How to Successfully Diet, and Lose Weight, In Three Simple Guidelines...,

How to Successfully Diet, and Lose Weight, In Three Simple Guidelines...,

A Story by Derek29

How to Successfully Diet, and Lose Weight...,

1) Count calories, and make sure they don’t go over 895 a day. Find a very low calorie food, like homemade turkey sandwiches (220-240 calories), or single chicken soft tacos (140-180 calories, apiece), and eat only that, two or three times a day.

2) Drink only diet cola. Exclusively. It actually works,!!! At that rate, some might lose .8 to 1.0 pounds a day.

3) Weigh yourself, at least twice a day. First thing in the morning, and right before bed. It helps to check on your weight loss, to make sure that it works.

4) Cigarettes often help.

Important(!!!): Also, Stay Totally Sober, and for the rest of your life...!!!, Alkaloids expand over the winter, to make the butt bigger. Some individuals don’t realize this, but they work on a delayed rate. (They react to cold weather, in December. Sort of like anti-freeze.) In order to keep your butt little and tight, then you have to give up booze, completely!!!. Avoid alkaloids, completely!!!. It’s a very beautiful talent to know that cigarettes are good, and that booze is bad...., Say ‘no’ to booze,!!!,

Good luck!!!. Follow those simple 3-4 rules, and you’re sure to lose at least 25 pounds, in 35 days. It actually works!!!.

© 2019 Derek29

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I am an Angel....,

Posted 3 Years Ago

Also: Important note: In terms of vision. If someone you know or care about wears glasses..., It is Important and Mandatory to get your kids LASIK vision, if they could use it(!!!!!!), regardless of their age, even if they are adults(!!!!!), or elderly.
It is important that the PTA knows this(!!!!!!).

Posted 3 Years Ago

I am an Angel....,
Another important tip.
Always, always don’t conspire.
Clients who don’t conspire as a general tendency quite often stay very slim, and very, very skinny, you’ll notice.
Yeah, it’s really true.
Sometimes giving up bad habits, means giving up conspiracies, as well, i guess....,

Posted 4 Years Ago

This is Important,!!!, Make it your goal to be very tight(!!), and very tight slender, past the age of 22.(!!)
Make it your goal to be physically fit.(!!)
Also: Slow time, for some reason, seems very correlated to insomnia.
Individuals who eat less, generally sleep a lot less.
That is very correct.

Posted 4 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on February 19, 2019
Last Updated on November 30, 2019



New York City, NY

About the Author: Derek Andrew Chin has worked in publishing for over two and half years. He spent two years studying at Vassar, and two and a half years, in, at Columbia University. He has his Bac.. more..
