Messed Up Life

Messed Up Life

A Story by Mudkipz

Some of my problems...>.>


 When you love someone, but it goes to waste…could it be worse?


 Yes. Yes it could.


 That’s a line from the song Fix You by Coldplay if you didn’t know. But I know that answer since well, I loved someone, turns out he basically hated me, then things got worse.


 Here is my story.


 I told you I loved someone, right? Well, I told my friend Laura about it so she told me he didn’t like me very much. At all. I was kind of heartbroken, ok, I WAS, but that’s beside the point. I started crying and I didn’t know what to do. So I decided to stop loving him. (Why couldn’t my common sense kick in earlier??)


 So, the next weekend, the guy I used to love stalked me and Laura to the bowling alley. I just have to say, I was so pissed then I felt angry enough to kick someone’s a*s.

And then, yesterday…someone in my neighborhood got shot. I don’t know who, or why…and how they are doing. I just heard about it.


 Worst of all…Laura, I think you may cry by just READING this. Yesterday, about 2 hours after the gun shot, Laura told me about a friend of mine, Sarah and her best friend, Joy. Well, Laura accidentally got into Sarah’s messages and found notes between her and Joy saying stuff like I love you! And, I’ll always remember last weekend! We think Sarah may be bi now…we never thought she would be. Plus, Laura is a little jealous of Sarah, since Joy is supposed to be Laura’s BFF and now Sarah is.


 Man, things are so fucked up right now…

© 2010 Mudkipz

Author's Note


My Review

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:/ I kept thinking about the Sarah & Joy thing in gym class yesterday, and several times I almost started crying.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 15, 2010
Last Updated on September 15, 2010
Tags: problems, life, stalkers, heartbreak, hurt, gun shot, Laura, friends, bi, change, messed up



Somewhere....., IL

Well,I made this account for my friends in school to see my writing,since I want them to know I'm a writer. I am 13,my birthday is November 23rd,and I am a Saggitarius. I like to write,play game.. more..

Bon Voyage! Bon Voyage!

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