to my my beautiful newborn niece<3

to my my beautiful newborn niece<3

A Poem by ducky(:

i see the picture of my niece and my eyes water, 
knowing she is unhealthy makes me sad, 
knowing it may be a while since i will meet her makes me sad, 
seeing how beautiful she is makes me want to hold her,
 but since i cant it makes me wanna cry, 
i love her more than anything and she is my everything♥ 
i love you elissa lynn boyden (born december 5, 20ll)

© 2011 ducky(:

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she gets better more and more each day she can finally breath on her own:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I hope your niece gets better. Well, if she already is better then good.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Nice write. and for the baby's healt I hope she gets better soon

Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on December 25, 2011
Last Updated on December 26, 2011



scrumdiddlioumcious land,, CA

im 15 and i have the most amazing boyfriend in the world and no one could make me happier i love singing! reading, writing and music. I live in a foster home and I have been in the same home for 5 1.. more..

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