1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians

A Poem by eglantine

For Mr. and Mrs. Garrison Wall, August 4th, 2012

Love is patient, love is kind.


We all must pass through the valley of winter

at least a few times during the cycle of breath

on our way to the lake warm with sun.

We must all venture in the unknown expanse, arm

faithfully outstretched like a wave reaching for shore,

a flame for the stars, my best friend for a man I consider

a brother.


It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.


Not every road is paved in sapphire and it does

not always lead to the winning lottery ticket, but

today you both gain a life-long companion to travel

every dust-scarred trail and thorn-pricked path with.  


It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking,


The mute sun bathes the moon in solar blush and the moon

sings like a mocking jay, quietly

in the dark for its star-crossed lover.


it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.


The heart can easily become as heavy

as the earth we walk on.  A photograph taught

me how to prevent this: tie your bitter

words to a string and let the balloon take them away.


Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.


Words are translated through speech

and through action: a kiss, a glance, holding both hands

and heart.  Skin whispers on skin and pulse sings to pulse,

like beluga whales in the grey-blue arctic.


It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.


Keep each other’s hearts clasped in your souls

oyster, its nacre-lined locket and continue to cultivate

it with tenderness and trust: the heart, a pearl, shines

luminescent within a faithful grasp.


Love never fails.


The heart cannot rust and the soul cannot tarnish.

Speech fades and skin pales,

hair thins and sight dims,

muscles atrophy and heartbeats cease.

Life slips, but love lasts.  Our souls carry

that moon-blushed pearl into the heavenly ‘forever after’

and like a beluga’s song, it calls out for its match

that was kept tucked in a dark locket in life, but now

shines bright like sun-sparks.  They call out to each other

like fireflies, warm paper lanterns dangling tenderly in the dark:

two loves together for eternity.

© 2012 eglantine

Author's Note

Ok, I need all the help I can get with this one. It's the first draft of the poem my best friend asked me to write for her wedding that is quickly approaching. I'm goign to be reading it at the actual ceremony so I'm quite anxious about it being perfect, or as close to perfect as a poem can get. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE genuine feeback is greatly appreciated! Also, undecided as to whether bible verse lines should lead or follow cooresponding stanzas...

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Featured Review

well so far this is beyond exceptional. I'm completely humbled reading this. At this point I think you're the only one to make the tweaks, and adjustments. As a writer I must say that you are much more capable than I am, I think it could get a bit confusing if the verse lines came after, unless you were to repeat them once before then after the stanza's. Seriously wow.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Your writing is superb.

Posted 11 Years Ago

well so far this is beyond exceptional. I'm completely humbled reading this. At this point I think you're the only one to make the tweaks, and adjustments. As a writer I must say that you are much more capable than I am, I think it could get a bit confusing if the verse lines came after, unless you were to repeat them once before then after the stanza's. Seriously wow.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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12 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on July 2, 2012
Last Updated on July 2, 2012



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