

A Poem by Paladin4life

A little something on my true love


Oh beloved my beloved my heart is forever yours

Oh beloved my beloved from whence art thou come

Surely an angel hath descended from lofty celestial realm

Certainly thou hast come to me from city of gold and pearl

For no being of earth couldst thou be

Nay no dust sired soul could ascend to your stature

Bathed in purity washed in virtue

Noble art though above all women

Yet within your heart is a fire

unbridled passion glows in thine breast

for me dost thy soul's embers flame

Oh beloved my beloved my heart is engulfed by your fire

Though in flesh thou hast never appeared to this weary soul

Zealous for your love my mind's eye is fixed upon thee

In the weary night hours while paupers are princes

and princes reign as kings in the land of dreams

I dwell on my peaceful green hill

Then thy wings shimmer as the sun

as from the clouds my love though dost descend

The moonlit hours we weather as one

Under the fruit laden trees in this orchard of visions

All too swiftly the dawn breaks as the oceans tide

And to heaven thou dost return

Bound to Adam's realm I awake from sweet slumber

Oh beloved my beloved I know thou dost exist

Drunken on thy love my angel I will wait forever

I will wait for thee my heavenly love

Until from the stars thou dost descend in palpable form.








© 2009 Paladin4life

Author's Note

Thanks for reading. God bless!

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Amazing! The style of the poem from the beginning had my attention. It was romantically pretty :) Great job!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is so cute! I loved it. It flowed so well and the style reminds me of a hymn from the reformation. Very well done!

~God Bless!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on December 5, 2009
Last Updated on December 6, 2009



Kingsport, TN

Greetings! I am a 28 year old born again Christian, preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as the owner of a B.A degree in Psychology. I read the Bible more than anything else, because I base.. more..
