Shootin yer mouth off

Shootin yer mouth off

A Poem by Baby Ricochet

Freedom of speech or freedom of stupid

Some say I can express myself
Yell f**k you at the cops
They'll shove a night stick up my a*s
and lock me in a box

Throw my a*s onto a court room
I'll say the judge is slime
With one hammer one the gavel
I'm doing triple time

Finally back out on the streets
see my parolee guy
I tell him he can suck my dick
So kiss my a*s bye bye

It seems no matter what I say
They nail me to a cross
I thought this was America
Freedom of speech is lost

Freedom of speech is for everyone
The brilliant and the dumb
You say something you know not to
and you'll be on the run

Someone's gonna nail you for it
So whatcya gonna do
They exercise their privileges
Just like you want to

Sometimes it's PC overload
a bunch of stupid crap
Be mindful of the words you use
and stay out of their trap

Freedom means responsible
For what you do and say
Intolerance in the media
Will get you hanged today

You can blurt out what you want to
Be burned just like a witch
If you have to shoot your mouth off
Take the fallout b***h

© 2013 Baby Ricochet

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Lol. What can I say, bro? Too damn true. When you write as The Elusive Mr Dunne, this tends to make much sense lol. Oh how I can relate ;)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Lol. What can I say, bro? Too damn true. When you write as The Elusive Mr Dunne, this tends to make much sense lol. Oh how I can relate ;)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

I'm sure you can. Thanks
Ars Goetia Poetry

2 Years Ago

Hope you're well mate..
Hah, this reminded me of the Scene from South Park where Randy Marsh is going on about how he thought this was America. I had a problem with my mouth a lot as a kid, and it got me into a lot of problems; I guess I still do. The other day a co-worker kept telling me that I would never last in prison (he is on work-release) and I blurted out that I "Didn't care how long I could last in Prison, Just how long I could last in You." I may not have the best control over what I say, but I at the very least don't call out about how I have the right to say what ever I want without ramification. Ex. Lesson I learned as a kid, it is wise to not insult a Mexican's mother and his favorite soccer team in the same sentence, especially not in an Argentinian accent. Although the humor may be priceless, having someone try and shiv you is best avoided.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

that's for sure
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We had actually been talking about this in government class so it's pretty cool that I read this and this was a point of view that no one had brought up (if they had even thought about it). Awesome write :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

No one could ever accuse you of being PC Baby, and that's fine by me, sometimes there's no other way to get your point across, but yes, it's a responsibility and we suffer for it if we shoot our fookin mouths off at the wrong time and or place. This is SO you!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Lol! Thank you frieda
Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Always.........have a great New Year Mark, PC or not! ;-)
Wonderful meter and tempo... well observed. Your feelings come through very powerfully. Well done.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you terry
I think sometimes we have to voice...however, learn how to do in, work IN the system of it to fight against it, if that makes sense x

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

It does. Thank you Ruth.
An interesting poem, well-written and fast moving, on what should be common sense. I can say whatever I like in the privacy of my own home without anyone else present, but should put brain in gear before mouth in motion, especially where offensive and pointless comments are concerned, if this is what you refer to.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

It is. Thank you Daniel
The Bible clearly says that Christians are not to compromise on the message of Christ and that includes the part about how homosexuality is a sin and the secular humanist PC liberal commie pinko left won't compromise on that either. And they are currently in charge.

Bitingly precise.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you Sir
And society says, "You will be assimilated." The reply of hatred, "Not on my watch!" Love your poetry that screams with information and warning.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you Sue

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28 Reviews
Added on December 22, 2013
Last Updated on December 22, 2013


Baby Ricochet
Baby Ricochet

Tampa, FL

I write just for the hell of it A way to spend some time Blurting out in cyber space Whatever's on my mind Maybe funny maybe tragic Emotional and raw Politi.. more..


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