How to Write and Direct A Music Video.

How to Write and Direct A Music Video.

A Story by Derek29

How to Write and Direct A Music Video.

by derek a.


Question: What do I Make My Music Video Of...?

Well, There are Five or Six Types of Popular Commercial Directed Music Videos.


1. A Concert or Performance Music Video. Or A Portrait of Artist.

-What you can do, is film the musician performing the song before a crowd; and capture pictures of the backlight screen, and pictures of the crowd, as well.

-A Music Video can also depict 'A Day in the Life', for one of the performing artists. Be Clever.

-Or, Also, What you can do, is have the performers perform at least five takes, in different or similar settings; and then shuttle the scene between them, to capture the song, and the story.


2. A Concept Music Video. (or: A Dream Music Video)

-What you can do is, You can go to a diner, and eat dinner or breakfast in front of each other, and each one tells a story of a dream they had. Then, you or the group picks the dream that they liked the most, or which is feasible, considering your budget and your assets. Then you write it up, and storyboard the dream. Then film it. Polish up the footage later.

-Or, if you have a gimmick or concept which is unique, then you can film a series from a list, on how that gimmick or concept or a cool camera trick can then be displayed. Don't worry. The film writer program can sync the footage to the music well.


3. The Story of the Song Music Video. (Or A Lyric Music Video.)

-The music video tells the story of the song, according to the songwriter, or the musician. This could be done from interviews. Or Composed from the Lyrics.


4. A Setting Music Video.

-Choose a Setting. The Setting Music Video is set in a studio made or produced setting, in order to produce the theme of the video. Make a list of various scenes. Collect various footage, over the day. (Or, you an focus on various settings, or cities.)


5. A Parody.

-Come up with a parody, or a film, or a commercial. And, tell your rendition of some other work or canon of literature, like the three musketeers, or, les miserables, or something. Be creative.


6. An Animation Video. (Or, a cartoon.) (You can use Write-In Captioning.)

- Have an artist colleague of yours produce a series of color sketches, animated prints, or photo shots of various landscapes. Tape it like an animated film, or a movie slide show production, synced to music. Be creative.




In Four Steps.

Step One. Conduct Interviews. Listen to Music.

Step Two. Make a List of Performances and Images. Calculate Budget.

Step Three. Collect Performances and Images. Using Equipment.

Step Four. Sync Performances, and Images. And, Voila!.

There is Your Incredible Music Video.


Enjoy Results.




Ten Additional Tips for Quick FilmMakers.


1. Make a list of Characters.

So all your actors know which characters are being used. Keep in mind. A good film scene can still be produced with only four or five individuals.


2. Utilize Costumes.

Yes, you can utilize cool outfitting, as well. Be careful about permits. You can only film scenes in a professional studio, if you know.


3. Utilize Settings and Theme.

Check the sample frames, carefully. It helps for an avid watcher. Check with the computer storyboard scene. It will help you to capture your design piece.


4. Use Cool White Lighting.

Know which types of lighting comes from where. Also, the camera will also know better.


5. Stay Totally Sober.

Also, use early afternoon, scenes. When dealing with an entire crew, it's good to let them sleep in. So they stay fresh, and good showered.


6. Be Polite, Professional, and Courteous.

Keep in mind, you are merely entertainers(!!!,).


7. Be Generous with Your Project.

Don't be afraid to spend money on a project.


8. Utilize Handouts(!!!,). Have Papers Available. Stay up the Week Previous, Typing. And Photocopying(!!!,).

Scriptwriting is Mandatory(!!,). Make sure you're prepared, and courteous. Yes, at least 8 to 12 pages works well. At least(!!).


9.  Take Multiple Editions.

Yes. Take Multiple Editions.


And, 10. Know Who to Submit To. (Or, Yourself.)

I.E., know who your producers are. Or: Yourself, in that case.


And, Thank You, Once Again,


© 2019 Derek29

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Please keep in mind.

Using Computers, All models and celebrities and incredible good looking persons are definitively traceable. The Method of Counting links, to a Model or a Celebrity, definitely works, as well.
All property must be returned to their proper moral owner.(!!!!!)
All models, and celebrities, and incredible good looking persons must be returned to their proper moral owner.(!!!!!)
All accounts must be properly returned to the correct moral person.

Posted 3 Years Ago

to promote good esteem in our country, we must promote good chinese american esteem..., that will solve this matter.
Thank you.
Also: Remember to Attend extracurriculars in high school. Some think attending extracurriculars are generally always worth good free points(!!!). Some say it reflects on your report card, per the appropriate subject, or subjects.
Also: Someone wanted me to write in about weighted GPAs.
To clarify, the chart specified that those who take honors, or gifted only programs are calculated with +5 or +8 bonus valued, in terms of their actual gpa value, and factored one full grade ahead, in terms of their studies. This who take genius only programming, or advanced genius only programming, are calculated with +10 or +13 bonus valued, in terms of their actual gpa values, and as two full grades ahead, in terms of their studies.
Some think this is interesting.
Oh by the way,
Incidentally, my favorite movie is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Again, as follows:
Two of the more All Important Concepts, are firstly, the Main Client exemption, and secondly, the main client privilege.
The especially important Main Client exemption entails that the Main Client is exempt from certain duties, restricted standards, nonsense penalties, etc., which the main client is not licensed to be patterned. The main client is also exempt from emotion control. This function has been placed, for the protection of the main client, and for Good Morality, as well. Penalties for instigating with, stealing from, or plotting against, the main client, are often extremely, extremely severe. Again, this is important. Their protection is already encoded.
The Main Client’s Life is Crucially Most Important.
The main client privilege has also also been placed as an allowance for the main client. That the main client is entitled to free money, free jobs, and free stimulus, free clothes, food and soda, pending their most excellent qualifiers. This license has been likewise placed for their good protection, and for general benefits to the good American economy. Again, the Main Client, is to be given highest priority.
The concept agrees. The Main Client is of the highest class standing, and worthy of all the most good protections in the world. These concepts are imported for the benefit of good higher moral futures, and for most basic moral existentialism.
Thank you.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Two of the more All Important Concepts, are firstly, the Main Client exemption, and secondly, the main client privilege.
The especially important Main Client exemption entails that the Main Client is exempt from certain duties, restricted standards, nonsense penalties, etc., which the main client is not licensed to be patterned. The main client is also exempt from emotion control. This function has been placed, for the protection of the main client, and for Good Morality, as well. Penalties for instigating with, stealing from, or plotting against, the main client, are often extremely, extremely severe. Again, this is important. Their protection is already encoded.
The Main Client’s Life is Crucially Most Important.
The main client privilege has also also been placed as an allowance for the main client. That the main client is entitled to free money, free jobs, and free stimulus, free clothes, food and soda, pending their most excellent qualifiers. This license has been likewise placed for their good protection, and for general benefits to the good American economy. Again, the Main Client, is to be given highest priority.
The concept agrees. The Main Client is of the highest class standing, and worthy of all the most good protections in the world. These concepts are imported for the benefit of good higher moral futures, and for most basic moral existentialism.
Thank you.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Derek A. is the greatest video director, of all time,!!,
Derek A. is the greatest commercial director, of all time,!!,
Derek A. is the greatest Christian Inspirationist director, of all time,!!,
Derek A. is the Best Science Fiction writer and director, of all time,!!,
Derek A. Is The Best Erotica writer, director, and Omega star performer, of all time,!!,

Posted 4 Years Ago

Computer graded morality exams are Mandatory, for actors, and musicians. The Computer stores their morality score, and then grades it, in terms of likeability...,
A good morality is especially important, for acting, or music. Computer graded morality exams are Mandatory, for actors, and musicians. The Computer stores their morality score, and then grades it, in terms of likeability...,
A good morality is especially important, for acting, or music.
Also, Computer graded personality exams are Mandatory, for actors and musicians, as well.
Incidentally, our height generally correlates to our gpa in civics, some think....,
Physical fitness is generally correlated to our fitness gpa.
Major endowment is generally correlated to our Sciences gpa, and gpa’s, in general.
Mandatory Ruling; In event someone has at least one semester of college, then they are only authorized to play humans, mammals, and birds. (The same applies if your GPAs are all above 80, or higher.)
White complexion is correlated with our gpa in literature, and math, is correct, as well.
A 97 grade or higher, in any subject, can dependably produce an extra good looking model, with extra good looking white hair...,
There was another theory about height qualifier. Some think a celebrity’s height is correctly correlated to the educative grade in which the celebrity was compiled in. For instance, if a celebrity were compiled in 9th grade, they’d be 5ft 10in, of 5ft 11in.
The same correlator applies to their major endowment. For example, a young female compiled in their 12th grade year, would have a solid 49 inch rack, and a 23in waist, tight. A young woman past her sixth year of college might have a solid 198inch rack, tight, and a 22in waist, very wire tight. A male compiled past their sixth year of college, might have at least 38 inched diameter huge long major endowments.
Others correctly believe this. Our major endowments are correctly correlated with our extraordinary sexual experience level. True.
Sanity is correlated to Morality.

Posted 4 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on February 19, 2019
Last Updated on December 15, 2019



New York City, NY

About the Author: Derek Andrew Chin has worked in publishing for over two and half years. He spent two years studying at Vassar, and two and a half years, in, at Columbia University. He has his Bac.. more..
