

A Poem by danielle.

I think of this
more than I should
Not like I can’t
although I would

I find my mind
wanders away…
Perhaps we’ll meet
another day?

And oh the places
that I go
when I have lead
my self astray…

In waking dreams
I ebb and flow
Again digress;
It’s not a game.

In fear I hide
It keeps me safe
What will it cost
to stay the same?

So is the thing
for all It’s worth
better conceived
and never birthed?

© 2023 danielle.

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Is it my imagination or is your mind etched with hidden dichotomy? You've laid words with care but seem to question them, danielle.. and yet their meanings are clear as 'mentioned'. The penultimate verse seems to answer its very own question.. perhaps? You have so often in the past trail=blazed thoughts and actions but this is a gentle path. You write with great feeling, luv.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Your opening verse sets the pace and made me smile, in fact, I read and re-read it several times before moving on .. Verse two reads like an outer body experience, depersonalization or day dreaming .. and verses three and four hold the whole thing beautifully together whereas your summative verse poses a pretty conundrum to ponder .. I enjoyed this visit and muchly so .. Neville

Posted 1 Year Ago

"I find my mind
wanders away…
Perhaps we’ll meet
another day."
The uncertainty and hope that these lines hold are commendable. I absolutely loved this poem, Elle_morell!

Posted 1 Year Ago

I do believe. The mind, the imagination must be excited first. When someone stayed in our mind. We hope for a miracle. I liked the flow of thoughts and the questions, you asked. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 1 Year Ago

never birth...sometimes we are more afraid of reaching our dreams than not reaching them.
And we end up staying in place and missing out.

Posted 1 Year Ago

I guess to answer that we would have to see how this "thing" goes. I like to lean on, "nothing ventured, nothing gained" but that is just me because I know there have been some "things" that after all was said and done, I have asked the same question. Nicely crafted, the flow of this works good.

Posted 1 Year Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on October 27, 2022
Last Updated on May 26, 2023



Sunshine Coast , Australia

Ripples Ripples

A Poem by danielle.

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A Poem by danielle.

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