The Beat Cop

The Beat Cop

A Story by Donald

This is not my usual cup of tea. It just came to me. It is a short story about an ordinary beat cop who walked the same streets and was never involved in anything that mattered. until now.


He had walked this beat for almost twenty year now. He had a partner for the first ten year, but he retired and they never bothered to replace him. He knew all the faces and where the hangouts were, Everyone called him by his first name and he knew theirs as well. Not much happened on his beat anymore. Most of the players had moved on to better places for them to sell their wares. Still things happened, Occasionally, a hooker or a junkie turned up dead in one of the dumpsters and the detectives were brought in to solve the matter, not him though. He was always stationed at the perimeter to keep the public away from the crime scene while the rest looked for clues to solve the murder. He was always on the outside looking in, thinking to himself that could have been him if things had worked out differently. He would have that gold shield instead of the silver one. But once the detectives were done and the body sent to the morgue. He continued on his rounds.  Halfway down his beat was a little bar that he would stop at to have a quick one before continuing on. A couple of the local hookers came over to greet him and ask him how his day was going. He’d explained that they found another body, they should be careful when they attended to their business of pleasure. They both smiled and offer him a free one if he ever wanted it. He always smiled and then told them that he take a rain check on their offer, but he never did, because he was a good cop. But in the back of his mind, the thought would remain. Once of these days I am going to take them up on their offer. He’d straighten his hat and started back on his rounds. About half a block down the street was a liquor store. It  had been robbed several times in the last year usually by some junkie looking for a fix. Something was different this time. Through the posters that covered most of the big window panes, he could see a pair of men wearing ski masks and  carrying sawed off shotguns. They were threatening the owner to open up the safe.. The cop quickly moved around the corner of the building, out of sight of the armed men. There, he called his precinct to report the  crime in progress and to ask for backup. They replied that a silent alarm had been activated and backup was on its way. He waited as long as he could before venturing out to take a look. One of the men had penned the owner down on the floor and threaten to blow his brains out if he didn’t open the safe right now. The cop drew his weapon from his holster. In his entire career, this was the first time that he had drawn it since he started walking his beat. He cocked the revolver and moved slowly toward the door. The pistol was firmed gripped with both hands as he moved slowly forward. Once he reached the door, he reached down to pull the door open slowly. The robbers were so engrossed in their task that they never heard him enter. Silently, he moved down the aisle toward the checkout register, keeping low to stay out of sight. In the background, he could hear the sirens of the cop cars as their raced to this destination. Thought started going through his mind, so should he wait for backup to arrive or should he take a chance. He knew if he waited too much longer the robbers would shoot the owner and then blast their way out, killing anyone who got in their way. Then he did it. He shouted “ This is the police. Drop you guns and get down on the floor!” at the top of his voice, The first gun man fired his shotgun narrowing missing him. The other pulled the owner up and got behind him using him as a shield. The cop jumped out of cover and fired pointblank at the first gun man, hitting in the chest. The force of the blast knocked him back into the cage surrounding the cashier. The cop quickly pointed his weapon at the second assailant, hiding behind the owner. The man threatened to kill the owner if the cop didn’t put down his weapon. For a moment the cop paused and then started lowering his weapon. The gun man quickly pointed the shotgun at him and was about to fire then two shots rang out bang, bang. The cop had quickly raised his gun and fired in rapid secession. One shot hit the robber in the neck and the other one caught him in the shoulder. The shotgun flew from his hands and landed on the floor.. The cop holstered his weapon and walked over to the first robber to check his pulse. He was dead, Then he walked over to the second robber, He was still alive, but blood was pouring from the neck wound. The cop applied pressure to the wound and managed to stop the flow. He looked into the robber’s eyes and could see the fear of what had happened. He then pulled off the robbers mask and  the look of shock rushed over him. He was just a kid, maybe sixteen at the  most. The cop then smiled told the kid that he was going to be alright and there was nothing for him to worry about. The  look of fear was replaced, by hope.  The police cars finally arrived at the scene and found the cop behind the corner helping the wounded assailant. An ambulance arrived at the scene to take the wounded man to the hospital and the coroner showed up to claimed the dead one. The detective arrived at the crime scene to begin their investigation. The cop explained that he saw the robbery in progress and moved in to investigate. They told him that he should have waited for backup. Then the store owner rushed up the cop and shook his hand thanking him for saving his life. He explained that those two would have killed him before backup had arrive and he managed to subdue the robbers before they could carry out their deed. The cop thanked him and merely told him that he was carrying out his duty. The detective in the light of this statement stopped asking cop any questions and went over to the dead victim. He pulled off the mask and here was another boy no older than the first. The paramedics managed to stop the bleed of the wounded boy and were getting ready to transport to the hospital for treatment. The detective walked over to the other boy and asked him what had happened. He explained that he and his friend were members of a local gang and that they were told to rob this place and to kill the owner to make statement that this was their neighborhood and no one could tell them what to do. He then told the detective that the cop had saved his life rather than let him die like his friend. The detective then walked over the cop and told him that he had done a good job and they would finish up here. The cop headed out. His hands were shaking from the fact that he had actually shot someone. Never in his career had he even pulled his gun until now. He turned around to go back to the little bar. The hookers were still sitting there waiting for business when walked in. The cop’s face was still pale from shock of what happened. He ordered an drink and down it rapid secession. Then he ordered another. Before he could down the second drink, one of the hookers asked him what had happened. He explained the details of his previous experience when one of the girl got behind him and began to massage his shoulders. The other girl climbed on his lap and started gently kissing him. The bartender seeing what was happening, then suggested that they should take that somewhere else. The cop offered no resistance as they lead to a room in a nearby hotel. There they pulled off his clothes and made love to him all night long. The next morning the cop woke up between the two girls and momentarily forgot what had happened and then he remembered and smiled. He said to himself that he should have done this a long time ago. Man what he was missing. For a while, he laid there between the two until they woke up They both smiled and told him that it was all part of the job. They also restated that if he wanted to do it again that they were both willing and able. He watched as the two girls slowly dressed, making sure he enjoyed every minute of it. Once they had finished they insisted on helping him dress. At first he resisted and then finally gave up As he left the room both girls smile and waved him a kissed. Before he could reach the end of the hall, both of the girls rang over to give him a kiss on both cheeks. Apparently, he had managed to satisfy both of them. Now he had to report to the precinct to file his report. Word had already spread throughout the building. Officers patted on the back and told him good job. More officers came up to shake his hand. As he walked into the locker room the watch commander came up to him and asked what had happened last night. No one had seen him return and the apartment super told them that never came home last night. Red in the face, he merely stated that he had spent the night with some friends .Seeing that he wasn’t giving the commander anymore details, the watch commander patted on the back and stated that he had put him in for a commendation for his actions yesterday. The cop quickly changed his clothes and started his patrol. This time as he stepped there seemed to be more bounce to it like right after he had graduated from the academy. Word had spread here about his actions and a number of the people walked up to shake his hand. He continued his patrol until he reached the bar. The bartender started to pour his usual, when the cop told him not today, that he was on duty. The two hookers walked over to greet him. He wrapped his arms around them and told them that he was going to take them on the town after he finished his rounds. They both gave him a passionate kiss and told him when they would be ready. As quick as he came in, he left. As he continued his rounds, he began to think about the kid in the hospital. Since the hospital wasn’t too far away, he decided to see how the kid was doing. He arrived at the hospital a short time later and the nurse at the desk told him that the young boy on the third floor under guard. There as an officer sitting in front of the boy’s room stand guard. The cop walked over to him and asked if he could see. The officer at first hesitated unsure what to do. Then he unlocked the door and allowed the cop to go in. Several IVs’ were inserted into his arm to replace his lost fluids. But he was conscious One hand had been handcuffed to the bed frame. The boy sat up as he approached. Then before the cop had started speaking the boy apologized for action he was glad that no else had been hurt. The cop then started to ask a few questions about his gang.  Up to this point he  had not told any other officer about the other member of the gang.  Apparently several months ago these kids showed up in the hood are realized what a gold mine this place was. Very few cops and lots of money to made. They then started making their presence known. They took over a bunch of hookers and killed anyone who resisted. Then they started making the store owner pay for protection. When owners resisted that is when they decided to kill the liquor store owner. The cop then wrote down all the detail that he learned then decided to return to the precinct to turn the evidence over to the detectives. As he left the hospital, he saw a group of kids coming toward him . They were wearing the same colors as the kids involved in the robbery. One of the kids pointed toward the cop and said,” That’s the pig that shot our homies.” Then the rest of the gang pulled out handguns and started firing. The cop jumped behind a nearby car for cover Bullets were flying everywhere. The cop calmly pulled out his gun and quickly look out from his cover. One of the kids had his leg sticking out and the cop took careful aim and shot. The boy dropped his gun and grabbed his leg in pain.. The cop then got on his belly and looked from under the car. He saw the feet of several of his attackers and rapidly fired. Both screamed in pain. This still left three unaccounted for .All of a sudden one of the attacker jumped out from behind a car ready to fire, but the cop was quicker. He placed two bullets right in his chest. He quickly reloaded to locate the last two. One of them was trying to outflank him and tried to shoot him in the back. The first shot missed and the second hit the cop in the shoulder. The cop quickly spun around, fired and  the boy was dead. This only left the gang leader At first he didn’t see him. But he saw him working his way to the entrance of the hospital. The cop quietly came up behind him and stuck his gun in the back on the gang leader and told him to drop his weapon. The leader compiled. The cop then handcuffed to a nearby post and sat down. His shoulder throbbed in pain from the injury. One of the nurses ran out to render first aid to the cop and then to the rest of the boys. A dozen police cars with the sirens going suddenly showed up at the hospital. The injured kids were handcuffed and taken inside for treatment. The watch commander walked over to the cop and sat down beside him and said. “I guess you must be wishing that you could retire now. You have seen more action in the last two days than in your entire career on the force.” The cop thought about it for a moment. Then he looked right at the watch commander and said, “No sir, I don’t Up until now, I have never really been a cop. I  was just someone who looked like a cop, but I only stood on the sidelines. Now I feel like a police officer. I feel like I have earned this uniform for the first time. Why should I give it up now.” The watch commander got up and pulled wounded cop to his feet.  The commander then said, “With a wound like that, they will keep you here a few days.” The cop replied, “No sir, I have a date with two ladies tonight and I think I would prefer their treatment to the hospital’s.”  The commander laughed and escorted the cop inside for treatment. Several hours later, the cop showed up for his date. The two girls, surprised by his appearance forced him down on the bed and stripped off all his clothes. They vowed that he wouldn’t leave there until he was fully healed.  Several weeks went by before the cop reported back for duty, fully healed. Again the watch commander asked him where he was and all he would say that he was treated by two angels from heaven. Addition to the commendation for bravery under fire, he was given a promotion to Sargent and assigned to the desk for the time being until he could take the test for detective.

Several days later a new officer had been assigned to take over his beat along with a rookie fresh from the academy. The new Sargent with his rank insignia freshly sewed onto his uniform lead this trio through his beat. Some of the onlookers scratched their head wondering what was going on. The sudden appearance of police cruisers and now this new trio was a bit hard to take. The police wanted to make sure that the previous gang had been taken care of and they could expect no more trouble in the neighborhood. Several of the locals came up to them to ask them what had been going on. The Sargent explained that he had been promoted and this two officers were replacing him. The locals shook his hand and told him that they were sad to see him go. But it was for a good reason and then they went on their way. The trio continued their tour. From time to time people would approach the trio and ask the same questions and he would give the same reply. Then they too went on their ways. Finally they reach the little bar and went inside. The two girls were sitting at their usual seats and the bartender was wiping down the bar top. As soon as the trio entered the girls walked over to greet the Sargent. They complemented on this promotion and wondered if he was leaving. The neighborhood. He merely stated that this was still his neighborhood and he wasn’t ready to leave it yet. The girls remarked that they would be waiting in the usual place and they still expected their night on the town. He laughed as assured them that as soon as he was done for the day, he would join them. They both laid a serious kiss on the Sargent and he changed several shade of red before they were done. Then they left to prepare for their date. The Sargent regained his composure and the three of them continued on their rounds. Before they had gotten very far, one of the officers asked him what was going on. He simply smiled and said, “A in the line of work, fellas, all in the line of work.” then he smiled again. Puzzled, by his response, They continued their rounds. Finally, they reached the store where his life was changed. The store owner was in the process of remodeling the store, installing cameras and a bullet-proof shields against would be robbers. As they walked in the owner walked over and shook his hand. He then explained that wanted to add more security to prevent further robbery attempts. To make sure that there would never be an incident like the last one again. The three continued their rounds. Finally, they arrived back at the station. The two officers went to the locker room to change back into street clothes and he went back to his desk. On the desk was a package, marked to our favorite officer. It was from the girls. Carefully he unwrapped the present. Inside was a key. Attached to the key was a card, stating that they were retiring from the business and he was welcome to move in with them when he was ready. Tears started streaming from his eyes from this simple gesture. He had forgotten how much he love his beat and all of the people on it. Now he was moving on, he would never walk this beat again, But he still had people he cared about and they cared about him. Now he was truly happy.


© 2013 Donald

Author's Note

I know there may be typos and grammar error, but bear with me.

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Added on September 12, 2013
Last Updated on September 12, 2013



Battle Creek, MI

I enjoy writing poetry. It allows me to express myself and clear my head. It gives me focus. I enjoy science fiction, photography and I am single at the moment. I am also a cat lover. I have written s.. more..


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