The Lonely Shore

The Lonely Shore

A Poem by Donald

How does feel if you are meeting your loved from from the other side of the world. I guess I'll find out when she gets here.


To be alone on the shore to the sea.

Feeling the spray of the ocean on your face does not dull the pain of an aching heart.

You are truly alone,

even in a crowd of people playing and laughing on the beach.

You stand there waiting for your love to come,

from the other side of the ocean.

Many things pass through your mind. 

Is this trick,

Is she coming here to truly see and be with me.

What will I say to her when she arrives.

Will her beauty match the pictures that she sent me..

Still you wonder.

You communicate through text messages,

through e-mail and perhaps you may have heard her sweet voice.

But still the doubt lingers in the back of your mind.

Will she like me for who I am,

what if she is repulsed by my appearance.

What is I am not what she expected.

All of this doubt lingers in the back of your mind.

Then thoughts turn to her.

Is she pretty,

does she like the same things that I like,

will she be what I expected her to be.

Always you are asking what if.

What if this and what if that.

Never a straight answer to yourself.

But still you wait.

She is coming here to see you and only you.

Where can she go to if you don’t like each other.

But these questions will have to wait for now she is arriving,

soon she will be in your life for an eternity.

One word says it all.


© 2013 Donald

Author's Note

Just for the record, I am going through hell right now.

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Donald, in line eleven you should change the word "see" to read "she". I hope you graciously accept editorial help. Your friend in words, Pete

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

I have no problem accepting you correction. Everyone needs help from time to time. Thanks.

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1 Review
Added on September 10, 2013
Last Updated on September 11, 2013



Battle Creek, MI

I enjoy writing poetry. It allows me to express myself and clear my head. It gives me focus. I enjoy science fiction, photography and I am single at the moment. I am also a cat lover. I have written s.. more..
