Nothing but a lonely heart

Nothing but a lonely heart

A Story by alexai

I hope people like it.


Once upon a time there lived a woman she was a pretty young lady hair dark as the night and lips as red as a rose and no I’m not talking about Snow White. I’m talking about the 23 year old Samantha. She was still in college, looking for a future till all that went away by a terrible but good looking man. How about this why don’t I just tell you what happened. This is her tale.

Chapter 1 Party forever

   Come on Sam we don’t want to be late for the party do we Samantha’s friend Betty said. I don’t know why I have to go can’t you go by yourself Sam said. No I want you to come I don’t like going alone to these types of things Betty said with a sad look on her face. Well to bad because I’m not going Sam yelled. Fine I guess I’ll go all by myself, and dance alone drink alone alright I’ll go with you Sam shouted with guilt in her eyes. Thank you I really owe you Betty said. Yeah yeah come on but if anything happens I’m going straight home Sam said. Ok Betty said with a little smirk on her face. They arrived at the party and just as they walked in there she saw him a handsome and yet beautiful man. His name was Tom Benton. He was standing next to the bar ordering a drink. As Sam kept glancing at him he noticed her right then he also thought she was pretty and beautiful. Tom walked up to Sam and gave her a drink. Hi Tom said how are you? I’m fine just here with a friend Sam said with a twinkle in her eye. Do I know you I think I’ve seen you before?   Well do you go to the University of Orlando Sam said? Yes I do Tom had said. Then that’s probably where you know me Sam said smiling like she never smiled before. Come on Sam I’m getting kind of tired Betty said leaning from side to side. Are you drunk Sam said irritated? No I’m just tired Betty said. Just as Betty walks away she throws up. I’m sorry let me get my friend home it was nice talking to you Sam said angrily. Its ok Tom had said. When Sam and Betty got into the car Sam took a last look at Tom as he helped Betty into the car. Hey I don’t know your name Tom shouted when the Sam gassed up the car. It’s Sam she yelled. My names, Tom have a good night Tom yelled as Sam drove away.

 Chapter 2 You again

 Ooooh my head Betty said as she was waking up. Here have some of this Sam said handing a glass of orange juice and aspirin. Thanks hey what happened to you, I was trying to find you but I wanted to get something to drink Betty said holding her head while drinking her orange juice. Oh I went to the bar Sam said looking everywhere hoping she wouldn’t notice my eye’s dancing. You met someone didn’t you; tell who it is please Betty said as she was heading towards me? Well look at the time it’s time to go to school well come on don’t want to be late. If you don’t know who’s telling the tale already then I’ll tell you it’s me Betty. It was really sad when Sam died so I decided to tell you how she got involved.  Anyway, while we pulled up to the school Sam notices the boy that she met at the club. Come on we have to hurry or we’ll be late Sam said as she was looking everywhere for Tom. We’re not going to be late we are in fact early fifteen minutes early Betty said as Sam kept pulling her arm. As Sam headed toward her locker she saw Tom talking to a teacher.  Hey Tom how are you Sam said as Tom headed down the hall her way? I know you your um ah what’s your name again Tom said as he was scratching his head. I’m Samantha but my friend Betty calls me Sam said with a dreaming look in her eye. So this is the person you met hi my name is Betty please take care of my friend Betty said as she took her hand from her pocket to try to shake Tom’s hand. Ding dong Ding dong well I have to go to class excuse me lady’s Tom said as he was walking away.

 Chapter 3 On a date

 It was after school and Sam and Betty were hanging out in the front of the school. Just when they are about to drive off Sam see’s Tom and shouts Hey Tom you want a ride she asks as she’s waving her arms everywhere. What the heck are you doing just because you know him doesn’t mean I do, he could be a psycho path for all we know Betty said. Just as Sam and Betty were talking Tom was right at the car. Sure I would like to have a ride home. Tom said looking happy. As they pulled up at his house Tom asked Sam if she could walk him to his door. Would you like to go somewhere with me Tom had asked?  Sure where do you want to go Sam had asked looking everywhere?  Just as Tom was about to say something Betty honked her horn, Come on we have to go back to the dorms in 30 minutes Betty yelled. Ok, so where do want to go Sam said in hurry. Well we can go to the movies I’ll pick you up later Tom said. Alright see you soon Sam had said as she was walking away. What are you and Tom going to do tonight Betty had said while eating some chips? How do you know about that Sam had said? Well first of all you are getting dressed and second of all I heard part of the conversation Betty said with a smile. Thank you for listening to my conversation Sam said with a sarcastic tone in her voice. Welcome so where are you guys going? Well we are going to the movies and after that don’t really know where Sam said with a smile. Well have a good time and don’t stay out to late cause you have to be back at a certain time Betty had said. As Sam was heading out the door Tom was waiting for her outside with a white mustang.  Whoa what a nice car you have Sam said looking shocked. Yeah my mom bought it for me well shall get going Tom said with a smile on his face. As Tom and Sam drove of they start heading to the theater. What movie are we going to see Sam asked? We’re going to see Die Hard Tom said. Oh ok well let’s go Sam said. When Tom and Sam started heading toward the theater a police officer came up to them. Have you seen this man his name is Ethan Woodwork the officer asked? He has brown hair blue eyes and is one of the most world’s most wanted said the officer. Whoa what did he do Sam asked? He changes his appearance and his name then goes of killing girls, women and men, so keep a close look out the officer said. When the officer was done telling them of the man Sam turned to Tom and wandered if he was the killer. You ok Tom asked? Yeah I’m fine just wandering Sam said. About what Tom had asked? Oh nothing come on let’s go and watch the movie Sam had said while a little crack of a smile on her face.

Chapter 4 Together we are

 Tom and Sam have been dating ever since they had gone to the movies that one night. They knew that there love was strong. Still something kept bothering Sam she still wandered if Tom could be the killer. Cause he had blue eyes and brown hair, but of course mostly all the boys at her college did too. So she started to do some research on Tom even though she knew that wasn’t the right thing to do, all she do was ask him but she was too scared. Every now and then Tom would show up at the girl’s campus to see Sam. Tom had invited Sam to his house one day. When Sam was at Tom’s house she started to ask him a lot of questions.  Hey Tom how old are you Sam asked? I’m 20 Tom answered. Where were you born Sam asked? Why do you need to know Tom asked getting defensive? I’m sorry I ‘m just still a little scared about what the police officer said I mean  the killer could be anybody said Sam looking scared. You think it’s me, well it’s not I would never do a thing like that Tom had said. I know it’s not you I’m just scared Sam said with a worried look on her face.  Just as Tom laid Sam on the couch Tom had gotten a phone call. Excuse me I have to take this Tom said. On the other end of the phone was his friend named Fred he had been Tom’s friend since they were in high school. I have to go Tom had said.  Where are you going Sam had asked with a worried look on her face? Tom had walked out of the building without answering her question.

 Chapter 5 The killer strikes

 While Sam and Betty watch television Tom and Fred go walking outside. So how have been man I haven’t seen you in a long time Fred said with a smile on his face? I’ve been seeing someone Tom said. Want me to do something about that Fred said while he was pulling out a knife. No its ok I think I’m starting to like her and she’s starting to like me Tom said. Whatever come on let’s go out and have some fun Fred said with an evil smile. Fred and Tom went to a movie theater and shot up the whole Fords Theater. They fled right when the police came, that night Tom spent the night over at Fred’s house. That was so fun wasn’t it I had such a total rush Fred said while trying to catch his breath. Yeah that was fun Tom said half smiling. What’s wrong you love doing this kind of stuff Fred said? Nothing I’m just worried that Sam will find out about me Tom said with a sad look on his face. You don’t need her you got me why don’t you just drop her Fred said while stashing away his gun under his pillow. You need to stop talking about her that way Tom said getting defensive. I’m just saying after all that time you’ve been hanging around her you have gotten a little soft Fred said. I said shut up Tom yelled. Why are so crazy for her she’s just like any other girl that we’ve seen. I said shut up Tom yelled.  Tom pulled out his gun out of anger and shot Fred twice, one in the stomach and one in the head. Tom left Fred’s house and started heading to Sam’s dorm, when all of the sudden he gets a call from Sam. Hello, are you ok I just heard about it on the news Sam said with a worried tone in her voice? What did you hear on the news Tom had asked? I heard that someone shot the Fords Theater you weren’t in there right Sam said still with a worried tone? No I wasn’t I’m fine I’ll be over at your place in a little bit Tom said. Ok I’ll be here Sam said. When  they  both  finished  talking  they  had  both  hanged  up.

 Chapter 6 Sam wants to know.

 Sam is really curios of who the person is who shot up Fords Theater, so Sam starts to look more into the shooting, cause she doesn’t want that to happen to her when she goes to a movie she wanted to catch the shooters. Sam recorded the News where the shooter strikes. Just when Sam was about to play the tape she made she heard a knocking at the door. Who is it Sam asked? It’s me Tom he replied. Oh ok come on in I just recorded the news about the shooters I was thinking we can catch the shooters Sam said looking all excited. You want to catch the shooters Tom said looking shocked? Yeah wouldn’t be cool I bet if we do catch them we’ll get a huge reward Sam said still with an excited expression. Betty what do you think we can catch the shooters Sam asked? Yeah I guess it’ll be kind of fun Betty said. So are you in Sam asked? When Sam turned around Tom was gone. Where’d he go asked Sam? Don’t know and I really don’t care where he went replied Betty. We need to watch the video again maybe we can get some clues Sam said. Ok Betty said. Once they watched the video they couldn’t see a thing the only thing they could see were two people running away at the crime. This is the only evidence you have how can we catch the killed with that Betty yelled. Look I can hack into the video cameras on the streets maybe that’ll give us some more info Sam said. When Sam finishes she can see the shooters coming into the theater but she can’t make out their faces. We can go to the police station in the morning and ask them if they can make the people’s faces clearer Sam said giving up. There has been another shooting, Fred Anneal has been found dead tonight the news lady said. His body was found by his landlord she had reported. I came to see if he had his rent but when I went in I saw him lying on the floor with a big hole through his chest the landlord said. You didn’t hear anything or see anything the news lady asked. No I didn’t I live on the first floor and he lived on the seventh the landlord said. Ok there you have it who ever can catch this person and turn him into the police will receive a 10,000 reward. Are you serious we have to find this person; do you know what we can do with that kind of money Betty said surprised?

 Chapter 7 You’re the killer

 The next day Sam and Betty go to the police station, to see who the person is on the video camera.  Excuse me I was wondering if you can help me Sam said? What do you need help with asked one of the police officers? I’m wondering if you can help us make this picture clearer because it’s all blurry Sam asked.  Sorry Ms we can’t help with things like that the officer replied. Oh ok hey maybe we can go to Fred’s landlord to see if he had any other friends Sam suggested.  The only friend he had was Tom so Tom did it the case is closed Betty yelled. Tom did not kill his friend Sam yelled back. Fine but I think he killed him Betty said. Let’s just ask the landlord ok Sam sighed. Once they got to Fred’s apartment the police was blocking off the place. Excuse me hi my name is Sam and I was wandering if Fred had any friends come over besides Tom Sam asked. Yeah but only tom would come and visit Fred the landlord said. Fred only had one friend and that was Tom for a matter of fact Tom was here in Fred’s room last night, I don’t remember him leaving though the landlord said. See I told you he did it let’s go tell the police Betty said while pulling on Sam’s arm. No not without proof Sam said trying to defend Tom.  Deep down Sam didn’t want to believe that Tom was the killer but mostly all the signs pointed to him. Why don’t we just check his records Betty said? Fine but how do we get them Sam asked. What do you think we ask the police Batty said? There going to wander why we want someone’s records Sam said. Then we just tell them it’s for a class project Betty said. While Sam and Betty were trying to get Tom’s records Tom was trying to get rid of all the evidence that pointed in his direction. We can’t find anything on Tom ok, Sam you were right can we go home now Betty pleaded. No there’s something wrong here it says here that Tom is 37 years old Sam said. So what’s your point Betty yelled. The Tom we now is only 25 Sam said looking scared. Let’s go to the police station again I think it’s still open Sam said. Again why Betty asked? There’s something weird going on and I want to know what it is Sam said. Excuse me sheriff but can you tell us more about the man named Ethan woodwork Sam asked? Not you guys again what do you want the sheriff asked in disgust? We just want to know who he is Sam asked? Well why won’t you look him up the sheriff said. Fine that’s what we’ll do then come on Betty Sam said while pulling Betty out of the station. Let me guess we go back to the library asked? Yep and we have to look up Ethan Woodwork Sam said. Once they looked up Ethan Woodwork they were horrified. Ethan had been one of the top five deadliest man in the world.  Tom’s probably Ethan Betty said not looking surprised. He’s not I know he’s not Sam said trying to defend Tom. Fine why don’t you ask him or search for clues I’m going home Betty said. Fine that’s exactly what I’ll do Sam yelled. When Betty left Sam had went over to Tom’s house to see how he was doing, when she got there she saw a lot of cars parked there. Sam wanted to see what was going on; she went to the door and heard something she wishes she didn’t hear. Hey Ethan what are you going to do about the police one friend said, nothing were not going to do anything Ethan aka Tom said. What about that girlfriend of yours we have to get her out of the picture the other friend said. You leave her out of this it has nothing to do with her Ethan said. Look I brought you guys over here because I need to help me kill of this one kid Ethan said. What’s his or her name and give us a picture of them we don’t want to kill the wrong person one friend said. Who cares at least it’ll narrow it down the other friend said. Anyway what’s the person’s name the friend said? Her name is Betty Ethan said. Just when Ethan said Betty’s name Sam busted through the door.

 Chapter 8 let’s get Betty

 Why would you want to kill Betty she’s my best friend Sam pitifully said. I want to kill her cause she always get’s in the way of our relationship don’t you want to come home without hearing where have you been or why are you late Ethan said. Yes but she says that cause she’s worried about me Sam said. Tom said Sam are you the killer Sam said? It’s about time you figured it out, come on guys let’s go get this Betty Ethan said. No I won’t let you Sam yelled.  Can I tie her up please one of Ethan’s friend said. Yeah you can cover her mouth too Ethan said. While Sam was all tied up with tape on her mouth Ethan and his friends went to go get Betty at her dorm. But Betty wasn’t there she had already left to go get Sam from Ethan’s house. When they got to Betty’s dorm her car wasn’t there. Darn it we just missed her Ethan yelled while kicking over a trashcan. Where do think she’ll be going one of Ethan’s friends asked? She’s probably going to my house come on we have to go before she gets to Sam. Once they left the dorms Betty was searching for Sam in Ethan’s house. Sam where are you better not jump out and scare me because if you do I swear I’ll punch you in the face Betty said all scared. In a muffled voice Sam cried out I’m over here in the living room behind the couch. But Betty couldn’t hear her because Betty was in the kitchen room. Just as Betty was about to come a little closer to Sam Ethan and his friends came into the room. Well hello Betty looking for something Ethan asked? What do you think; I’m looking for Sam where is she Betty said looking mad?  When Betty was looking everywhere for Sam Ethan had grabbed a knife from the counter. Betty saw the showdown of Ethan trying to stab her she got out of the way but the second time he had gotten her. Betty had a long cut wound on her arm. Betty cried out in pain and still tried to fight back, all the fighting made her forget about Sam. While Ethan’s other friends were keeping an eye on Sam Betty and Ethan were fighting they both were getting cut up and both of them bleeding. But Betty did something that Ethan didn’t aspect. When he tried to stab her Betty went for the knife and pulled the knife out of Ethan’s hands and stabbed him right in his arm she was trying to aim for his chest but missed. Crying out tin pain Ethan started to break everything in sight cause he didn’t know how to get the knife out it was in too deep, while Ethan was breaking everything  Betty was still trying to find Sam. All this commotion made the other guys go check it out. When the guys left Sam Betty could see which direction they went. Sam are you ok what the heck is going on Betty asked as she was untying Sam. Ethan it’s Ethan he’s the killer Sam tried to explain but it was too late Ethan was right behind Betty with the knife, blood was oozing everywhere. Who is Ethan Betty asked? Tom is Ethan Sam shouted. Ethan striked at Betty and stabbed her right in her hip Betty cried out in pain she had lost a lot of blood. Ethan tried to stab Betty again but Betty had kicked Ethan in the face and he went unconscious for a while. While Ethan was unconscious Betty untied Sam and called the police. Come on we have to get out of here Betty said while trying to help Sam up.

 Chapter 9 the showdown

 Just when Betty and Sam were about to walk out of the door, Ethan came out and jumped on Sam trying to stab her in the chest. Betty tried to help Sam but Ethan had smashed Betty into the wall. I’m sorry it had to come to this; we could have been great together Ethan said with a crazy look on his face. We can be together all you have to do is put down the knife and get you some help Sam said trying to reason with Ethan. You don’t get do you there’s nothing wrong with me I’m a hundred percent fine don’t you know that Ethan said waving his knife around. No you’re not you’re not fine at all you need help let me help you Sam said trying not to cry. I don’t need it Ethan shouted. Sam was terrified she didn’t know what to do she had never fought before but she did Sam took of her shoes so if she needed to run she could. Ethan could see what Sam was trying to do so he put down his knife to try to make it a little fair, but when he did Sam took of running she ran all over the house Ethan couldn’t catch her cause she was to fast. Ethan was getting tired of chasing her around, so he ambushed Sam by trapping her in the kitchen and there was only one way to get out of there. I thought I would never catch you, you run pretty fast Ethan gloated. Please don’t do this I thought you loved me Sam said pleading. I did but you know who I really am and for that I’m going to have to kill you Ethan said raising his knife in the air. I won’t tell the cops even though there on their way I won’t tell them a thing Sam said still pleading. I’m sorry Ethan stabbed Sam again and again. Just when the cops came Betty started to wake up. Halt everyone is under arrest the police shouted. No it was them we were taken hostage Betty said trying to reason with the police. Who held you hostage the police asked? It was Ethan Betty answered. Where he is one police asked looking around in the room? Oh no he escaped wait where’s Sam Betty asked? While the police were getting Ethan’s friends into the police car Betty was looking for Sam. Nooooo, Betty cried out. What do you see the police asked? It’s nothing, nothing but a lonely heart Betty cried. Next to the heart lied Sam. Sam’s heart had been cut out and placed right next to her.

 The funeral chapter 10

 Two weeks later.

  It was a sad day for us all Sam had died and the killer was gone but I swear I will find him. As I looked down at Sam’s face I couldn’t help but cry.  After they put Sam five feet under I swore on my life I would catch the Ethan.  What happened to the heart some people would ask me when I told them my story? The heart was given to the parents of Sam. I could see how sad her father was even though he didn’t show it. The night of her funeral I lay a white flower on her grave and sadly walk away, Ethan got away but what he doesn’t know is that I’m coming after him I said with anger in my eyes.

 The end.

© 2013 alexai

Author's Note

I didn't know how to end it. I hope everyone likes it.

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For some reason, im sure you got the whole murder idea from me. Anyway, its good, but somtimes i get lost on who is speaking, can try to separate with quotations and every time someone speaks a new paragraph starts. Great, not bad :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

I'm not I came up with this by myself. Thankyou I'll try to remember.

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1 Review
Added on April 15, 2013
Last Updated on April 15, 2013



Okinawa, Japan

I love puzzles and playing with my sister. I love the beach. I also love writing I've always wanted to write something and hopefully it will be published. more..

the future the future

A Poem by alexai