, and with aggression. (looking

at them all) Is that true?



Yes, but they're weak. They can't think or run.

As long as you don't let them bite you, you'll

be fine. The brain is how you kill them.


Benny staring at Eli...



How old are you, son?






And dare I ask, how you have come to know all that?



I've already killed at least thirty of those things.

We call them huffs.






That's the one you should dare not to ask.



If I had my letter, I'd let you read it. It explains

everything. Huffs, my dad, my dog, my cousin,

Greg, Eli's parents, his brother, sister-in-law,

her father. The army attacking us. Eli going

insane with the huffs...everything...


Eli suddenly looks uncomfortable...



And you left that for the family you mentioned?



Yeah. In a hidden compartment, only my cousin

Zane knows about. He built it...


Benny just looking over them all, stunned at their stories, as both Sam and Renee begin  yawning...






Sam waking up, looking over at Renee, who is awake and bonding with Sandy. She quickly looks over where Bailey is lying inside his carrier (door open).



Bailey sniffed Sandy. He didn't seem too nervous

of her.



The Pederson's use to have a dog.



Who are the Pederson's?


Sam just looking at Renee, as scene dissolves to DJ and Eli at the car, going through some things…



DJ...we have a problem...



(looking right at him)



Eli slowly pulling a journal out of his bag. It's Sam's journal!



Oh God...is that Sam's letter, to her family?!

(Eli nodding) Eli, what the hell, man?!



I didn't mean to, I just wanted to read it, but

then they came, and...



We have to tell her. She deserves to know.



She's going to hate me.



And me!



Why you?



She'll demand we take it back, and I'll be the

one to have to say no!



Maybe...we don't tell her. Maybe we give it

to her once we get to the compound, to give

to her family.


DJ thinking, shaking his head...



No...we have to tell her... You have to tell her...






Sam (face full of tears) sitting on creek bed, Bailey next to her, in carrier (door closed). Her journal lying in her lap...

Sandy can be heard mildly barking. POV Benny and Renee playing with Sandy...



She really likes you.



She's lucky. She doesn't know about huffs or bad

people. Doesn't have to worry about kayaking and

drowning in the river, or surviving everything that's

happening... Seeing her happy reminds me of being

happy...being safe...


Benny just looking at her...





DJ and Eli coming outside. They look over toward Sam, and just kind of stand around...

Sam is evil eyeing Eli, from the creek bank...

Sandy is barking and playfully jumping around, after a stick that Renee is holding for her...

Eli begins walking toward Sam...

Benny approaches DJ...

Renee continues playing with Sandy...

Benny reaches DJ.



What's this I hear about Kayaking?


Eli is reaching Sam...



(her back to him)

How did you know where to find it?



I walked by and saw you open it. At first, I only

went to look out of curiosity. Once I saw your

journal there, I...figured I'd read it, and return it

before we left. I never had time to read it, just

like I never had time to return it.


Sam rising and handing journal his way. Benny and DJ watching.



Then read it! Is that why you're out here, because

I took it back from you, before you could read

what was meant for my cousin to read, for my

family to read!



No, I want to explain why.




I don't care why! All I care about is how important

it was to me, that my family reads that letter! I

can't stand the fact we had to leave, and that they

might be there right now, wondering where the hell

I am, or what the hell happened to me. They deserve

to know, (crying even more) and now they will think

all kinds of things...







Sam just staring at him. Benny and DJ both taking a step toward Eli, but stopping...



DJ showed up, and for maybe four or five seconds,

that felt like a lifetime, I completely forgot about

the pain. Rhett, Amy, my parents, Scott...the baby...

not one of them was racing through my mind,

causing that constant pain, that made me want to

die...four or five seconds of freedom... (looking

right at her) How did you make that last longer?

How did you smile again? How???


Everyone including Sam, just staring at Eli. Even Renee, who had stopped playing with Sandy, is staring, while Sandy waits for the stick...


Dissolve to multiples shots of Eli, sitting and reading the journal…

Once done, he hands it to Renee. Multiple shots of her reading it, and passing to DJ, who takes his turn reading, wiping away a tear or two. Multiple shots of Benny reading it, weeping, sometimes looking up in total shock, more weeping...






Single candle burning with DJ at sink, bottle in hand. He drinks from it and stares out window. He's startled, as kitchen door opens, with the image of someone entering.



You're a piece of s**t...


Benny steps into the light, looking directly at the bottle in DJ's hand...



I'm sorry. It's the end of the world...thought I'd

have a drink.



You had a few of those last night, too. (staring at

him) You think you're such a hero. These kids

depend on you, and here you are, giving in to your

demons of the past world, and remaining a drunk.


DJ just laughing...



You laugh now, but what happens when something

from that letter, comes about, and you're too drunk

to do anything worth a damn, to help those kids,

your own sister!?



I'm laughing because you're as clueless to who

I am, as you are to what's been going on out

there. A piece of s**t???






DJ approaching and looking out window...



You have to be freaking kidding me.


DJ heading for door, as mom/grandparents look out window.

Their POV of van parking at curb, as DJ comes down off porch. His dad begins climbing out of van, as Jane comes out onto porch, with grandparents at door...



How the hell did you get back inside the perimeter?

Or did you ever even leave?



I'm sober, son.



Let me guess, you found a dark alley or some cave

to park inside of, with what...about ten days worth

of booze? And don't call me son. I'd say you lost that

right a long time ago, but you never even had it, Don.



Like you're so much better than me. I got this disease

from my father, same as you got it from yours. It's not

my fault, any more than it is yours.




That's a load of s**t! (coming down off porch, toward

Don) Are we supposed to feel sorry for you, now? And

how dare you compare yourself to my son! The two of

you are night and day!


Colonel Ballard and several soldiers are walking down street, as Jane takes notice. Don begins edging his way back toward his van...



Excuse me, Colonel? My ex-husband has returned,

and is trying to force his way back inside. Could

you please -


Colonel Ballard instantly pulls out handgun, and fires a shot in Don's head. Jane screams, Don drops dead, and the Colonel simply continues on his way. DJ in shock, looks from his dad, to the Colonel, and then to his mom. He turns toward his grandparents, eyes going wide, as he takes notice of Renee, standing behind them, staring toward her dead father...


Cut to Heather and Emily opening their door, looking over toward DJ's yard, as the Colonel walks down the road, past their place. Lamar is with him, he looks at Emily, simply shaking his head...







A piece of s**t brother? Or a piece of s**t father?

Because I've been more like a dad, than a brother.



And that makes what you're doing, right now, okay?



(beginning to lose temper)

What am I doing? Having a drink, to help get

sleepy before waking to another day that

could be HER LAST?!



(talking over him)

I want you gone, first thing.



Having a drink so that -










If not for those kids I'd throw you out on your

a*s, right now!





But I do care, so, I'm forced to stay under this roof,

with a judgmental piece of s**t like you, rather than

to put their lives in danger! (DJ looking right at him)

Everything you read in that journal, everything that's

going on out there, and you're judging me, over THIS?!


DJ instantly slamming bottle in sink, shattering all over...

He zones away, in his drunk stage, shaking his head...



I didn't have to come up here, that day... I even fibbed

and told Eli I was pressured into it, due to my sister. But

I didn't tell him or anyone, about the guy who had a safe

place, for me to go... We only just went out for the first

time, that weekend before... I've never been in love…

Thinking about him, like I had been that entire week,

made me think, maybe...it was happening. He must have

felt the same way. He made it very clear he wanted me

there with him...in case...it all ended. And I wanted to be

there, with him...but couldn't stop thinking...what if this

is it? (begins crying through his next words) And all I could

think about was her, in her final moments, scared to death

and not understanding why I was not with her... I couldn’t

live with that…There was no choice to be made...


DJ stops zoning, turns, and looks directly at Benny...



And now here I am, having my character questioned

by a complete stranger...


DJ walks to door and opens, with Eli, Sam, and Renee all standing on other side, listening...






Close-up flat tire, panning back to Sam in driver's seat, going through glove compartment. She finds something, and looks at it. Her POV of a picture, with Fish holding Sam (as a baby), next to both her moms...

Sam with a sad smile...

Benny arrives at car door, as Sam puts picture in her bag/pocket...



I know you guys are going to try and reach the river,

on foot. Bailey is welcome to stay here. I'd take very

good care of him, and he'd have company, with

Sandy...(Sam not answering) You can't carry him the

entire way, and he'll just run off once you put him

down... He'd have a good home, here.


Sam simply begins shedding tears... Benny walks away, as DJ comes out of house, with some of their things, placing next to the rest of their things. Eli comes over next to him, while Renee plays with Sandy, next to Benny...



What do we take? What do we leave?



Weapons, food, water, and whatever else we can

carry. Water won't be a problem, and we should

make it to the river before food becomes one.

Not worried about the kayak, we already needed

to find one, so now we just need two. Maybe

some new fishing poles. I think we'll be alright.



I just realized what I like so much about you.

Going back to that first day, you have always

been so positive. Your attitude actually makes

me believe things might be okay... Even though

they probably won't...


Dissolve to DJ, Eli, Sam, and Renee all in backpacks, as they begin walking away from Benny's place. The cat carrier is on the ground, open. Bailey is in Sam's arms. Benny watches from the window. Sandy wags her tail from the yard, following them through the end of the yard, as they go down the long driveway...



Eyes and ears on high alert. We see or hear a

car, and we hide. Get off the road and get low.


Sam on verge of crying...



Where are we sleeping tonight? You said we

wouldn't reach the river until tomorrow.



That's if we don't find a car, which is kind of hard

to believe we won't. At least once we get back to

the highway...



So, what happened with you and Benny? I’ve

never heard you angry before.



The truth is, guys... I like to drink, sometimes. At

night, before bed. I had a drink of his last night,

and he misunderstood it for something else.


Silence awhile...



Misunderstood it for what?


More silence...



He thought I was my dad...



That’s stupid…


Dissolve to all of them still walking (DJ holding Bailey), with highway onramp up ahead of them. But they stop, as a car can be heard. DJ quickly hands Bailey to Sam, and leads them off road, into brush. Sam works hard to keep Bailey from freaking out. Eli pulls out a gun, as does DJ. They stay low, as the car sounds close. DJ is peeking out to see...



What the...


DJ jumps up, and rushes to road, with hands in air. It's Fish's car, with Benny driving. He stops, and gets out. They all come out from brush. Benny opens door, showing all their stuff, along with his own stuff (including food), and Sandy is there as well...



I had some supplies in the garage, and was a

mechanic in my younger days.


DJ takes notice of a second kayak (along with a half kayak for pulling supplies) tied down on car roof...



Oh, and I love to kayak...


Eli, Sam, and Renee happily loading their things into vehicle. Renee hugging Sandy. Sam happy to see the carrier, placing Bailey inside. They all climb in (Eli front passenger seat). DJ shares a look with Benny, who hands him the keys. Benny begins climbing in back, with the girls.



I know a good back road to use, away from all

the traffic.


DJ climbing inside, starting engine, and driving off...






Ten men (in orange hunters clothing, including the spear guy, and leader, from the group that chased off Sam and others, from the tree house) hiding and watching, as Colonel Ballard drives through, and away from the gates of the perimeter. Several other army vehicles follow. The last one stops, as the guard closes up the gate, hops in the vehicle, and they take off.



They don't look like they're coming back.



I'd have to agree...




DJ walking through front door, greeting Heather with a hug. He places a hand on Emily's shoulder (sitting at table).



Still no word from Lamar?


Emily shaking her head, and takes a drink of booze. Heather hands a drink to DJ, and gives him a sarcastic toast.



To the end of the world. (drinks)


Suddenly, someone begins pounding on the door. Heather screams and is too scared to open door, until she can hear Lamar yelling on other side.






Emily jumps out of her chair, opening the door. Lamar instantly closes and locks it. Emily is hugging him tight.



Baby, what's happening?!



We have to get out of here! Colonel Ballard and half

the men, already left. Most of the others are heading

back to the city, but I heard some say they were

paying both of you a visit, as well as the some of the

other women. They know there's no more law.



To what?! Rape us?! They're the damn US military.

They're suppose to help us!



There's no one giving orders anymore; it's every

man for himself!


They instantly begin gathering their stuff, but more so panicking and moving around in circles.



The clothes on your back, that's it! Maybe some

food, if you have some, but we gotta’ go, now!



Where are you going to go?



I'd stay here, but we can't hold them off. There's

at least five or six of them. I don't trust what

they're capable of.


Heather grabs a few things and hugs DJ, in a rush to go, but right before they can head out, they see headlights, as a jeep rolls into the driveway.





 DJ looking to the back door, and heads that way.



Come on!


The others follow (Lamar with his gun out), through the living room and kitchen, coming to back door, quickly unlocked by DJ, and opened, to the faces of three soldiers. Lamar is about to aim his gun at them, but is beaten to it, and has no choice other than to hand his over. They lead them back inside.



(into radio)

We have ourselves some rabbits. Secure and

heading your way.



(with laugh)

Rodger that.


One of the soldiers runs through house, to front door and unlocking. Three more soldiers enter inside. They all look over the place and the others, as they arrive. Emily crying...



How can you guys go from protecting these people, to

whatever the hell it is you plan on doing?!


Soldier walks right at him, and blows his head off.



That's how!






Emily screams and weeps. Heather drops to her knees, crying. DJ stands there in shock, watching in slow motion, as the same soldier walks right to him, places gun to his head, about to pull trigger. Suddenly, tons of gunfire begins taking place outside.



What the...


All the soldiers rushing to window. Their POV of a group of guys (one of them with a spear on his back, and no longer in their bright orange hunting gear), going in houses, firing machine guns at everyone. They fire at everyone they see on the streets. The soldiers rush outside, and open fire at them...


They kill one of them, and then another, but now the other group begins to open serious fire on the soldiers, and overtake them. The spear guy uses his spear, to take out a soldier, then his gun, to hit another.


DJ is inside trying to force Emily away, but she is still crying and holding Lamar. Heather is simply in shock. DJ hesitates a moment, before rushing out back door. He peeks out and around, then runs toward garage, using whatever he can to keep out of site, while trying to get to his house...


People are screaming everywhere. Most soldiers appear dead or gone. Seven of the other group members, continue raiding houses and/or killing people on the streets, or their yards. DJ glances at his house. The door is wide open. His heart is pounding...


Dissolve to DJ'S dead grandparents, bloody (with spear wounds) and lying on the living room floor. Jane's body is just as bloody, and on the upper staircase. Renee is nowhere in sight...


DJ runs through front door. Freezing at the sight of his grandparents. He looks to the stairs, and forms

tears, at the sight of his mother. He looks dizzy, almost faint, he almost vomits. He faintly begins calling for Renee, barely able to speak.



Ren...Renee. (little louder) Renee?! (normal

yelling) RENEE?!?






Sound of people in the house, as Jane is pushing Renee under sink crawlspace, quickly closing it up, and just as quickly closing sink cabinet, just before bathroom door is kicked in. Before she can even turn around, she is stuck with a spear, and dragged out of bathroom, onto the staircase. A man comes in bathroom, looking around, opening sink, but seeing nothing. He walks out...




Renee lying in crawlspace with her eyes closed, as DJ can be heard yelling for her, as he runs up the staircase. He runs in and out of all the rooms...






He drops to his knees, weeping...

Suddenly, he stops, and listens...






DJ rises and bolts toward bathroom.






DJ opens sink cabinet, and slides crawlspace door open. Renee begins climbing out. He wraps her up in his arms, tightly hugging her, and crying with relief. He quickly comes out of hug, and guides her toward staircase.



Listen to me, Renee. Close your eyes. Just hold my

hand, close your eyes, and walk down the steps.

You can open your eyes, once we get outside.


She closes her eyes. DJ takes her hand and carefully guides her down the steps. They walk over and around their mom's body. Renee's leg makes contact with it. She opens her eyes, looking over her mom's dead body. She develops tears. DJ reaches the living room, and now takes her past their grandparents. Renee's eyes are open, as she looks at their bodies. She closes her eyes...


DJ looks out window, seeing at least one of the hunter guys, close by, out front.

Up the street, a few civilians can be seen firing guns, and even killing a couple of the hunters, but are soon killed themselves, by another hunter.


DJ cautiously gets closer, looking toward Heather's place, where he can see men bombarding inside. Heather can even be heard screaming. Up the street, more civilians can be seen being violently killed, by the hunters...DJ instantly turns and goes for backdoor.


Cut to DJ and Renee, exiting backdoor, into the yard, and over toward a brushy area, disappearing inside, as he leads her into the woods, to the sound of their neighbors being slaughtered...






Driving along...



It was a Lewis and Clark class, that kayaked from

the Columbia Gorge to the coast, every year. My

friends and I did it once, too. I even taught Renee

how to do it, she'll be just fine, out there.



Will Sandy be okay?



Oh yeah, I've taken her many times, she's a pro.



Sam's experienced too, so she and Eli should

be okay together. Renee and I, in one, and

then all we need to do is find one more.


Dissolve to DJ and Eli grabbing a kayak from up against a random garage. Benny is looking over another supply carrier, and grabs some paddles and a tarp. Renee runs around with Sandy. Sam stands close by, watching, her back to a brushy area, where suddenly. a huff comes out of, and right for her.



Oh my God!


Sam turns just in time, and immediately runs for her life, screaming like a little girl.


DJ and Eli drop the kayak. Eli goes right for the huff, pushing it down and mashing its head with his boot. Benny stands by in shock. Even DJ is both shocked and impressed. Sam is still shaken and in shock. Renee stands there, just staring at the dead huff...


Dissolve to DJ and Benny, finishing up on tying the third kayak onto the vehicle. Sam sits in the passenger seat, frustrated/annoyed with herself.



I just ran and screamed like a ten-year-old girl...


Eli kind of giving her a funny smirk.



You are ten.



Doesn't mean I have to act like it. I'll never survive

this or get back to the compound, being a

ten-year-old crybaby. I have to be tough, smart.


Renee looks down at the ground...



Do you think I can survive?


Everyone just looks at Renee, who continues looking at the ground...



What do you mean?



I'm not tough, or smart...


Everyone just looking at her again, as she continues staring at ground...



You sure don't seem stupid.


Renee finally looking up, but not directly at Sam...



What do you mean?



I don't know...you're quiet, shy, but…pretty far

from stupid, in my opinion.


Renee looking at Sam.



Get to know me better.


Sam kind of smiles...



See...not stupid at all...






DJ and Renee out of breath, as they stop running, catching their breath. Renee is bent over, trying to catch her breath...



(barely able to speak)

I can't...I can't run anymore.


Renee holding her stomach, begins to sit down with her back to a tree.



We have to keep going. We can walk though.



I feel like I'm going to throw up.


Suddenly, she begins dry heaving, followed by hyperventilating. DJ rushes to her.



Renee! Just breathe!


She fights to control her breathing, eventually improving, followed by some weeping. DJ holds/comforts her while looking all around. He spots a house with a driveway. He continues to help her calm down, before working to get her on her feet, and toward the driveway...



What's happening? Where are we going?



There's a house over there. Maybe we can

find a place to rest.


He holds her hand, as they reach the driveway. He can now see a boat, with a tarp over it.



Come on. I see a safe place.


He leads her toward the boat. The house looks dark...



We don't want to bother anyone who might be in

the house, so we'll just camp out here in the boat.


He begins opening the tarp, and helping her up and under. He uses a lighter, to check the surroundings. He climbs in and disappears under the tarp...

He uses the lighter a few more times, while making Renee a place to sleep…


Dissolve to darkness with the sound of nervous breathing...

Suddenly, a loud terrifying scream is heard. Darkness gives way to flashes, of what Renee saw, as she walked over her dead mother, and grandparents. They begin to rise, as huffs. They come at Renee. She turns to run, but falls to her knees, gasping for air. She can't breathe, or get up. Her family of huffs begin smothering her...


Dissolve to darkness... Sound of people sleeping, tossing/turning...

Suddenly, Renee screams.



(unseen, too dark)

What?! Renee! Are you okay?!




Yeah, sorry… I had a dream…



It’s okay… I was having one too…

Sound of them going back to sleep, followed by light snoring, and then darkness giving way to light, slowly, as scene dissolves to dawn, and light comes over their sleeping faces…

With daylight on his face, DJ begins waking up, immediately looking over at Renee. She's still asleep, using a life-jacket for a pillow, and a dirty tarp as a blanket... He quietly moves over to peek outside.


Everything looks clear, the house looks quiet. He ducks back under and looks back to Renee. She's now awake, and looking right back at him...



Are you okay? (Renee simply shaking head)

I know, stupid question.



Are we going to die?





What? No! I told you we're going to find those

cool people, I told you all about. They're not far

from here. They have a lake, and neighbors

with a tree house.  


DJ just looks at her for a moment...



Before we go, is there anything that you need

to talk about?


Renee thinking...



Do dead people laugh? (DJ a quizzical look at

her) I heard Mom scream, then the dead guy

was laughing.


DJ closing his eyes a moment...



He wasn't dead, Renee...



But, I thought...it was dead people we had to

worry about?



It is, but...



So, there are bad people, too?




Unfortunately, yes…



But...(becoming teary-eyed) why didn't the army

people save us?



I think most of them went home to save their

families... The rest, well, they're kinda’ bad, too.



(getting nervous)

The army is bad?



Renee, everyone is scared, now, which means

everyone is bad, until they prove that they aren't.

Even good people, will think we're bad, and try to

protect themselves. That's why we're going to find

these people I know, because they're good people.


Renee begins shaking her head, tears running down her cheeks...






I can't do this. The world was already scary to me...

before all this. Mom told me last summer about my

autism, and how much harder life would be, for me.

That gave me so much anxiety. Now it's even harder...

people like me won't survive...people like me...will

get people like you…killed.


A pair of tears falling down DJ’s face...searching for the right words...



I will get you killed. Like Mom.



Renee! That was NOT your fault!


Renee begins bawling, as DJ goes to hug/comfort her...



(weeping her words)



More tears fall from DJ’s face, as he holds her...






Renee, Sam, and Eli all anxiously looking out car windows, as DJ drives along. Suddenly, they all burst into excitement and cheering...


Their POV out window, of the Columbia River. Sam’s face lights up with a smile, Eli laughing, Sandy barking, and Renee caught up in their excitement, with her a big smile of her own...



That's it! That's the Columbia River!



It sure is!



We're going to make it! We're going to make

it to the compound!


Sam instantly grabs Renee for a big hug. Renee is happy to receive, hugging back with a smile...



You're going to LOVE my family!


DJ takes notice of more and more abandoned cars, ahead.



We might have found it just in time.


Benny (in front seat) looking ahead, as do the kids from the back.



Still pretty far, to hike all our equipment, from here.


DJ a look at Benny, then back to the road...


Dissolve to DJ outside the car, along the highway, looking over the area, as there appears no further route, for the car. Others all climbing out...



I say we hike it today, and make camp at the

river. Maybe have time for some trial runs,

before we take off in the morning. 



(opening up the back of car)

I have rope. We can pull the kayaks. I've already

divided the stuff we can take, and what we can't...


Dissolve to Benny, DJ, and Eli all dragging kayaks (loaded with gear/supplies, and Bailey in carrier) downhill. Sam drags a rope, lugging a supply carrier. Renee is carrying a pack, and holding a leash for Sandy...



So, we'll kayak most of the day, but where will

we sleep at night?



Including tonight, we'll have to camp three times

before reaching the city. We need to be very

selective in finding safe places for that.



Sandy will keep guard. No one will be sneaking

up on us.




We're going to do this...we're going to make

it there, I just know it!


Eli a small confident nod of the head. Renee is smiling. Both Benny and DJ trying to hide any skepticism...

Suddenly, Sandy begins to stop, look ahead and growl. They all stop, look, and listen...


Huffs can be heard, then seen. Two of them, but they look as if they'll just pass on by. Suddenly, Sandy barks. They all try to stop her, but it's too late. The huffs are now coming right for them, then a third and a fourth one...


DJ, Benny, and Eli drop the ropes and packs. Eli is already grabbing his bat from the kayak. DJ reaches for his spear, following Eli. Benny is behind them, with his own spear. Sam holds a gun, looking all around, while standing next to Renee, who holds Sandy (barking) from going after the huffs...


Eli is super quick to reach the first two, and with little effort, puts them down. He goes for the third, swinging his bat with all his might. Only one remains, and DJ is going for him, but Eli beats him to it. He takes it down and looks all around, with the desire for more...



I get it Eli! You're a badass, now. Not even an

All-Star, but a freaking Rockstar! But you have

to calm down, man! You're gonna’ kill yourself.

You're not even thinking, you're just reacting.


DJ just staring at him, blood on Eli’s face. Eli staring back, with no words... 



Maybe you want to die, is that it? Well, that

s**t isn't happening, not on my watch, it is.


DJ walking back toward his kayak, Eli just standing there, looking down at the dead huff...


Dissolve to DJ and them, relieved as they reach the river, setting down their gear, and going to the edge for a look, and wet their hands/faces...

DJ looks around, spotting an area in some brush, worthy of making camp...

Dissolve to same area DJ was checking out, now covered with tarps, and sleeping bags inside, kind of like

a fort. The cat carrier is next to the camp, door wide open. Bailey is inside, coming out, then going back in.


DJ, Eli, and Sam are all nearby, at the shoreline, fishing. Sam is pulling in a fish. Benny is starting a fire, Renee plays with Sandy. Bailey runs out of carrier, right at Sandy, as Renee laughs, then he turns and zips right back over, and into carrier...


Dissolve to close-up of leftover fish, panning back to the shoreline, where Eli (everyone in life-jackets) climbs into rear of one Kayak, with Sam already in front, placing carrier (Bailey inside) down in kayak.



(talking to Bailey)

You have to practice getting used to this, too...


DJ is climbing into the back of another, where Renee already sits in the front. Benny watches from in front of them, where he holds a gun and watches everyone's back, with Sandy...

They begin paddling into the river...



Not too far, now. Just want to get a little practice

for the big day, tomorrow.


The kids having fun as they go at it like pros. Laughing and being silly...



I know you're having fun, but keep it down, guys.


Sam uses her paddle to splash a little water at Renee, who laughs...

Dissolve to darkness...with the sound of people sleeping... Now the sound of huffs, grunting...

Sandy begins growling. DJ can be heard trying to quiet the dog, but she begins barking...

In the moonlight, you can somewhat see Eli and DJ, now using the bat and a spear, to kill the huffs…


Dissolve to daylight now shining over the camp area, as they begin waking and rising inside. They begin coming outside, where three dead huffs lay on the ground, nearby... Bailey quickly zips by, running back inside his open carrier...


Dissolve to close-up of leftover boxes/cans of food, panning back to everyone at the shoreline, inside their kayaks. Sam and Eli (Eli in back) are paired in a kayak. Sam is reaching down, placing a finger in cat carrier, to calm Bailey.


DJ (in back) is paired with Renee. Benny (in back) is paired with Sandy. They are pushing off, out into the river, and away they go. Sam smiling at Renee, who smiles back...



We got this…






Renee climbs out of the boat, with fear and gloom all over her expression, as DJ helps her out. They begin walking away. DJ looks over toward the house, where someone watches them from the window. He nods at them, and continues on...


Multiple flashes of them walking endlessly through the woods, past random houses (sometimes people looking out at them), hiding in the brush as a couple huffs walk by, peeking in abandoned cars as they pass by, grabbing extra clothing, water bottles, a flashlight, and a little bit of food, from abandoned cars.


They find a creek and fill up water bottles. More endless walking. They are tiring. They are quiet. Renee suddenly stops, simply staring ahead... DJ stops and looks at her.






We've already been here.


DJ looking around...



What do you mean?


Renee points toward a tree.



We've already passed that tree.


DJ turns toward the tree, staring at it a moment...



That tree? Which looks (turning to face/point

toward other trees) pretty much exactly like that

tree right over there, and that one there, and the

one over there, and the one next to it?


DJ turning to look at Renee...



Yeah...I noticed it the first time, when (looking,

then pointing)...we came from that direction.


DJ looks where she points...and everywhere else, then back at the tree...



So...which way have we not gone?


Renee looks around, a bit, then points. He looks, then at her, and then begins walking that direction, as she follows...


Day dissolves to evening, as they continue walking through the woods... DJ kind of smirks, and bumps her with his shoulder.



And you said you couldn't survive...


Renee just looking at him...






You've already contributed to us covering more

ground. Without your advice back there, we'd

be covering the same ground, because I couldn't

figure that out myself...(looking at her) You're not

as useless as you think you are, kiddo…


She just looks away and keeps walking...before suddenly stopping...





She's listening...



I hear something.


DJ begins listening...eventually the sound of huffs can be heard, and it keeps getting louder. It sounds like a ton of them. They quickly move to find a safe place. He finds a good patch of brush, and leads her inside, where they quickly crawl to the ground and watch...


Huffs begin walking by. Many of them are children, and some are soldiers. If you look carefully, you might recognize some of them as the same group that was at the bottom of the tree house, while Sam and Eli were trapped up there, by themselves, after everyone else had died...


DJ looks at Renee...



(very quietly)

See...you just contributed again...


Renee looks from DJ, to the crowd of huffs, who continue on their way...

Evening dissolves to night, with DJ using a flashlight, as he and Renee cautiously approach an area, with parked army vehicles. They continue creeping by them, and toward cabin. It looks like the same cabin Colonel Ballard and his men, parked their vehicles, before walking/sneaking back to the tree house. It’s also Frank and Lisa’s cabin (family who walked below the lake).

DJ shuts off his light, as he and Renee hide by a tree. He smiles and looks toward the lake, moonlight over it...



I bet that's the lake we're looking for.


He looks at Renee. He uses flashlight (halfway covering it with his hand) to see her face. She is completely exhausted, starving, and barely awake.



We can wait until morning to find them. (looks

toward cabin) We'll take our chances and crash

here tonight.


He leads her toward cabin, shining light on it, and back on the ground for her. They creep toward it, and up inside. He shines his light inside. It's completely thrashed, but looks vacant.

Cut to DJ, checking a bedroom, as he walks in shining light, seeing blood and remains, everywhere, and just as quickly turns and walks out...



We'll sleep on the couches...


Dissolve to morning, with DJ and Renee walking along the lake trail. Suddenly, Renee stops...

DJ stops and looks at her. She points, over and upward. He turns to look...

His POV (as he moves to see more clearly) of what looks to be part of a tree house. He smiles and looks at Renee, before guiding her with him, toward it.


Cut to both DJ and Renee, creeping through the brush. They can see dead huffs/bodies everywhere. They are very careful to be quiet and not heard, by whoever might be in the tree house.

Multiples flashes of them creeping to different angles, trying to see who might be up there. They continue to use extreme caution. DJ keeps looking to Renee, they see nothing...


DJ moves quietly (from directly underneath tree house) while Renee follows, but suddenly stops. DJ looks at her...and mouths "What?"...




I saw a girl...



A girl? (just looking at her) How old?




Maybe my age...


DJ just stands there, thinking for a second...




I'm gonna’ say something. Be ready to run!


DJ guides her over a little ways, then stops her. He moves over and looks upward...





DJ stands there curiously/cautiously waiting...






Renee points upward and simply walks outside of the brush, DJ steps out after her, looking up at the tree house, with a smile. He and Renee watch, as Eli begins zipping down ladder, and running to DJ.



(just looking at him)

I can't believe it!


Now simply lunging forward and embracing him. Sam at bottom of ladder watching. She forms a small smile, and approaches. Eli comes out of hug and excitedly looks at Sam.



Sam, it's DJ! (looking at DJ) DJ, this is Sam.


Sam approaches with a smile, and a tear. She simply walks right to DJ, throwing out her arms and hugging him.



I'm so happy to meet you.


DJ comes out of hug, just looking at her and her face full of tears. He looks to Eli, who also is shedding tears. He looks all around, at the bodies...and up toward the tree house. There is no sight of Rhett, Scott, or Amy. He quickly puts 2 and 2 together...



Oh my God, Eli... (he steps toward him, with

another hug) I am so sorry! (DJ looks to Sam,

then Renee) That is my sister, Renee...


Sam looks from Eli and his tears (hugging DJ), to Renee who has tears of her own, now developing. Sam moves in on her, with a big hug.




Hi, Renee. I'm Sam.


Renee stands there, mostly limp, but slightly joins in on the hug...






Do you…have anything to eat?






© 2024 Mike Decker

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Added on December 31, 2018
Last Updated on March 19, 2024
Tags: The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, Zombies, apocalypse


Mike Decker
Mike Decker

vancouver, WA

My daughter and I are huge Walking Dead fans, and have put together our own spinoff series, of it... Above The Dead It's an absolute emotional mess, and a total suspense/thriller... https://w.. more..
