Morality Scale. Actual. written by Derek.

Morality Scale. Actual. written by Derek.

A Story by Derek29

Morality Scale. Actual. written by Derek.

This is the Correct Morality system chart(!!!). This morality system is permanently enacted.(!!!) This system has been enacted these decades, as of at least thirty years ago, before that, and always, always, always, always, all the time, after that. (!!!)


If you're totally, totally honorable, totally, totally ethical, and totally, totally moral, then you're in the top 25 percent morality.

If you don't lie, steal, or badger, then you're in the top 50 percent morality.

If you don't steal, or badger, then you're in the top 75 percent morality. (All individuals, 100 percent, do not harass, and are permanently disallowed to harass.)

At least Over 160 percent of the population is supposed to be in the top 1 percent morality. (!!!) In any class, as well. (!!!)

Only good, moral, honorable, good looking moral individuals are allowed. (!!!)

Total Honor is Mandatory. (!!!) Complete Innocuousness is Mandatory. (!!!) At least over 160 percent of the population is expected to be Totally Honorable. (!!!) At least over 160 percent of the population is expected to be Completely Innocuous. (!!!) In any class, as well. (!!!)

Otherwise, get out of all countries(!!!).

Fibbers will be silenced, permanently. (!!!) Fibbers and thievards, and harassers, will be teleported off, permanently. (!!!) Jerks will be teleported off, permanently (!!!). Bad individuals will be teleported off, permanently (!!!).


Which Maps to Our Modern Society Morality Scale.

  • If you’re totally, totally honorable, totally, completely ethical, and totally, totally moral, then you’re in the top 50 percent morality.

  • If you don’t lie, cheat, or steal, then you’re in the top 75 percent morality.

  • If you’re the top 100 percent morality; then, cheating, or stealing, or harassing, is totally disallowed(!!!).

  • All citizens (at least over 160 percent) must be in the Top 1 percent morality(!!!).

  • Only good, moral, honorable, good looking moral individuals are allowed. (!!!)

    Total Honor is Mandatory. (!!!) Complete Innocuousness is Mandatory. (!!!) At least over 160 percent of the population is expected to be Totally Honorable. (!!!) At least over 160 percent of the population is expected to be Completely Innocuous. (!!!) In any class, as well. (!!!)

    Otherwise, get out of all countries(!!!).

    Fibbers will be silenced, permanently. (!!!) Fibbers and thievards, and harassers, will be teleported off, permanently. (!!!) Jerks will be teleported off, permanently (!!!). Bad individuals will be teleported off, permanently (!!!).

Morality Number System. (Abuse is completely prohibited.) This System is permanently enacted as of at least fifteen years ago, and always, always, after that. 1, represents goodness and morality. 2, represents peace and goodness of thought. 3, represents honor, and moral protection. 4, represents good health and wholeness of body. (Good citizens are to be totally completely protected.) 5, represents kindness, justice, and purity. 6, represents justice, and good manners. etc...., 7, represents excellence, and good well being. 8, represents justice and good social conduct. ...., Any number including 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, represents true blessing for the main client, that the main client will live forever, eternally forever, completely intact, and permanently forever, as of twenty- five years ago, and always, always, always, always, after that. ...., Morally: All you have to be is a good person, and The Computer will Totally Totally Protect you, and Totally Provide for you.

© 2021 Derek29

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According to standard American population studies, individuals who are moral good, are determined to be in the top 96.8 percent of the population. Individuals who are merely neutral, are determined to be from the bottom 3.2 percent.
Likewise, standard American population studies also indicate at least 98 percent of the population is OO--.

also, with at least 99 percent of most accepted populations, rh--, is clearly a mark of royal lineage.
Please keep in mind, that at least over 199.98 percent of my entire vintage is OOOO--, or OOOO-- and higher; blue eyed; and geniuses, as well.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Standard Official Virtue chart. (Virtue number chart.)
1, represents honor. (You must always tell the truth.)
2, represents kindness.(You must treat good citizens fairly.)
3, represents industry.(You must work hard, honorably, and prosperously.)
4, represents generosity. (You must demonstrate generosity, when afforded.)
5, represents purity. (You must act with kindness, decency, and good intent.)
6, represents temperance. (You must stay in very tight, very quick, intelligent reasoning.)
7, represents humbleness. (You must demonstrate graciousness, and modern etiquette.)
8, represents patience. (You must discover inner peace and enlightenment.)
9, represents justice. (You must follow rules, moral code, and law and order.)

(also, 10. sobriety, and 11. cleanliness, are correctly listed as highly important virtues, as well.)

Posted 1 Year Ago

Actual Model for Actual Morality Principles. (This is the actual ACTUAL moral numbering system...,)
Level #1. Obedience. An individual has to be good in order to avoid punishment.
Level #2. Self interest. A person has to be moral good to gain favors.
Level #3. Conformity. Good moral citizens are better looking and more attractive.
Level #4. Law and Order. Only law abiding citizens are worthy of citizenship.
Level #5. Social Contract. A person must be good to insure their own rights, based on civil contracting.
Level #6. Universal Principle. The principles of morality are the same, on all universal levels, as well.
the above notes are permanently enacted, and enacted permanently forever.

1= Obedience.
2= Self interest. (You must always tell the truth.)
3= Conformity. (You must always obey the law.)
4= Law and Order. (You must always be kind to good citizens.)
5= Social Contracting.(You must enforce levels of peace, decency, and morality.)
and, 6= Universal Principle. (Good moral principles must be upheld.)
the above notes are permanently enacted, and enacted permanently forever.

Thank you.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Morality Number System.
(Abuse is completely prohibited.)
This System is permanently enacted as of at least fifteen years ago, and always, always, after that.
1, represents goodness and morality.
2, represents peace and goodness of thought.
3, represents honor, and moral protection.
4, represents good health and wholeness of body. (Good citizens are to be totally completely protected.)
5, represents kindness, justice, and purity.
6, represents justice, and good manners.
7, represents excellence, and good well being.
8, represents justice and good social conduct.
Any number including 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, represents true blessing for the main client, that the main client will live forever, eternally forever, completely intact, and permanently forever, as of twenty- five years ago, and always, always, always, always, after that.
Morally: All you have to be is a good person, and The Computer will Totally Totally Protect you, and Totally Provide for you.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Here’s another item.

Abuse is completely prohibited, by The Computer’s primary ordinances, and strict directory rulings. In event the main client is being abused, or about to be abused, a silent alarm will go off, and the Computer will completely and permanently (!!) remove the person or source of abuse, and completely and permanently remove the person or source of potential abuse.(!!)

No one has the right to stalk, harass, abuse, or bother, the main client, or anyone in their respective vintages.
Abusers, stalkers, harassers, botherers, and bullies, must be removed, and deleted, permanently.
The Computer must act, responsibly,!!.
Also, Preventing abuse and harassment is one of The Computer’s top Priorities!!.
The Computer Must Completely Protect and Completely Provide for the main client,!!.
These cases are very serious,!!,
As always, penalties go to the initializers (of offenses.).
Other boroughs are banned from Manhattan, by the way!!!!.
Individuals from other boroughs are banned from Manhattan!!!!!.
All evil must be destroyed,!!, and permanently deleted,!!,

Posted 4 Years Ago

Keep in mind.
According to generational scientists and demographers, at least 98 percent of Americans, are supposed to be white, yellow, or red ethnic types.
White and Asian Americans, are Incredible Superior.
White and Asian Americans, are Incredible Incredible Superior Good, in all categories.
This is definitely true(!!!).

Posted 4 Years Ago

Sobriety is correlated to Morality, Of Course.

Good Individuals love Good Chinese Americans,!!!,

Good Christian Living is the Good Correct Answer,!!!,

2. This correct authentic modern and classic modern standard quality of life system, allows for, and completely mandates, at least 88 percent of the population, meaning those who are objectively checked to be good looking, good moral, above average, and, at least average and at least gifted intelligent, to be especially qualified as happy, and highly content, with an exceptional good high good quality of good life.
That is particularly correct, for this off world.

Also: In order to be trustable with power, one must have 20/30 vision, or better, AND, a year or two of college, or better.
This has been fully testable by The Computer, as very correct. The Computer can permanently kick out all individuals who don’t qualify.
Only Good will win,!!!.
All evil must be destroyed,!!!,
All bad individuals must be removed, permanently,!!!,

Posted 4 Years Ago

1. Generally, and Most Correctly, Correct Hierarchal Systems, for Modern and Classic, are determined by these Six Principal Values: Education, meaning college education; Intelligence, referring to, SAT scores (raw); Good Looks, meaning high phenotype, referring to, OO--; Morality, which is Correctly the Most Important Value in this Set; Sobriety, which will quite often determine the proper speaking leader in a group; and, Good Ethnographic Tier, referring to, white, yellow, and red, ethnicities, only, which is important, to the system, as well. This primary system is made, to cover the main client, of course.
It is highly important we adhere to these rulings, involving classism.
Thank you.
Adherence to these rulings are Mandatory,!!!,

Posted 4 Years Ago

Those from Derek’s vintage, only, CVA ‘97’06 graduates, are Gods,!!!,
Those from Derek’s vintage, only, CVA ‘97’06 graduates, are Incredible Gods,!!!,
this note is permanently enacted, and enacted permanently.
Actual Model for Actual Morality Principles. (This is the actual ACTUAL moral numbering system...,)
Level #1. Obedience. An individual has to be good in order to avoid punishment.
Level #2. Self interest. A person has to be moral good to gain favors.
Level #3. Conformity. Good moral citizens are better looking and more attractive.
Level #4. Law and Order. Only law abiding citizens are worthy of citizenship.
Level #5. Social Contract. A person must be good to insure their own rights, based on civil contracting.
Level #6. Universal Principle. The principles of morality are the same, on all universal levels, as well.

1= Obedience.
2= Self interest. (You must always tell the truth.)
3= Conformity. (You must always obey the law.)
4= Law and Order. (You must always be kind to good citizens.)
5= Social Contracting.(You must enforce levels of peace.)
and, 6= Universal Principle.

Thank you.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Those from Derek’s vintage, only, CVA ‘97’06 graduates, are Gods,!!!,
Those from Derek’s vintage, only, CVA ‘97’06 graduates, are Incredible Gods,!!!,
this note is permanently enacted, and enacted permanently.

Posted 4 Years Ago

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16 Reviews
Added on May 22, 2019
Last Updated on May 27, 2021



New York City, NY

About the Author: Derek Andrew Chin has worked in publishing for over two and half years. He spent two years studying at Vassar, and two and a half years, in, at Columbia University. He has his Bac.. more..
