How to Design a Role Playing Game. (a prototype)

How to Design a Role Playing Game. (a prototype)

A Story by Derek29

How to Write a Role Playing Game. In 6 Incredible Good Good Looking Medium Steps....

by derek. (derek A.)


Eight (or Nine) Elements Which Testers Look For In A Role Playing Game.


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I. Cool Looking Incredible Good Looking Cool Cover. Artwork, And Incredible Good Looking Illustrations and Artwork.


Suggested Standard Genres: Adventure, Science Fiction (at least three or four, types), Fantasy, Romance, Time Travel, Comedy, Super Hero, Western (or, Colonial), Gothic Lit, and Erotica, etc.


Six, or Nine Types of Science Fiction. (1) Future Worlds Science Fiction. (2) Inter Stellar Science Fiction. (3) Environmental Science Fiction. (4) Time Travel, & Historical Science Fiction. (5) Super Hero Science Fiction. (6) Romance Science Fiction, & Romance Fantasy Fiction. (7) Erotic Science Fiction. (8) Military Science Fiction. (9) Cyber Literature.



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II. A Cool Stat System. With Cool Character Sheets.


Please keep in mind. A general standard Role Playing Game, consists of at least four to nine standard attribute stats, including the primary standard stats, per genre, including: Intelligence, Strength, and, Dexterity. The fourth (, or fifth,) attribute stat might be either Charisma, meaning Charm, or Health, meaning Health points, varying depending on the selected genre. A sixth stat (or seventh,) might be Education, Good Looks, Perception, Agility, Power, and Aura, etc. Also, you are free to add two, or hopefully three, additional new stats to include, to authenticate your book as original. Every stat represents a bright new improvement to your role playing game book, in comparison to the standard three, or four (attribute stats,).


For genres:

Adventure: the fourth, and fifth stat might include Health, Constitution, or Agility.

Science Fiction: the fourth, and fifth, stat might include Health, and Education. Or, Vocational Training.

Fantasy: the fourth, and fifth stat, might include Health, Perception, or Wisdom.

Romance: the fourth, and fifth stat, might include Good Looks, Charisma, and Talent.

Time Travel: the fourth, fifth, and sixth stat, might include Charisma, Health, Good Looks, and Education.

Super Hero: the fourth, fifth and sixth stat, might include, Charisma, Health, Good Looks, Body, Education, Agility, and Power.

Comedy: the fourth stat might include Charisma.

Western (or, Colonial): the fourth stat might include Health. Or, Good Looks.

Gothic Lit: the fourth, and fifth stat might include Health, and Power.

Military: the fourth, fifth, and sixth stat, might include, Health, Training, Agility, Endurance, Perception, and Power.

Erotica: the fourth, and fifth stat, might include, Health, Good Looks, Agility, Aura, etc.

Angel Genre: the fourth, and fifth stat, might include, Aura, and Power.

Drama: the fourth, and fifth stat might include, Good Looks, Social Standing, and Passion.


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III. Cool Vintage Adult Level Game Materials, Plus Cool Incredible Good Looking Bonus Materials.. Such as: A Full Set of Six (or Ten) Vintage Type Standard Numbered Dice, Plus Maybe, High Class Adult Level Role Playing Cards. And Also, Cool Incredible Good Looking Collectible Artwork. Cool Glass Stones, or Good Looking Chips, and Map Design Counters. And an Incredible Cool Proficient RPG Map. And Maybe Miniatures.


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IV. Way Cool Powers to Select From!!!, and Cool Classes, and Cool Type Classes. A Healthy Good Well Built Morality and Alignment System. Plus Good Enjoyable Well Playing Game Mechanics. Good Roll Tables, Incredible Good Looking Illustrations, and Intelligent Informative Useful Charts.


Some of the better systems come with level charts. Percentage charts are easy to reference. However, Leveling Charts are an easier personable method to depict powers. Major Powers, can come in three, or five levels. Minor Powers, and Hyper Attributes (or Hyper Senses) can come in, two, or three levels. Movement and defensive powers, can come in two, or four levels.


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There are at least four (or seven) common types of Game System, for a roleplaying game.


1. 3d6, of 4d6.

The game supervisor asserts the difficulty number from, a game book or game manual. And the player has to role 3d6+Xd6, in order to accomplish the task. Or, the player has to roll, a d20, within their stat or skill ability, in order to accomplish the task.


2. d20. Or, 2d20.

The player has to roll a d20, or a set of d20s, in order to exceed a task difficulty number, to determine successes. Or, a player has to add the d20, with additional stat bonuses, to a comparable d20 roll chart, or compared with, to determine success. Also, two (, or 3,) combined d20s can also, be used to check a more proficient chart of standards. When added, success is more likely, for difficulties of at least thirty, or of at least thirty five. A slightly random looking chart could also be used, from book or manual, to implement a quaint mystery success value, in accordance to a chart of levels, as well.



3. 2d10. Or, 3d8.  The player has to roll a set of matching d10s, in matching to a standard difficulty number, in order to determine levels of success, if any.



4. d100. The player has a skill or charm value equal to a rating. He, or she, has to roll percentages dice in the success rating figure category, in order to determine success.


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Cool Classes. Please pick only cool Classes that individuals would want to play,!!!,


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V. A Cool Good Looking Adult Scenario Builder. And With Incredible Good Good Looking Good Readability.. And Incredible Cool Good Looking RPG Game Mechanics.


Please keep in mind. If your Role Playing Game includes, A Good Scenario Builder, it will signal that the game is actually playable.



  1. A Incredible Good Looking Good Genre Theme. Plus Incredible Good Looking Good Atmosphere, and Incredible Good Looking Elements.


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    [will continue this later....]

© 2019 Derek29

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Also, someone wanted me to type out some additional aesthetic correlators.
Additional veins and good looking sinew relate to good talent and good genetic engineering.

Body Correlators....,
A strong athletic toned body relates to good work and good general fitness.
A good well proportioned build relates to a good health and a good love life.
A well endowed body relates to good sexual experience, and good modernity.
A tight slender build relates to good diet, and tight sobriety.

Phenotype Rulings....,
OO--, relates to good looks, good body, good cultivation, and good breeding.
rh--, relates to non-racist language, non-sexist language, and good sobriety.
non-a, relates to, non-aggressive.
non-b, relates to, normalized language.
Mandatory ruling: You are seriously required to be OOOO--, or AO--, in order to have sex, according to the advanced and correct intermediate rulings of sex.

Excellent symmetry...,
Excellent body and incredibly good looking, very tight facial symmetry relates to good health, good diet, good language, and good sobriety.

Thin fingers....,
Thin long slender fingers relate to good artistic talent.

Additional good looking veins and good looking sinew relate to good talent and good genetic engineering.

A light aural complexion relates to good cleanliness, and good clean showering. A good looking smooth white complexion relates to sobriety, and clean showering.

Thank you.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Sobriety is correlated to Morality, Of Course.

Good Individuals love Good Chinese Americans,!!!,

Good Christian Living is the Good Correct Answer,!!!,

2. This correct authentic modern and classic modern standard quality of life system, allows for, and completely mandates, at least 88 percent of the population, meaning those who are objectively checked to be good looking, good moral, above average, and, at least average and at least gifted intelligent, to be especially qualified as happy, and highly content, with an exceptional good high good quality of life.
That is particularly correct, for this off world.
All evil must be destroyed,!!!,
All bad individuals must be deleted, permanently,!!!,

Posted 4 Years Ago

1. Generally, and Most Correctly, Correct Hierarchal Systems, for Modern and Classic, are determined by these Six Principal Values: Education, meaning college education; Intelligence, referring to, SAT scores (raw); Good Looks, meaning high phenotype, referring to, OO--; Morality, which is Correctly the Most Important Value in this Set; Sobriety, which will quite often determine the speaking leader in a small group; and, Good Ethnographic Tier, referring to, white, yellow, and red, ethnicities, only, which is important, to the system, as well. This primary system is made, to cover the main client, of course.
It is highly important we adhere to these rulings, involving classism.
Thank you.
Adherence to these rulings are Mandatory,!!!,

Posted 4 Years Ago

Those from Derek’s vintage, only, CVA ‘97’06 graduates, are Gods,!!!,
Those from Derek’s vintage, only, CVA ‘97’06 graduates, are Incredible Gods,!!!,
this note is permanently enacted, and enacted permanently.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Those from Derek’s vintage, only, CVA ‘97’06 graduates, are Gods,!!!,
Those from Derek’s vintage, only, CVA ‘97’06 graduates, are Incredible Gods,!!!,
this note is permanently enacted, and enacted permanently.

Posted 4 Years Ago

French Americans are Gods.
Asian Americans are Gods.
Irish Americans are Gods.
Norwegian Americans are Gods.
German Americans are Gods.
English Americans are Gods.
Finnish Americans are Gods.
Brittanic Americans are Gods.
this note is permanently enacted, and enacted permanently.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Good Looking Women are Incredible Incredible Gods,!!!,
Good Looking Highly Moral citizens are Gods,!!!,
OOOO—‘s are Gods,!!!,
AOO—‘s are Gods,!!!,
French Americans are Gods.
Asian Americans are Gods.
Irish Americans are Gods.
Norwegian Americans are Gods.
German Americans are Gods.
English Americans are Gods.
Brittanic Americans are Gods.
this note is permanently enacted, and enacted permanently.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Good Looking Women are Incredible Incredible Gods,!!!,
Good Looking Highly Moral citizens are Gods,!!!,
OOOO—‘s are Gods,!!!,
AOO—‘s are Gods,!!!,
For the record. My own Charter (meaning: Derek Andrew Chin's charter), only consists of my entire vintage, myself, and my direct relatives. That is Important to me.

Also, I, Derek Andrew Chin, am incidentally listed as a universal celebrity. I may be a member of many charters, and many universal sets.

As a Ruling.
Some universal celebrities can send a woman representative, and some universal celebrities can send a troupe.

For other clients, I'll also include, feel free to add me to YOUR charter, in event you need a specialized consultant, chief consultant, individual consulter, or a charter consultant.
In event you read my book, watch my movie, or play one of my video games.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Incredible Incredible Good Looking Women are Incredible Incredible Gods,!!!,
Good Looking Highly Moral citizens are Gods,!!!,
OOOO—‘s are Gods,!!!,
AOO—‘s are Gods,!!!,

Posted 4 Years Ago

Good Looking Women are Gods,!!!,
Good Looking Highly Moral citizens are Gods,!!!,
OOOO—‘s are Gods,!!!,
AOO—‘s are Gods,!!!,

Posted 4 Years Ago

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10 Reviews
Added on February 17, 2019
Last Updated on November 30, 2019



New York City, NY

About the Author: Derek Andrew Chin has worked in publishing for over two and half years. He spent two years studying at Vassar, and two and a half years, in, at Columbia University. He has his Bac.. more..
